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Everything posted by EScanlon

  1. I have a set of wheels that also didn't come with center caps. Not being pleased with the no-cap look I called around and found a solution at a Tire Center here. It's called Les Schwab, but I doubt seriously that you would have them back East. So, check the YP and look in Tire or Auto, Wheel. You get the idea. Call them and see if they have a "universal" center cap. That's what I bought for my car. To that Universal Center Cap, I added a set of screw on Knock Off Caps in black which resulted in a very sporty and distinctive look. Now I just need to finish polishing and painting the wheels and the look will be pretty much complete. The only thing I'm looking for now is a nice set of the Z center cap Stick ons. MSA no longer has them. Any ideas out there?
  2. Give Mike at All Z East Recycling Center. They specialize in Z cars and have a lot of them all years. Don't know what a dash would cost, nor how much to ship it, but if you tell Mike that you're interested in one that he wouldn't normally be able to sell, he should be able to give you a good price. All Z East 1-800-533-5659
  3. If what you are looking to do is save bucks then buying a "poor" dash and shipping it is NOT the way to do it. Shipping a DASH CAP only cost me about $25 from Las Vegas to Vancouver Washington, and this was due to the size and bulk of the shipping container. Some carriers won't accept it without an oversize charge. A complete dash I'll bet is going to be closer to 50 or 60 just from California to Seattle. I think you'd be better off finding a dash in the Seattle area. There is a boneyard in Portland Oregon which will have some dashes in "ok" shape, which would probably fit your requirements, but you would still have to get down here to transport up. But I bet even that would be cheaper than shipping it. Just out of curiosity, why would you want one in bad shape?
  4. The rubber "squeegee" that you want is only available by buying the complete chrome strip. It is available though. The Inner "Fuzzy" Strip is only available if you buy the door panel. There are no doubt several sources out there, so you may be able to find something and make it work. My contact is Andy Russel (z@datsundude.com) or 480-217-7322. Good Luck.
  5. I think that you should be real careful in jacking the 240. Unfortunately, the fact is that the sheet metal used in its construction is not the strongest in the world. Add to that the fact that many of these cars have some form of debilitating rust affecting what would ordinarily be a strong structural component and then top it all off in that when the car is jacked up, and is relatively solid in its stance, we forget that it is on jacks and get in and out of the car as if it were on tires. The end result? Jack Stand Damage. For that matter, where you place the stands is as important as to how you jack the car up. The jacking points identified in the owners manual are for use by the little scissor jack and only for momentary use to change the tires, and only one corner at a time. For both front or rear tires off the ground, I personally prefer the use of ramps. This allows me to get underneath and do the bulk of the work there. For situations where the front or the rear must be jacked and you will be working with the wheel on one side, then I use a jack stand mounted to the first SOLID frame mount I can find, and the ramp on the other side. Just my 2¢
  6. For some of the emblems you are much better off spraying whenever possible. But I found that to get a good thick and smooth coverage instead of using Automotive Aerosol I found that the Aerosol Paints to fuel proof and cover R/C Planes and Boats worked much much better. Don't get the stuff to paint the undersides of the Lexan Bodies as they won't shine. Get stuff like Pactra Formula U, or Top Flite Lustre Kote. The color intensity is great, it only takes a coat or two and they flow out much nicer. Additionally it almost seems as though the paint stays flexible and hence won't chip as easy. Just my 2¢
  7. The VIN Serial numbers were consecutive through the run of the model. That is his vehicle is #3435 of ALL the 240's and not just of the 1970 production year. Additionally Wally, the first letter in the VIN should be an H and not an A. The H is used to denote an L24 engine. The L identifies Left Hand Drive, the S30 identifies the Body Model type or Car Model and the last numeric digits the serial number within that Car Model.
  8. I believe if you go to http://www.zhome.com/ you will find a bit of information on the Automatic 240's. If I remember properly, the automatic was never offered in the Series I body style, only in the Series II and later. Of the approximately 250,000 240's produced only like 23,000 were automatics. (about 9% if I recall) Since many enthusiasts through the years have bought and resold the automatic cars, many of them have had the transmission replaced with a manual shift due to the higher popularity of the standard over the automatic. Some owners feel that an original automatic 240 is going to be in better condition today, simply because it hasn't been abused or stressed during it's time on the road.
