Great Lakes Z Day
It is almost here an it looks like we are going to have a good day on Saturday weather wise. Hope to see you all there.
Great Lakes Z Day
Now that is resolved back to ZDAYS. Stop by the hospitality room on Friday night at the "CLEAN and SHINE" event at the motel. Make sure if you see Jim Corbet, ask him to show you the "Hanger Queen".
Great Lakes Z Day
Lowell, I was at the annual meeting in 2004 when you brought up the solo event. You were told that if you wanted an event that YOU would need to get the ball rolling as YOU were the active solo participant in the club and had the contacts to make it happen. So it seems that you are either forgetfull or not telling the truth. I resent your statment about the club being a "wanabbe". We have a very active and fun club that many members have put in countless hours to make the upcoming Z-Days a GREAT EVENT. My Grandfather told me "if you don't vote you can't complain". Since you have not renewed your membership in the club, take your ball and go home.
Great Lakes Z Day
Lowell, as we have said in the past at the club meetings if you want a "track day" please set it up. The cold hard fact is the majority of the club members have not express an interest in Solo 2 events or we would have them. We did look into a track day but the price of track rental as well as insurance would have priced the event out of sight. We again would be happy to have any help from you in setting up events in the future, be part of the soulution not the problem.
Great Lakes Z Day
The event is shaping up nicely, check out the web site for updates.
Great Lakes Z Day
Last day for the G-Tech.
Great Lakes Z Day
The time is running out for a chance to win a G-Tech. Hurry and get signed up.
Great Lakes Z Day
The web site has been updated with new info and registation information. Stop by at www.zroc.org
Great Lakes Z Day
Come and See the regional training center.
Great Lakes Z Day
How much HP does your Z make? Find out on the DYNO at the Great Lakes Z Days. :laugh:
Great Lakes Z Day
Just a FAST update, the Limited Edition Z Car Poster goes to print this week! Get your registeration in to insure you get one.
Great Lakes Area Z Day
Great Lakes Area Z Day – Win a G-Tech Pro RR Performance Meter - $300 Value On July 15 and 16 come join your fellow Z Car Enthusiasts for a regional gathering in Columbus, Ohio hosted by Z Car and Roadster Owners Club (ZROC). Celebrate this 35th Anniversary year of Z Car History and view all generations of Z car’s, along with the early Roadsters that set the bar for the first Z’s. Join us for the Friday night Cruise In and prepare your vehicle for the multi-class Car Show. With a focus on performance, measure your car’s HP with the scheduled on-site dyno testing and check out Race Team static displays. Tour the nearby Nissan Training Center and attend the clinics for Restoration and how to get that extra HP for your own car. Register online at www.zroc.org by May 31st and qualify for the drawing to win a G-Tech Pro RR Performance Meter from one of our sponsors, JEGS Automotive. All registrants will receive a Collectible Limited Edition Z Car Poster. -
Great Lakes Z Day
Great Lakes Area Z Day – Win a G-Tech Pro RR Performance Meter - $300 Value On July 15 and 16 come join your fellow Z Car Enthusiasts for a regional gathering in Columbus, Ohio hosted by Z Car and Roadster Owners Club (ZROC). Celebrate this 35th Anniversary year of Z Car History and view all generations of Z car’s, along with the early Roadsters that set the bar for the first Z’s. Join us for the Friday night Cruise In and prepare your vehicle for the multi-class Car Show. With a focus on performance, measure your car’s HP with the scheduled on-site dyno testing and check out Race Team static displays. Tour the nearby Nissan Training Center and attend the clinics for Restoration and how to get that extra HP for your own car. Register online at www.zroc.org by May 31st and qualify for the drawing to win a G-Tech Pro RR Performance Meter from one of our sponsors, JEGS Automotive. All registrants will receive a Collectible Limited Edition Z Car Poster.