At the risk of jumping on a soap box, Too Intense Restoration may be too expensive for folks on an extremely tight budget, but for those of us who want correct, many times original, advice, options, and AVAILABILITY, Troy Thacker's busines is tops. Can you find it for less money someplace else? Sometimes, not always and then you run the hazard of is it right. Case in point, I bought a replacement convertible top for my Roadster. Billed as sewn to original specs and the closest thing to original. Well, it was cheaper, about $300 cheaper. Powerful incentive. I bit and got it. It IS cut to original specs, except, it doesn't have the extra material in the wear points of the top bow. The wire spring reinforcement cables for around the side windows and the pockets they go in, not there. No possible way of adding them in without some serious tailoring. Not something to be tackled lightly. Quote by upholstery shop that specializes in interiors and refitting convertible tops...$250 plus $100 to install it. Then I bring it back in the summer after it's "seated" and they'll re-waterproof the seams again. I would be better off buying the proper top at $450 and saved myself the hazzle. Still thinking of opting that way as it's becoming extremely difficult to find those side pieces. What's the nmoral? Sometimes what seems expensive to someone else may in the long run be the most ECONOMICAL way of fixing it, fix it promptly and most importantly RIGHT. So with that, I'll admit some of his prices may seem high. However, I'll pay for availability on a simple phone call as opposed to 3 weeks of trolling on e-bay, and then taking my chances. 2¢ Enrique