  9. The lines from MSA can get spendy. I would recommend getting a copy of the premiere issue of Sport Z magazine, as it had an excellent article on how to replace the vent lines using standard fuel hose. I believe I also posted a list of the hoses you would need on this board, they are available from NAPA.
  10. I'm not an engine mechanic, so I'll post my answer on the basis of what I know of engines. Since my knowledge of these systems is very basic, it might shed light in a different manner. Having a Full reservoir of Oil is NO indication that the oil is actually being moved around the engine to the different areas that REQUIRE the oil, i.e. TOP of engine. This is where the oil pump comes in, as I understand it, and it's function is to pick up the oil at the BOTTOM of the engine and PRESSURIZE it UP a tube for it to flow down through the various channels BACK through the filter etc. Someone feel free to correct my basics. That you are registering HIGH pressure on start up and LOW pressure after warming up, has me FIRST question the PRESSURE SENDER. Not the engine. It turns out that the Datsun Z engine was notorious for having bad Oil Pressure Senders. IF after checking the sender and it checks OK, then you need to address the engine.
  11. I had voted Yes, because I would like to "know" whose question I'm am responding to, but if as you said that is only possible on the Open forum, then let them read all they want, and make them register when they post to participate. In essence, leave it the way it is.
  12. So, the "numbers" of hits have no reference to the registered members. Does a member who stops in several times a day, count for that # of times and not ONE? Just curious? Did this change recently? I thought I had seen one or two "Anonymous" or Posts from Non-registered or something like that.
  13. Those ARE sharp wheels but if they are what I think they are, they're going to be real spendy. Those look like authentic Wire Spoke Wheels, and last I checked into one of them, they were like $250 EACH, and they weren't too keen on guarantee / warranty
  14. "I think if people want to donate GREAT, if not that's cool as well. I would like the oppertunity to buy a hat or a shirt just because it would make me feel more a part of "our club", and that it would help this site would just be a bonus. " DITTO What I REALLY want is a logo just like on the main logo, just the oval Z w blue / red background, on a metal plate to attach to my grille.
  15. He is good enough to have his schedule by appointment ONLY. I heartily recommend him.
  16. (Aside Note: Sorry if I got lengthy, typing over 120wpm makes it easy to do so.) I wrote my "thesis" not to bore you guys, but so we could consider as many aspects as we could. Small site great, but that places a larger onus on each. Does the site require funding? What does Mike think? What happens when and if the site gets very popular and now it takes up 5 times the amount of space it currently does? What about the bandwidth? If anything I'm ball-busting myself because I've been proverbially "cut off" my funds for a while, and I'm unable to effect a donation at this point.
  17. Bluntly and succintly. This site has an incredible amount of potential, which although present has not yet been tapped. If any of you visit www.zcar.com and take a look at the activity there in any ONE of the forums, you'll know what I mean. As much activity as we have here in one day, they can match it in a few hours. Personally, as much as I visit zcar, I prefer this place (even if it does take 4 times as long to load). This place needs to be promoted, in order for it to be as busy as zcar. BUT HOLD ON!! Before we all go out and start mass e-mailing everyone we know that owns, likes, or has ever SEEN a Z-car, think of this. Part of the cost of running this place is no doubt the amount of bandwidth it uses. For those not familiar with that, think of it this way, How many people stop by AND how many items they look at. The server that houses the information included in this site, charges for the volume of bytes it transmits via the internet connection related to this site. The more people you have requesting the home page, the more bandwidth this site uses, and therefore, gets charged more by the owning server. Usually these fees are offset by using advertising, or user fees, or as is probably the case, the "deep" pockets of some altruistic individual that's been doing it cause ... However, deep pockets can run dry, and sometimes they can only do it for a given period of time, before it gets to be a major nuisance. (If you don't believe me, remember your old friend (X) who used to borrow money from you all the time but never paid it back? When did you finally get so "p'eed" off at him that you told him to get lost, regardless of how good