Funny turn signal issue.....
if you read my post you'll see I have emliminated that possiblity. upon serching it looks like it could be the combo switch on the wheel. I'm gonna spray some contact cleaner in there. I didn't see how it could be the combo, since my rear blinker works, but one guys swears that bad combo contacts can produce these symptoms BTW my hazard lights work perfectly.
Funny turn signal issue.....
Hi guys 73 240 box stock Right turn sig is perfect. Left turn: rear light flashes, but no flash in dash or front left. The bulb and wire to the harness in front are fine: i checked. I pluged the left front harness in to the right socket behing the grill and it flashes fine The flasher thingy (round plugs in under dash) is good, I swaped it out: same thing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Replacing bolts......
Ty guys Marty espcially-- I forgot about the pilot bushing!!!! I have the throwout bearing but not the bushing. I'm tempted to use the old bolts, but have been advised I would be crazy to do so. great help here uhoh7
Replacing bolts......
I'm getting ready to swap enignes in my 73. I'm trying to plan so I can do it over a weekend. I will pull the engine and trans, then swap the trans to new motor, replacing clutch and throughout bearing in the process. Then it goes back in. the car is in good shape but has not been apart since new. I hear its a good idea to replace bolts (i am replacing motor and trans mounts). My question, and I have tried to find it in searches, What bolts will I run into and how can i find the dimensions in advance so I can order them? I live in the boonies, so I can't walk down the street and get them. Thanks guys
Muffler advice on 6 into 2 dual glass pack 73 z
My "new" 73 has a 6 into 2 header and then runs into 2 glass packs not far back and then all the way out with 2 pipes. In the powerband it is quite loud. I just want to tone it down a bit. I have searched but can't find easy solution. Maybe another pair of glass packs at the back? ty sirs
Internal Engine Cleaner?
Thats what I was thinking I have another motor which should be good, but I'd like to run this one untill I get organised to swap.
Getting ready for enigne swap in 73 240Z....
Roger Sir, Ty for all your help
Internal Engine Cleaner?
That sounds like a good idea... I will look for diesel motor oil.... What about Chevron Delo® 400 Multigrade Heavy Duty Motor Oil? Thanks, Great forum Charlie
Getting ready for enigne swap in 73 240Z....
This cocca Z i bought last week has a very clean body and interior but engine is hammered. I also picked up a rebuilt L24- complete with head etc.; with about 30K on it. Reportedly very good components. So it looks like I am in for a swap. Forgive my ignorance. I have all manuals on order, hehe. What special tools will I need? What to watch out for? Hints, tips, links..... Thanks guys, Charlie
Internal Engine Cleaner?
Suggestions on a "high detergent" oil? TY sirs
Dealing with a disconnected smog system......
I apparently have an original Datsun Competition manifold and carby setup. This according to Wolf Creek Racing who have seen good pics of the setup. I will have to look but I fear there are no unused vacum ports on the intake. I have seen pictures where these vents are routed to a "dump can" I am going to look for the "the small port just above where your crankcase vent is" Hope i can find that one! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Charlie
Internal Engine Cleaner?
OK I will take your guys advice and just change oil and filter. What oil and filter should I use in this old Z? TY Charlie
Dealing with a disconnected smog system......
This is a 73 Z with 3 mikunis and a 6 into 2 header, which I have just got. The valve cover vents into a k&n filter in the engine compartment--not connected to intake and I'm not positive if there is a PVC valve stuck in there. The crankcase vents to a stinky filter/cover which fits over the pipe on the left front of the motor The gas vapor return lines from the resevior enter the fuel vapor control valve, then 2 vacum sized hoses come out of that valve and are cut. They do not appear to be plugged. Fumes are a concern, and I wonder what suggestions you guys might have to deal with these engine compartment contaminators? Thanks Charlie
Internal Engine Cleaner?
My compression right now is 80 80 80 80 100 100
Internal Engine Cleaner?
Thank you sir... I can see that with the internal engine cleaner, but what about the "carbon flush'" which deals with the combustion chambers only? TY Charlie