Everything posted by 7240z
This engine,That engine...
Hi everyone, I've been reading around some magazines,books and been looking around the site and I noticed that some 240z owners have swapped or changed their engines for a 260z,280z and even a ZX. From what I've gathered, the L24 was the best among the bloodlines but are the others better? I know the 260 and the 280 had bigger dissplacement then the 240 but due to fuel restrictions they were slower. I understand the rebore bit to 3.1L but can anyone tell me why they would do this? Could it be the 260 and 280 were less problematic? Or should I dare say it...stronger? Thanks everyone.If you guys can fix this curiosity for me that would be great! Ezra Pages
Rock star wannabe
Evel Knievel's 1971 240Z
If evil DID own this car, god knows what he did to it with his spare time!
Something to be proud of...
Hi guys! I was at the sports club meeting here in Cebu and was talking to my dad's old friend who had a red 1969 Corvette Stingray and he told me about this gathering in Subic Air Force Base which was at sometime the biggest US air force base in the world. Now that the military has abandoned the area, Manila based car collectors have this annual vintage sports car club that goes to Subic and drag race one another. I'm talking about Shelby gt350's, Shelby 427 Cobras,Corvettes, Big block Mustangs,GTO's and other muscle cars. Anyway, guess who won the final drag race which was paired up with a black 1967 Stingray hardtop? It was a 1972 Datsun 240z!!! My dad's friend said after the race was done, everyone gathered around the Z and asked the owner to open the hood cause they were all saying that he probably modified the engine but they were all shocked to see the engine was totally stock and very dirty! The owner just couldn't stop laughing! Its a nice thought to own something that can beat these brutes at their own game! I just wanted to share this story with you guys cause I knew you would understand. Ez
Barrett Jackson Auction, Scottsdale
Go 72!!! I just bought an old issue of the OCT 2005 issue of CAR COLLECTOR magazine and they did a study and review of the Z car and of course classiczcar.com and zhome.com have been mentioned too! In a nutshell, the price appreciation for the 69-73 models have been rising a thousand dollars a year and have never deppreciated since. Market value is now $9000! These were gauged on an average state Z. So hold on to your Z's. Don't worry duffman, time will come.
Trailer Queen
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
Well it will be really hard for me to to flash my lights or get a wave from another Z owner here in Cebu cause from what I've gathered, There are only 2 running 240z here which is owned by me and a new friend of mine. Both are 1972's and both are red for now I saw a couple of ZX's here but its normally a driver dropping some kids to school (the shame) So most of the time I'm probably going to be flying solo...HI TO ALL Z OWNERS! HONK HONK! WAVE!
Triple side carbs. Need help from the experts.
Thanks again Ron!So the difference is definitly there? Alright! I'm certain now of getting them and to 2-4-T-Z-MAN, Thanks also! You're probably right about the value. Just in case I don't want or need the extra oomph from the car I can always sell it. Thanks everyone! Ez
Triple side carbs. Need help from the experts.
Great! Thanks Ron! How about gas consumption? Big difference? More or better?
Triple side carbs. Need help from the experts.
Thanks everyone! You guys have answered a lot of questions that were left hanging in the air. Although I do have another question for any of you. Now that I know that the Z race cars used the Mikuni Solex setup for racing, I was wondering if this would be and ok setup for daily street driving? I don't plan on racing the car anytime soon after it is done, mainly because the nearest F3 track is a days ferry ride and 3 hours to drive to. Maybe in the near future I can do the "arrive and drive" track day but I plan on going to the mountains every Sunday!( Wait for that video cause my cousin owns a channel here and we were planning on doing a pro shoot with the car. Kind of like the bmw films but less script) So is it still advisable to get the carbs even though....1) Solex went bankrupt and parts would be a problem? 2) Even though these carbs are for racing but can they be adjusted for street? Thanks you guys! Ez
Red Line synthetic oil..anyone used it
I guess that would be the perfect compromise! Nice going Arne! Never thought of that setup! Thanks! I think I'll try it! Ez
another new member
Hi aallair! classiczcar has a lot of info regarding the Datsun car with really good members to help you along the way but if you want to venture a little further, Carl Beck has another great site you can check out. Welcome to the club! http://zhome.com/
New - tiny video of my new exhuast!! har har har
I knew you had a story for the rims! I figured you didn't seem, like the type of guy who would do that on purpose. Hahaha! Yeah maybe the G nose would do it good cause I never fancied those huge bumpers.I didn't know the 280z had a g nose conversion? If I were to do a g nose conversion I would go all the way. Maybe something like this!
New - tiny video of my new exhuast!! har har har
Yeah it sounded like backfire as he lifted off...
Red Line synthetic oil..anyone used it
Hi Carolina Z, I haven't tried synthetic oil on my Z yet but my dad switched to synthetic a couple of years back with his 1989 BMW 735i and soon after we pulled it from the shop I noticed the engine felt much lighter and overheating wasn't a problem anymore. We've been using Mobil 1 (gold bottle) but I have a friend who switched to Red Line and the performance was far better than what Mobil 1 gave. If the L series engine can take synthetic which I'm sure it can, go for it and let me know the change or difference cause I'm planning on placing synthetic on my engine too! Hope this helps a bit...
do you really need anything else?
Triple side carbs. Need help from the experts.
Hi guys! Need a little help. I came across these carbs that this guy is selling to me. They are triple side drafts SOLEX Carbs with the horns.( sorry I don't really know the real name for it but I'm hoping you guys do! ) I know the Webers are the weapon of choice but since this kind of offer doesn't come often I wanted to take a chance in these carbs. They are still brand new and not a single drop of gasoline has come through them. They also come with the manifolds. Can you guys give me anything on this matter? How much of a difference will there be if I exchange them for the SU's? Thanks! Ez
Newspaper & Wheat Paste
At Nismo Factory
ArtCenter Classic
ArtCenter Classic