a friend he was?) In order to get people here AND keep them coming back, there have to be items that, bluntly, are available here that aren't available elsewhere, both FREE and for those that have "paid" the dues. This site offers picture hosting, I've not seen at other sites. There is a chat room, there is instant messaging, there is news feed. Need I say more? This place has everything it needs to literally ROCK. But before we open the doors wide and invite the masses, we need to realize that we could literally bankrupt Mike, and find ourselves kicked out of house and home. Cash contributions are a good way for this site to recoup or get the funds necessary to continue to operate, i.e. the electricity, the server fees, the phone fees and other fees involved in just keeping it plugged in, turned on and running. However, some individuals have, for WHATEVER reason, reasons for not wanting to effect that type of contribution. That's where the sale of items that generate a profit comes into play. Don't ask me why, but just giving money away grates on my wife's nerves. Give me a silly mousepad or coffee cup that I won't use but I got "something" for my money, and my wife doesn't mind within reason (she won't let me get that huge coffee cup at Starbucks). This site ALSO needs the services of Moderators and Contributors as well. The moderators ensure that no one is posting bad material as well as keeping an eye out for trends / individuals that may be undesireable. This isn't a discussion on those, just on the function of the moderator. Contributors come in two major varieties, the ones who have a lot of questions, and the ones who have a lot of answers. Some of the first like to test those of the later, some of the later like to feel that they are knowledgeable or important enough to earn some sort of recognition. Again, not being a discussion of what constitutes a contribution, nor what motivates contributors, we'll keep on. All of these components are what make a site successfull. If you lack any one of these, then the place can literally die for lack of a better word. I mention this last because I've been in and out of the Chat room half a dozen times. I can only recall ONE time when someone else was in there. I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS SITE FADE AWAY! Mike has the final say in this, and I don't even imagine that what I write here is anything other than reference material for him, and hopefully I don't offend him or anyone. As much as you may wish to maintain this place completely open and free to all, you need to identify areas that are available only to certain tiered users. You already do so, in that unregistered members can't go everywhere. What you need to do is define that THESE areas are for those people who've contributed X amount of credits, THOSE areas are for those who've contributed a bit more, and finally these last areas are only for those who have reached this level, while at the same time, brand new registered users can only glimpse here and here. The requirements for given areas would be based on points within a given time frame. That way someone who wants access all the way to the top of the pyramid, can effect a sizeable cash contribution and be allowed in. Conversely, someone who is posting a lot of answers has received credit for that and only needs a smaller cash outlay, if at all. Moderators also would have reduced requirements for maintaining their access to various places. All of the items I mentioned previously must be weighted and assigned some sort of "value" towards maintaining this site. Obviously the cash contribution weighs heavy, but Moderation is a required item, and as Administrator, I'm sure Mike is willing to assign some value to others doing what he may find is a burden on his time, or a chore. Contributors, people who post often, and continuously are what give you the base of knowledge that makes this place a VALUABLE resource. Each one deserves a share of the credit towards making this place successful. In essence you value their contribution by assigning "credits". Cash Contributions let's say that each buck is worth 100 points. Each moderator receives 25 or 50 points for logging on to the site, and in turn assigns 5-10 points for every answer to a question that a user posts. Articles written and accepted for inclusion in the "Reference Library" are valued by the moderator of that forum or the Administrator of the site. The object is to allow those people who just log on and either can not or will not effect CASH contributions to still participate in the development and improvement of the site. In order to do so, certain elements of the site will have to become tiered. i.e. available only to members in "GOOD" standing, or bluntly, those who've paid for the privilege, whether with