Windshield 240 Z
I have a series 1 240 Z. I need a new windshield. If I order one from Nissan will it be correct with the markings etc. Or should I look for a used one?
240Z Door latch rod connection from hades
So do I need to replace the whole handle assembly or can I just get the plastic end and reattach the rod and if so what must I remove to get at this?
240z secondary fuel tank
So original to the early 240s or not?
240Z Door latch rod connection from hades
I have 1970 240. The exterior handle on the drivers door quit working. It lifted ok but would not engage the latch to open. Lock works and interior door latch works. So I took off the upolstery panel and had a look. There is a bizzare looking L shspe rod with little bends and a plastic end that connects the exterior handle to another rod that pushes down on the door latch mechanism to open the door. The L shape rod dropped off of the upper latch/handle connection and I have it but cannot get my fingers or a needle nose pliers in the right positions to reattach it. Is there another connector piece or pin to hold it to the handle and how do I get in there to reattach it? So far I have not started swearing to throwing tools.
240z secondary fuel tank
I have 1970 240. Did they come with a secondary fuel tank reservoir located inside the quarter trim and is connected to the fuel tank. If so was there one on just one side or both? Was this aftermarket or stock or dealer option?
240 Colors
In US now will send pickes when I get em. Thanks for the tip on the marine chrome tape. Were the hand brake and stick shift covers supposed to be blue or black?
240 Colors
So I got the blue headliner and door panel materiial and and found out that the windshield sun visors are supposed to be blue but can not find them. Still do not know if the carpet, door handles, escusions and hand brake cover were blue or was it black and if I can get them anywhere. Also do not know if I can peel the chrome trim off of an old black door panel and have it applied to my blue one.
dash repair
My 1970 240z has a poor dash. Are they available new anywhere? I do not want a cap if possible.
240Z, 260Z, 280Z Horn Pad Differences
I have a 1970 240 and want a real new dash not a cover. Are these available anywhere?
240 Colors
I got the interior door panels and headliner in blue from 2 Intense Restoration and the match to the original color and grain in fabulous. Does anyone know where or how I can get the fake chrome/plastic piping/trim that was appleied to the door panels? It was about 1/8" wide. Also still do not have a clear answer on whether my visors were blue or black.
240 Colors
Who and where is 'Classic Datsun? How do I get a hold of them?
240 Colors
Thanks heaps, I do want Nissan parts when I can get them, but will make do with aftermarket stuff if I have to. Dyeing is an option but how?
240 Colors
I have a 1970 240z with the blue/turquoise interior. 3008474 Where can I get the headliner and door panels to match the color of the original? The diamond pattern vinyl is mostly good. Can I get some of that to match the original? Did the windshield visors come in the blue also or were they black? Did the carpet come in the blue or was it black? Where can I get a new dash, not a cap? I bought the car mostly restored but these interior features were partially redone in an amateurish sort of way. The car was originally blue paint and is now but not the right Z blue. How can I find out the correct paint spec for the exterior?