Enrique's S20 Door Window Problems & Troubleshooting
- Version 1.0.0
Original Article Enrique Scanlon (2004) - Revised & Expanded with Bob Kroshefsky (2011) Pictures by Bob Kroshefsky (2011) P/N Breakdown by Bob Kroshefsky (2011)Free -
The sudden death of my closest friend Enrique Scanlon (EScanlon)
TY would like to know about the spotlight and the ZCON thing
The sudden death of my closest friend Enrique Scanlon (EScanlon)
To all this is his wife Deb TY for all the kind words-would love to print this but Enrique was my computer man so don't know how
Check out this RUST!
Proof positive of why they call the area the "Rust Belt". E
How to install chrome grill guard bar onto front bumper over riders?
And I've seen it done both ways... over the rubber and cutting out the rubber. E
Quarter Window Outer WeatherStrip - MSA
You have it on right. The short leg goes towards the inside of the car. As far as installation, make sure you have the proper screws that screw into the tabs on the window frame, if necessary run a thread chaser to ensure that you're not fighting a bit of old rust/corrosion trying to get the screw started or tightened. Next, use a lubricant all the way around the gasket and opening. I personally prefer food grade silicone, but then I have a neighbor who works / services food equipment. Dishwashing detergent can dry out if you take too long, but if you water it down it can stay slippery for a good long while. I wouldn't use an oil nor grease, they'll attack your gasket / paint. Now comes the fun. Ideally you should have a friend help you hold and press on the FRAME of the glass (not the glass) and press not only on the frame IN towards the interior, but also on the front part of the frame towards the BACK of the vehicle (insert the wedge so to speak). When he gets it into place, you should be ab le to use one hand to push the rearmost apex of the window IN so that you can get the screw started. Start the screw and only go two or three turns, don't tighten it at this point. All you want to do is get it started. Once the rear most is started, address the next one, whether above or below and do the same.... just get the screw started. Once you have all the screws/washers started, then start tightening down EVENLY and keep an eye on the whole assembly. You do NOT want to snap a screw nor strip it. The reason you're having a hard time is that you're dealing with new rubber. If it were going on easily, it wouldn't be making a good seal. Hope this helps E
How do I do a classified add. 1970 240Z for sale
Have it e-mail you to re-set your password using the e-mail address you used to register here. Some of the accounts have had that problem (I did as well) but once you re-set your password it works fine. E
How do I do a classified add. 1970 240Z for sale
First, classified ads do not go on THIS website, they go here: DatsunClassifieds.com Next, once there you log in with the same user name and password as you did here. Then just below your user name you should see a line that says "Create Ad" and you're off. E
Removing sail panel emblem - how?
Insert a plastic or wood pry flat bar in the slot on the rear side of the emblem (they're sided, open edge faces to the back) and then work your way around the car slowly. E
Steering lock removal
And your caution is duly noted. However, this is by no means the first time that this has been asked, nor the first time that it has been discussed. Aside from that, by the time they have the car disassembled to the point where they can see what is needed to remove the lock screws, it doesn't take a lot of genius to give up and just use a drill and a bit. So, while your caution is admireable, the public berating you've bestowed upon Steve, would have been better in a PM than in the open. E
rear valance replacement cost
And nobody in Phoenix knows the old art of metal bumping? Can't help you as far as how much to replace, I usually bump out the metal and oftentimes end up with a minimal skin coat of bondo. FWIW E
Quarter Window Outer WeatherStrip - MSA
And Thank You for understanding. I wasn't trying to place the blame on you as much as saying..."Do you really think so?". Glad you got it resolved. E
Quarter Window Outer WeatherStrip - MSA
Post some pics. Otherwise you're expecting everyone to presume that you've assumed which weatherstrip goes where. You may be spot on, but one of the weatherstrips being ~short~ in one of their kits is totally unheard of. After years of doing this, that they got one short, as opposed to your having misconstrued the fit or misidentified it's use... which one would you think is more likely. I'm not saying that they've never made a mistake, just that the odds aren't there. FWIW E
Lost key! Replacing tumblr, now can't lock the door
I'll check into those gator tools, there is an outlet listed just into Portland. Thanks Capt! E
Lost key! Replacing tumblr, now can't lock the door
Excellent tool ingenuity! I'd be interested in finding out if you would sell a duplicate. E