Supercharger on a 280Z
I was wondering if anyone has the Holley carb kit on their Z? I have only seen one so far.But never asked the dude how it ran.
6 carbs???
ok ill after I get off work and find the mag. I have seen in Japanese car book called AUTOWORKS
6 carbs???
They already sell cr carb kits for ae86s and Lseries
Got ahead of my self, and now can't remove Nut!
grab the pipe harder to bust the nut!
S3OZ dual exhaust& OS Giken TwinCam 24
If someone gives me the phone number to the company in Japan that makes the dual exhaust ill call them. I can speak Japanese. Thanks
350z vs 240z
Reminds me of the time when I saw a Ferrari Testarossa and I challenged him in my DR30 Skyline. I only had a FJ20E NA with just a raspy 65mm pipe.So I saw this guy just cruising along and I got next to him then downshifting from 4th to 2nd I didnt think he would chase me but when I looked in the rearview mirror I could see him stalking me like a shark!!! we were going 120mph already then when he got tired of toying with me he just dusted me just like Cannon Ball Run part 1!!! That was kick arse and funny because I was laughing all the down the highway.That was a once in a lifetime thing for me.
White Guage Face Opinions? Ricey?
I actually voted before seeing the pics.They look nice. SHUWEET!
Kamenari Fultra?
I meant KAMENARI or KAMINARI not sure about the spelling
Kamenari Fultra?
Do you guys know anything about the KMENARI Fultra system?what the benefits are using it?I seen one for sale ,the whole distributor with some other stuff.looked new .Does anyone have one of these?
Change of Wheels
All thiefs should be shot with rock salt!!!! But they can steal all the Hondas they want :ogre:
S3OZ dual exhaust& OS Giken TwinCam 24
Man Im so glad I joined this club!!!!So much good info .Its comforting to Know there are other people who love this great car.Also wanted to know how much does a gallon cost in your areas? Here is $2.37 pgallon.It would be very interesting to know from all around the world! by the way 2.37 is for 89octane the military sells on post here.They say that is the going price in the USA.
Finally Arrived!
Wow!!! She is a Beauty!!!!!
S3OZ dual exhaust& OS Giken TwinCam 24
Justletting you guys know there is S30 non turbo prowling the highways inJapan non turbo just totally killing these Toyota 1JZs Ill bring my camera to the street races and try to film it next time.Its a sight to see!!
S3OZ dual exhaust& OS Giken TwinCam 24
Hi guys and gals.Do you know if any company makes dual exhaust like the old days.Its full dual and the tailpipes are on top of eachother instead of side by side.As a teenager watching dragracing inJapan i heard the sweetest sound of a Z triple carbs and that exhaust combined was the most beautiful sound.Also does anyone have any info about the OS GIKEN twincam 24valve engine L6? This guy way back in the days had one triple carbs 3liter non turbo. And he just stomped on this ToyotaSoarer 6MG with Blitz turbo kit on it.Back then that Soarer was dynoed at 420 rwhp. Too bad they didnt have digital cameras back then.That Z is etched in my mind and was always wondering what kind of horsepower that guy was pushing!