Having worked for years in International Sales, and having seen a number of ways that people try to save money....only to lose in the end, I would suggest one of three companies....DHL, UPS or FedEx...as opposed to the Postal system of ANY country. Not to disparage them, but as the famous line says...."You get what you pay for." Any one of those three companies offer not only insurance, customs services, and tracking number but also confirmation and proof of delivery. Cheap? No, but in the long run...it is. Besides, if you state on the auction that that is the way Int'l shipments will be handled....then they either acquiesce or they don't participate. BluefairladyZ's claims of non-receipt may very well be true...as Camo pointed out...it may have been delayed or disposed of by Customs. So many shipments are simply not documented properly.....and Customs just performs it's published duty as published. That is, no paperwork....it gets returned IF the sender guarantees return postage. No guarantee? Item is disposed of via the least expensive method to Customs. Notification to either sender or recipient? No-UNLESS the paperwork included such instructions with the proper postage-paid post-cards. Sadly the post office is not the place to find out what it takes to ship to country ZZZ. What can and can't be shipped there is something to find out from country ZZZ's Customs Department. Many people know that Islamic countries will not accept any kind of "pornographic" material through their mail system. The DEFINITION of "pornographic" is not subject to YOUR interpretation, it's up to that countries Customs Office. You might be surprised to find that a woman's panty-hose catalog is considered pornographic, or that a body-builder "muscle" magazine featuring women is also considered such. Try to circumvent the rules and "hide" it and you are guilty of smuggling, and the RECIPIENT may find themselves in hot water. All that being said, I would still have to question such a string of "non-receipts" for such varied and high-dollar items. Is it all his fault or the seller's? Maybe a good combination of both, with one very outspoken and vindictive seller leading the charge. JMO E