Various 240z parts.
Do you happen to have an ashtray?
Spindle trouble
Thanks guys...I feel a little better now that I know it wasn't just general buffoonery on my part.
Spindle trouble
I'm attempting to replace on the bushings on my '73 240. I'm almost finished with the front, but I'm having problems with the rear control arm. How the Hell do you get the spindle pin out? Is there some trick? If you can help, please be as detailed as possible...this is my first attempt at working on a suspension.
'73 rear control arm
I'm attempting to replace on the bushings on my '73 240. I'm almost finished with the front, but I'm having problems with the rear control arm. How the Hell do you get the spindle pin out? Is there some trick? If you can help, please be as detailed as possible...this is my first attempt at working on a suspension.
Blown Fuse
I have an electrical problem and I don't really understand the wiring diagram enought to figure it out . Every time I put a 10 Amp fuse in the Domelamp slot, the fuse blows immediately. Without the fuse, a voltmeter shows about 13 Volts across it. The clock, speedometer, and tach backlighting work but the other gauges, domelight, choke light, glovebox light, and map light don't. Where do I start?
Lots of Z-part!!!!!
Looking for a lot of small parts...right now I need a dome light, ash tray, and rear sway bar for a 73 240
4 spd vs 5 spd
Looking for a little history lesson...I have a '73 240Z (I'm the recent second owner) built in Jan of 73. It has a 5 spd but I didn't think the the original owner had it modified. But then again, I didn't think any 240s had 5 spds. Anyway, my Haynes manual kind of indicates that some 240s came with 5 speeds. If that's the case, is there an easy way to find out if my car originally came with a 5 speed?
'73 electrical issue
Finally got it started. When I got the distributor cap off to check the points, I found out that at some point, a piece of the little plastic part of the LT terminal where the condenser and LT lead connect had broken off inside the distributor. The square nut that holds the LT lead in place was also missing (found it and the plastic piece at the bottom of the distributor). Not sure what happened first (plastic piece or nut coming off), but I guess the LT lead was flailing around and eventually fused itself to the breaker assembly. Points were also pretty well burned up. Replaced the condenser, points, rotor, and cap and fixed the LT lead. Starts like a champ now!
'73 won't start
Finally got it started. When I got the distributor cap off to check the points, I found out that at some point, a piece of the little plastic part of the LT terminal where the condenser and LT lead connect had broken off inside the distributor. The square nut that holds the LT lead in place was also missing (found it and the plastic piece at the bottom of the distributor). Not sure what happened first (plastic piece or nut coming off), but I guess the LT lead was flailing around and eventually fused itself to the breaker assembly. Points were also pretty well burned up. Replaced the condenser, points, rotor, and cap and fixed the LT lead. Starts like a champ now!
'73 electrical issue
'73 with manual transmission. Battery died when I accidentally left the accessories on. Recharged the battery, starter motor cranks, but will not start. Got a new battery (was going to get one anyway) and replaced the spark plugs (needed to anyway). Checked for spark against the block...no luck. Checked the coil-distributor wire for spark...no luck. Suspected it was a bad coil. Got a new coil and resistor but still got no spark. Turns out the coil itself isn't getting any power. Did some caveman wiring diagram interpretation...looks like one wire essentially goes from the ignition to the coil via the tach. Checked that wire and it is supplying power from the ignition. I'm guessing that the problem is somewhere between there and the coil. Is there something obvious or not so obvious I should be checking?
'73 won't start
'73 with manual transmission. Battery died when I accidentally left the accessories on. Recharged the battery, starter motor cranks, but will not start. Got a new battery (was going to get one anyway) and replaced the spark plugs (needed to anyway). Checked for spark against the block...no luck. Checked the coil-distributor wire for spark...no luck. Suspected it was a bad coil. Got a new coil and resistor but still got no spark. Turns out the coil itself isn't getting any power. Did some caveman wiring diagram interpretation...looks like one wire essentially goes from the ignition to the coil via the tach. Checked that wire and it is supplying power from the ignition. I'm guessing that the problem is somewhere between there and the coil. Is there something obvious or not so obvious I should be checking?
Coolant reservoir
I'd like to put a coolant reservoir in my '73 240z but I'm having a hard time finding one that will fit. Jeff Wharton
'73 parts
Thanks! Is this yours? If so, do you have any other parts available?
'73 parts
Just got a '73 240Z. Car's in good shape but has some cosmetic aftermarket parts on it. I want to get as reasonably close to OEM as I can. For starters, I like to find some side mirrors and a steering wheel. Please contact me at Jeff Wharton
parting 73 240Z
Just bought a partially restored '73. Has "Euro" steering wheel and side mirrors. Would like to replace them with "originals". What shape are yours in? Jeff Wharton