Everything posted by Alex 240Z
#357 hits eBay
Check the live site as of April 20 at 9:50 am EST. It is no longer listed !!!!!
#357 hits eBay
Went to check out #357 on Ebay and it is no longer listed !!!! Does any one know what happened ????
ZRush - sad news
Vicky, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband Scott. I have such fond memories of spending time talking and hanging out with you and your husband at the 2006 Orlando ZFEST. I remember the first night when you and Scott arrived and a large group of us just hung out in the parking lot and talked about our cars and you and Scott took so much time to look at the cars and made such nice comments about them. We talked about the Scarab and its progress and just had a great time. Scott was a great ambassator to the Z community and I always remember the smile he always seemed to have. My thoughts and prayers are with you Vicky !!!!!
New Truck
Nice Truck !!! I still own an 1986 Nissan 4x4 ST and the price for parts are killing me too !!! but the thought of car payments is a little to much for me when it konks out I'll get a new truck is guess !!!! Good luck !!! and Enjoy the Ride !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dreco's Lap Footage at MSR
Nice !!!! Really enjoyed it probably not as much as you !!!!! Great driving !!!!
2007 Z Car Convention in Daytona
I am signed up and looking foward to seeing amd meeting club members there !!! I had a great time at ZFEST in Orlando Florida meet an excellent bunch of guys and gals there and saw some great cars !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last question before Christmas...I'm not HOT
Thanks for the excellent explaination EScanlon !!!! That cleared a few things up for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!
DIY seat covers w/pics
Nice Job !!!! Looks excellent !!!!! And you sure saved a load of money !!!!!
6 pics from zfest
My first Z FEST !!!! Had an great time !!!! Plenty of informative and knowlegable people got plenty of ideas and help for my Z !!! Like to thank eveyone who took the extra time out with me and like to thank everyone for putting together such a nice show !!!!! Looking foward to next year in Daytona !!!!! Was very happy to meet Carl Beck and his son who were a wealth of information and took a lot of time out with us 240Z owners !!!!!
Rebuilt my combination switch today
Definitely Interested !!!!!!
New winshield. Shocked at price!
Where in Florida and could you give the name of the glass company ???? I will put that in my phone numbers for parts !!!!
Ireland Z
Welcome to the club !!!! Is it a right hand drive ????
** Florida Z fest 2006 **
Registered and booked a room at the Marriott!!!! Hopefully old trusty will make it up there no A/C but am definitely looking foward to meeting club members and maybe next year we will see the Scarab in Daytonna !!!!
New FL Member looking for local club
I am a member of the SFZCC and I have a 71 240Z and there are about 10 early Z cars from 1970-1978. Check through the past events you will see photos of quite a few older Z's In fact if you like to talk just send me a private message and maybe we could arrange a time to talk or even get together !!!! Hope to hear from you soon !!! and there is the Z Fest in Orlando, Florida on October 6 and 7th where you will get meet and see all older Z car enthusiests !!!! Forgot to mention I live in West Palm Beach too !!!!!
** Florida Z fest 2006 **
I am definitely planning on attending and am looking foward to meeting Classic Zcar Club members !!!!!!!
Water pump screeching?
Check belt could be loose or needs replacing !!!!!!
Posted this in zcar.com...
My advice is at all costs stay away from drivers like that !!!! Do not fall into to their games they can become deadly !!! I know it is hard to do that but it could definitly save your life !!! I not saying you are at fault but hitting your brakes was not the smartest thing to do, walking away from confrontations like this is the best and safest. It is best to check your ego and arrive home alive and your Z in one piece !!!!!!!!!!!
Identify seat reclining mechanism?
I have the knob ones which are frozen any suggestions on how to get them to turn ?????
Received the car I purchased off Ebay today.
Glad you got a car in such excellent shape off ebay !!! When you get a chance post some pictures !!!! "ENJOY THE RIDE"
OT-Carl Stahlnecker Died June 16th
Carl was old school !!! He would tell you like it was !!! He will be missed !!!!! 54 was young my prayers are for him and his family !!! We should make every day count you never know when your number is up !!!!
Sport Z Mag. Closing Down
Is there or was there a June issue !!! I have been a subscriber since the beginingg and I to just renewed for another three more years !!! Saddist part I hate to see the magazine come to an end !!!! They did one hell of a job and it was a lot of hard work with little or no profit !!!! Sport Z magazine will be missed !!!
Question on originality
Thanks for the heads up !!!! Sometimes in ones excitement we overlook the whats right in front of us !!!! My 1971 240Z is in much better shape !!!!
Question on originality
Need some expert opinions on what to look for and what this car is really worth !!! I do own a 71 240Z but my dream is to own a series I 240Z I am going to call the owner today to set up an appointment to see it !!!
Question on originality
I was looking at the wrong car !!! Sorry the car I was interested in was http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1970-Datsun-240-Z_W0QQitemZ4650840044QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Question on originality
I live about 20 minutes for this car maybe I will see if he will let me see it !!! How much do you think it will go for ????????????