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Everything posted by er34gtt2000jp

  1. Yeah, I did not have to pour it on too thick though. His fiancé was all for it, but he put up a fight to the very end. I have to say they were nice enough but i still think they needed to be more up front in their auctions. I am just glad it worked out well for me, and kinda felt good to stick it to the guy who originally sniped the car from me! Check out the photos I posted here, remember the bondoed rear bumper indentations? http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/album?.dir=/df68 Thanks again for your help and hope to see you at MSA
  2. STOP reminding me!!!!! The horror, I haven't even checked my bank account since I got back.
  3. OK guys, It looks like they approved my photos. I did a little work on the Z, mainly exploratory surgery but the verdict is good. I took off that mangled fender and the air dam. The inner fender looks good, the front part where the headlight and hood hinge bolt up is a little tweaked. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=447cscd.jpg I think I will take it to a body shop and have that professionally fixed after I have the shell stripped. I took a bunch more photos too, the rear bumper indentations on the quarters had been filled with bondo and very poorly at that. It took me about 30 seconds with screwdriver to get them to this; http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=adf3scd.jpg here is the remains, let this be a lesson to all....never bondo over painted metal! http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=5c01scd.jpg I had to pull the cowl to get the fender off so i cleaned out the crap from under the cowl and took these photos as well, looks pretty good if you ask me. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=23d9scd.jpg http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=548bscd.jpg http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=fd77scd.jpg I also took a few of the frame rails and floors, gonna need a little work here. One small rust hole on the drivers side, but that is all I could find. Pretty solid, just bent up a bit. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=312bscd.jpg http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=a879scd.jpg And lastly the drivers dogleg, by far the worst rust on the car. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/big_daddy_nismo_4x4/detail?.dir=/df68&.dnm=970bscd.jpg All in all I think i made out pretty good, just don;t ask how much it cost me in gas!:nervous:
  4. Hey guys, Sorry I am late but we were so beat Saturday night and I could not get the forum to load on my laptop so I said F*** it and went to bed. Well I was able to get the white 240Z and only paid $270.00 for it! Very little rust from what I can tell, hatch, trunk and floorboards all good! Doglegs need a little attention, but the frame rails and battery tray are A-1 sweet-as! I need to send a HUGE thanks out to Art, you are the proverbial POOP! Thanks for the help and advice, and for coming along for the ride......I was a bit nervous about driving off into the back woods with some stranger who seemed nice enough but you never know right! I am sooooo glad I did not get the brown 72' it was way bad! Pretty complete but would have needed an entire new front end from the shock towers forward. Anyway, back to the story! After you left, it got to be almost 2PM and I was thinking to myself it is gong to take us a good 4 or 5 hours to get to Flagstaff. This SUX! So that was it, I was walking down the hill going to get in my truck and go home. Pretty bummed. Then the guys girlfriend shows up, the one who was setting up the auctions. She was very concerned about the brown car and almost fell over when she saw the white one. After we explained the situation, It took about 2 minuets for her to ask me to make an offer on the white one! So then came the loading fun! After getting my truck up the mountain and changing the one tire out that someone had try to steal and removed all the lug nuts I tried to turn my truck around in this maze of cars and small trees! Well anyone who has towed a U-Haul auto-transport know they do not back up for crap! So it took about an hour and my truck in 4WD Lo to get turned around. Then in the middle of this the transfer case in my truck decided it wanted to go into neutral and get stuck! So now we were STUCK in bum-f***-egypt on the side of a mountain with a POS U-Haul trailer hanging off the back of my truck! Oh and did I mention cell coverage is almost nill and it was 3PM now! So that was it, now I was really going home, I called USAA roadside assistance and was was about to disconnect the trailer so we could pull my truck down the hill (so the wrecker could find us!) when along comes some guy who is a Suzuki dealer mechanic. He saved my arse! He gets my truck into 2WD and helps me get turned around so I could drive back down the hill and load the Z up. Well by this time it is after 4PM and we finally get the Z loaded. Thanks