money, or by contributing, or by getting involved and performing services this site needs, or by buying coffee cups, badges, t-shirts etc. There are so many more things to mention, and I hope I haven't bored you guys to tears. Mike, I apologize if you fell asleep. I'm not trying to say that it must be this way. What I am trying to say is this: I give you 20 bucks. I'm now a supporting member, great! For how long do I get to keep that icon? A week? A year? Forever? What if I give you a $100? Does that mean I can go 5 times as long before I contribute again as opposed to the $20 buck guy? How long is 5 times forever? How do you propose to continue receiving contributions once you've used up the money you received this time around? So back to my selfish question, how long does $20 bucks give me the right to say "I'm a supporting member"? And what if I just provide the answers to a bunch of people's questions and therefore provide what people come to this site to find...ANSWERS. And, what if I help administer this site? Or what if I buy a bunch of merchandise that this site sponsors? See what I mean. Hopefully I didn't obfuscate the issue. This is getting deep, but it is extremely interesting. Mike I hope that you can see that there are many of us who definitely want to help keep this site going. The manner and amount of what we each can do is by no means a judgement of our intent, each person has different strengths. 2¢
  18. Although it is definitely pointing to a Series II there are still a couple items that could make it a Series I. You haven't mentioned if you do in fact HAVE the vents in the C-Pillar. That is, do you have the round "Z" emblem just aft of the quarter lights? (this indicates a Series II) As far as the retracts on the seat belts, look on the floorpan, near where the seat belt bolts to. Is there a "pocket" there? If there is that's the pocket for the seat belt retract mechanism. (This indicates a Series III) The Throttle Cable and Choke Cable side by side is definitely a Series I and an early one at that by US standards. The throttle cable was obsoleted very early, as it was deemed a safety hazard. How about your doors? 2 step detent? And lastly the fuel tank vapor recovery unit is hidden behind the plastic panel on the same side as the fuel tank access door. (Right Hand Side, unless you RHD chaps really are completely flipped around.) It's a minor point, but as Mike can atest, it is an indicator.
  19. Regarding someone being "bright" and with "bad habits" I'd rather not use those references, nor imply that anyone here is brighter (smarter) than another. We EACH have our "bright" points. Logic is one of mine, and so is being anal retentive meticulous about how and with what I restore my car. But I will admit to being dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to the mechanical stuff that goes on inside the engine. I know the basics, but why this ring instead of that ring, unless you have a couple hours in which to explain....I'll admit I'll just take it to my mechanic and let him have at it. In fact, even after the explanation, I'd probably take it to him. I know some of MY limitations, and that's one of them. This just happens to be one of MY "bright" points. Hopefully when I'm posting "Why does this Thingg-A-Ma-Jig affect that Doo-Hickey like this?" type question, then you guys will discover YOUR "bright" spots and help me out. QUID PRO QUO. As far as being patient, wait till you try to explain something to me and then wonder who needs to be patient. Enough, you get my point. We all like & endeavour to improve and maintain our Z's. That's the common thread through us all. That you know Differentials, and someone else Suspensions, and someone else ....and you know Jack Schitt about the other parts, that's what makes this site so valuable to us all, we each contribute what we can, and derive from it what we need. Nuff Said. Regarding the 70 registration automatically being a conclusion that it MUST be a Series I. I said it is a GOOD indication, not that it was PROOF. There is a series of situations that could result in a Series II being registered as a 70. Easiest of all? Clerical error. When the car was re-registered after a sale, a clerk inadvertently changed the registration to 1970. Granted you could make up all sort of Machiavellian or Rube Goldbert type scenarios, but it doesn't really matter, as it is just an INDICATION. The vehicle itself is what must give you the "proof". Alfa saying his tool compartments being IN the rear deck and not the plastic covers behind the seats and in front of the rear deck, says Series II. His Hatch says Series II. We need to find out about the other indicators, to say it's a I or a II. So, Alfa, once again, could you check off those items on your car that indicate what year your car is?
