1st. Annual South Mountain Showdown!
1st Annual South Mountain Showdown, Lincoln, NH. July 21st, 2007. Rain date July 22nd. Come join us in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire! 20+ classes, awards in all classes, several top awards to be given out, dash plaques to the first 100 vehicles, giveaways, 50/50, music & food! Attached you will find a copy of the flyer. You can also find the flyer and registration form at: www.EastCoastCamaroClub.com or http://mjwrabbit.tripod.com/id28.html
26th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua, NH
26th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua, N.H. September 9th, 2007. 40+ classes, awards galore, several top awards in each category, super grab bags and dash plaques for the first 300 vehicles, Special raffle for a huge HDTV, tons of giveaways, 50/50 raffle, and music! You can also find the flyer and registration form at: www.EastCoastCamaroClub.com or http://mjwrabbit.tripod.com/id28.html -
26th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua, NH
cool! Thanks!
26th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua, NH
September 9th. 26th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua, NH Show Flyer Registration Form
25th Annual All Vehicle Show!!!
We are trying to beef up our import classes. We get more and more each year although, not enough from any one model to warrant a seperate class. If you bring them, we will create it! Like I said about the El Caminos. I would love to have to make a Z class!! I could not promise a class for this year though as it is too close to showtime. It is a fun show either way. Hope to see you there!
25th Annual All Vehicle Show!!!
Hi! I am the Membership Officer for the East Coast Camaro Club. I attend this show every year and every year it gets better! All different types of vehicles attend our show. (click on the registration form to veiw this years classes) All makes, all models. Anything from project cars to trailer queens and everything inbetween! As far as classes go... we had a sudden influx of El Caminos a couple of years ago and it forced us to create an El Camino class. This year there are two El Camino classes cause so many came and flooded the class!! Some clubs double our show as a club meeting. As a matter of fact, the El Camino club won the "Best Club" award last year! The same could happen with Zcars. So, round up the troops and come to the show, or just come yourself!!! We would love to have you!
25th Annual All Vehicle Show!!!
Only a few more days to get your pre-registration in!!
25th Annual All Vehicle Show!!!
25th Annual All Vehicle Show, Nashua NH. Click on the links below. Show Flyer Registration Form
24th Annual All Vehicle Show!! (Nashua, N.H.)
It's getting closer!! We stuffed the goodie bags on Sunday. BOY! are they loaded!!!
24th Annual All Vehicle Show!! (Nashua, N.H.)
Raffle details: Magnavox 32" HDTV LCD & DVD worht over $1500.00 If you would like a copy of the show flyer please e-mail me: MJwrabbit@comcast.net
24th Annual All Vehicle Show!! (Nashua, N.H.)
24th Annual All Vehicle Show! Sept 11, 2005 NH Community Technical College in Nashua N.H. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & More! Presented by the East Coast Camaro Club 38 Classes **NEW** El Camino/Ranchero class!!! Several top awards in each category Super Grab bags and Dash plaques for the first 300 vehicles 50/50 raffle Special Raffle - Big Screen HDTV worth over $1,500.00 Tons of giveaways Proceeds to benefit Merrimack Valley Hospice For more info: www.eastcoastcamaroclub.com