god I borough my Z keys with me. I was able to jiggle the ignition enough to get the steering unlocked and with the help of two other guys and my wife we pushed the car up the little incline it was on and down around the bend to the trailer. We made it into Flagstaff about 10PM and let me be the first to say, I SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN GALLUP! That drive SUCKED!!!!! Especially since I was dirty, tired, hungry (no lunch or dinner) and I got a bit of sun stroke to boot! So I was feeling like CRAP and had to drive for 5 hours to get to the hotel. But a we made it back to Cali last night in one piece. The car is still on the trailer (all the tires are flat again). But I could not be happier! Here is a run down on the car; 1973 240Z original color was Orange appears to be the original engine, with 3 screw round top carbs 3 into 2 header and cheesy monza tip with no muffler not too much rust (that I can find so far) SUPER COOL Wheels! (for 1980 maybe) and it needs a complete restoration! Damage to right front fender, bent the inner fender up a bit where the headlight extension bolts on but it is fixable All in all it was an exciting trip, full of peril and drama. But i would not have passed it up for anything. Thanks again Art and to everyone who posted on this thread. You guys rock! Oh and as soon a an admin approved my photos you can see the car in my gallery. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=8081 I will post some more photos and an update now and then on the car later. Eric
  5. er34gtt2000jp posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. er34gtt2000jp posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  7. er34gtt2000jp posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  8. er34gtt2000jp posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. er34gtt2000jp posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. Well, we are taking off to New Mexico here shortly to go pick up the $250.00 Z. I will try to post some photos of it tomorrow night from my hotel. Wish me luck! Eric
  11. Hey guys! Thanks for the offers to go out and look at the car for me. Unfortunately the seller will not be available until Friday. I will be leaving California at 6AM Friday so it really does me no good. If either one of you want to hook up Saturday morning when I go out to pick up the car, let me know. Maybe you can score some parts, I will be bringing my tools with. Thanks again for the offers, I really appreciate it. Eric
  12. Art, Thanks man! I am planning the trip for this weekend, so i will shoot them an email and see if they can get time to meet you this week. I will get back to you. Thanks again. Eric
  13. UPDATE - Well I just got word that the damage in the front is only the lower center valence, grill is a little tweaked too. But the engine is complete. No outwardly signs of rust, but the interior is shot. There is a hole in the windshield the size of a baseball. Not sure how much rain they get there but it is the desert. :paranoid: I think the parts themselves will be worth the $750 or so the whole deal could cost me. I hope.
  14. Well its is a 2300 mile round trip, but as for the rust and damage I will have to wait and see. At least this car is pretty complete from what I can tell and it has a title. Becieds I am going to take my wife and son to the Grand Canyon and buy some of those stupid little pens that have the floaty thingys in them. It's only money right?
  15. a7dz, I have the place, some of the tools and all of the ambition to take on the rust monster, but I would rather not if you know what I mean. I do however have a 280Z 2+2 parts car that could donate as much of it's front clip as needed. If I need to replace.....let me rephrase when I need to replace the battery tray or inner fender I have a pretty good one to use. Same with the frame rails in the front. The floor pans and rockers are a different story however. As for the skill, never done any welding, just 3 years as an aircraft painter. I do plan on getting a welder for the project though. I know I will need it at some point. Who knows maybe I will get lucky and the car turns out not to be a Flintstone car! Or I will score something else. Thanks again for the replies.
  16. Thanks for the encouraging words . At least I am not the only guy crazy enough to think about Makeing a long road trip to pick up a Zed! You sound like you have made a mini career out of it. At least I will have a slightly bigger trailer to do it with. In my conversations with the seller they mentioned that if I get there and want another car instead we could work something out. So I think they are good people just not gear heads. I have already pretty much committed to the trip, gonna stop by the Grand Canyon on the way home, I was just started to get cold feet after finding out the car was in worse shape than I thought. I am one of those guys who love Zed's enough to do this, hell I almost brought one back from Japan but the deal fell through. Thanks again for the replies!