  20. I just spent a bunch of money on PayPal and have maxed my allowed limit (My Owner has me on rations). I do want to contribute, and I will but you are catching me by the short hairs right now. I was coming on line to post that having checked out that cafepress site, I think it would be a good solution for the site. The artwork for the items could be a selection of A) the red / blue Z logo alone, same logo with the 240Z car background C) The other logo in the center of the page. The different items available you could automatically upcharge by 4-5 bucks EACH and still find people willing to buy them. Especially if they're both supporting your site AND getting a snazzy Cap, Shirt, Coffee Mug, Mouse Pad etc etc. You wouldn't have to mark up ALL items that much, but a 10-20% mark up wouldn't be excessive. In ADDITION to that, you could have the "Supporting Member" tag to give recognition and credit to those people who have gone and done a CASH donation. But by doing BOTH, you would have better sources of ongoing income than cash donations. Otherwise, just how often do you think the "supporting members" are going to do so? Once a Month? 6 months, a Year? And what about the guys that are doing most of the answering of the posts, or moderating a forum, should they still "support"? These are valid questions, and with my preface, people are probably going (he's just a tight-wad) when in fact I just bought over $500 worth of parts to try to get my baby back on the road and asking the wife for even another $20 bucks right now, well, let me phrase it this way, could one of you guys ask your wife / girlfriend if they have a few spare panties? Cause I'm certainly not going to have anything left to require Boxers or Jockey's after I ask for more money. (You know what I mean Vern?) So, Mike would you check out that site? It may be that you could be "selling" shirts, mugs, and caps very soon and reaping some money to support the site.
  21. Ok guys, at the risk of repeating myself, if I haven't done so a couple times already. Trying to identify whether a vehicle is a Series I, II or III based on what features it has now, without knowing the complete total detailed history of the car is an exercise in logic, and sometimes, circular logic. Items or features of the car that are not easily removed or replaced are easier to use to "type" the car than items that are a known weak spot and hence easily and commonly replaced. I'm referring to the hatch. It is a known problem item, they rust, they break, they get hit, they ....end up being replaced quite often. The chances that a 1970 Series I got a replacement hatch from a boneyard mid 1980 or 90 just before the current owner got it? Good to Very Good. Now, let's find out about his vents, or his tool compartments, or whether or not he has the retracts for the seat belts, or whether his fuel vapor recovery tank is metal or plastic. Those items will be more of a "tell-tale" than the hatch. That his car is registered as a 70 is a good indication that it IS a 70, and therefore a Series I, his hatch not having vents is a good indication that it has been transplanted from a Series II, not that his car is a Series II. Follow my reasoning?
  22. My apologies Alfa, I'd looked at the Gold Z and not the Red Z. Yes, now that you mention it, it does look a bit odd. I downloaded the picture and blew it up in size and it almost looks as though those aren't the correct Datsun emblems. Ok, emccallum, give it up, what gives?
  23. Sadly, I think this thought, although sounding real nice, won't wash. If they would be willing to do something like this, they would do it on their own website. And anyone that's gone to their website knows that it is a very limited website. (http://www.zcarparts.com/) Heck, they don't even list their products. The key to making this work is to offer them the services of someone to be a "clerk" and forward the questions to them and post their replies. The main problem there is going to be for someone at MSA (or the like) to actually respond to the questions posed, in a timely manner. This would allow them to have access to the features of this website that their site does not have due to the limitations of their programming. (Ask Mike, but the software for maintaining forums is nothing like what they have. Theirs is plain HTML coding that anyone with Microsoft Word can replicate.) But now, it might not be cost effective for Mike to incur all these ADDITIONAL tasks only for a few bucks, and then you have the problem that the cost may be too high for MSA or others. Speaking as a manager, which is what I do (Sales), and putting myself in their shoes, I look at this offer as being "nice" but not being worth the money. After all, "I" already have an 800 telephone number and any customer can call me and ask me anything about my products and I'll answer. The only thing you offer, is that people could then read other people's questions, AND NOT CALL ME. Well, I kind of WANT them to call me, cause they might go ahead and buy the part right then and there, and I also have the opportunity to suggest sell something else. Sorry, but this is a hard-sell item. I still think that offering items that the various users of this site would want, at a profitable margin is the best, aside from outright donations as the guys at zcar.com have done, when click-through's went down in number. But then again, just my 2¢
  24. Well I downloaded the picture and tried to play with it, but the main problem is that it is a .GIF which is the lowest and least modifiable picture format. I'd be willing to give it a try if Mike could send me the original picture file but in as high a resolution as possible, that way I can edit it down. There's a shop here in Portland OR that did some awesome decal work for a friend of mine's R/C boat. I also seem to recall someone at Saturday Market doing some Cloisonne type work, both of which I could approach and report back.
  25. Maybe it's the rest of us, but the only angle I see is the lean of the DATSUN. Surely, that's not what you are referring to is it?
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