  17. Thanks for the replies so far, Yeah the rust factor has yet to be determined, from what I saw in the two photos it looks OK but no pics of the floorboards or frame rails. Will have to wait and see about it I guess. I am planning the trip this coming weekend and hope to pick up the car on Saturday. It will end up costing me more in gas then the car cost me but I guess that is what we do for the love of the hobby eh!
  18. OK everybody, Some of you may have seen the recent thread about "two Z's in the desert going cheap." Well I bought one of them for $250 and from the photos it looked like a steal. But I just found out that the car may be worse off than the auction and photos led me to believe. My question is, before I make the 2300 mile round trip trek do you guys think a $250.00 supposedly fairly straight and for the most part not rotted out 1972 240Z worth it? As far as I know it has a clear title and is fairly complete, someone stole some stuff out of the dash and threw a rock through the windshield. And I guess there is some damage to the front valance and grill. Interior is shot but it may have a complete original L24/ 4-speed. I may be able to source some parts for it from other cars the seller has but I have not heard back from them on it. I am looking for this to be a restoration-rectification project not a get out and drive it tomorrow car. It's just 2300 miles is a long way to go for a car that might be even worse than I know about now. It would be a BIG bummer to go all that way and find the car is a heap! What are your opinions? Personally I don't mind the drive for a car that can be restored and is not totaled.
  19. Hello all! Eric, 31 married with an 8yo boy who is as much of a gear head as his dad! Spent 8 years in Japan and loved every minute of it, so much I brought my own sporty little Japanese import back with me....and no it's not my car. My loving wife of almost 10 years now. Who incidentally just let me but my first 240z. Thanks honey. I own two Z's at the moment, a 75 280Z 2+2 and a 78 2+2 parts car. We will be going to New Mexico next weekend to pick up my 72 240 from the desert. (pics will follow) Well I have enjoyed the board this last year or so I have been a member and hope everyone keeps up all the good posting! Mata-ne!
  20. lonetreesteve, Thanks man! I will be sure to take some photos of it when I pick it up and after I get it back home. You mean the Pink one? I briefly thought about it but it looked too rough for me, and I am pretty ambitious when it comes to that.
  21. Hey Red-Eye, Thanks for the invite! I am thinking of making the trip on the 4th. You wouldn't happen to have and stock steelies with tires that hold air would ya? I was planning on just taking the ones off my 75' 280z and throwing them in the back of my Frontier if I can't find any in Pick n' Pull. Did you ever contact the seller? I have been talking with her for the last week or so and tried to buy the white 73’ but got sniped in the last 10 seconds. Would have got it for $300 if it weren’t for the sniper who has since re-listed the car on Ebay for like $500. Big bummer, but it looks like I was able to pick this one up for $250!
  22. I just bought the brown one!!! Now all I have to do is make the road trip from Sacramento, CA to Albuquerque to pick it up. I guess the person who bought it before thought they could drive it away, but it needs too much work for that. It looks pretty straight from the photos and I hope it is as clean as the seller said it is in the rust department. Now I have to get rid my 78' 2+2 parts car and my 68' Plymouth Satellite so I don’t get hell from my wife!
  23. The vin is not from a 240z if I am not mistaken as well.
  24. I would bet money it is 74' 260z, look at the wiring and connectors in the engine compartment as well as under the dash. That with the front turn signals in the grill, who in their right mind would go through the trouble to transplant those onto a 240z!!!! This guy should be strung up by his jock strap and beaten with his own cheesy rear wing! :mad:
  25. Well I subscribed to a couple Skyline Forums with er34gtt2000jp and was just too lazy to pick a new name when I registered here. er34gtt2000jp comes from my last car I owned in Japan a 2000 R34 Skyline 25GT-t in Bayside Blue. Now I have a 75 280z 2+2 here in California.

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