Everything posted by 2ManyZs
anyone else in the 5 year plus club?
Bought the 71 in the spring of 97. Drove it some but not much, had to build a garage in 98 to store it, then started dissasembling it in the fall of 2001. Here it is the winter of 02 and it is still sitting forlornly on the jackstands waiting for me to get out there and start putting it back together...... The pic in my gallery shows the car as it sat all summer...... Guess mine will end up being a long term project as well.:disappoin
Heater Core Question
A pressure test is done with a hand pump connected to a specail radiator cap that will pressurize the system. It would be a lot safer to do it this way than to have your hands somewhere you can't see and have them covered with hot antifreeze as antifreeze will stick to your hands and continue to burn. Most any shop will have a pressure tester, or possibly you can rent them from an auto parts store or tool center. Chance are that it is a hose leaking as most people never replace the short hoses on the heater core when they change the underhood hoses. The second most common place for a leak is the heater control valve, with the core itself being the last place it will probably be leaking. If the car still has the original hoses on the core and the stock clamps, my money would be on a hose leaking......
Steering tracking problems
If it isn't something with the tires, I would guess the front toe needs to be tinkered with a bit. What did they set it at? If they set it to the factory spec it may or may not work well with wider tires. I'd try having it set at 0 toe, just to see if it helps. That's what I always used on the IT car and it always drove nice and straight with no wandering, that was with 14x7 wheels and 225/60 tires. Sometimes the size and width of the tires will require a bit different setting than the stock setting with the tall skinny tires.......
Hella H4s
Sean, check out our newest advertiser. Too Intense Restorations also has an H-4 conversion kit for 56.95 each side.. Not sure how much shipping would be but it might be worth a look.
Lookin for Z in CA
The car looks like a pretty good deal if you can get it for under 3500. The body looks great, hopefully the underside is still in good shape. What the car needs to finish could run you into a couple grand more if you do a complete job, of course, some of the things it needs can be found used in fair condition which would save a lot of money in the long run. Check for rust in the usual places. You can do a search on this site for posts relating to rust issues and where to look. If you have the money and it's close by, I say go take a look and then decide whether or not to bid on it....
Heater Core Question
It isn't easy to do, but you should try to get a look under the dash to see if it might be a heater hose or the heater control valve that is leaking. It could be something as simple as a bad hose. If not, then pulling the heater core isn't difficult, just annoying if you can't get yourself under the dash to see what you are working on. You could try pressure testing the radiator, if you have a leak, it will be a lot easier to spot while there is pressure on the system. Hopefully all you will have is a leaking hose.......
Just finished my V-8 swap...
Me thinks Steve has been into that "home-brew" a tad too much..... Are ya sure that's a V-8?:cross-eye Sure looks like a V-6 to a "sober" eye.....
keep/sell my z? value?
Geez Sean, you are no help at all...
Leave stock or not leave stock
With a car with that early a production date, I would go original. It will be worth a lot more later if you keep it close to stock. Look at Classic Datsun Motorsports for interior plastic, and Too Intense Restorations has some of the rest of the needed pieces. It will be worth it in the long run given how early the car is in the production run......Some people have all the luck...
Leaking Head Gasket
Try re-torquing the head again. Hopefully the gasket will be OK, it may be the head was not torqued exactly when it was installed. It is always advisable to re-torque the head after a couple heat cycles when an engine is first put together. Good luck. If it still leaks a new gasket will be the next thing to do and make sure the head is straight and torqued correctly.
keep/sell my z? value?
I agree with the other posts, it sounds like it might be something fairly simple in the ignition or FI that is causing the problem. I would try to find a GOOD mechanic to diagnose the problem for sure before you decide to sell it. It might only be a 100 dollar fix, or it might be more. Decide whether to keep the car only after you find out what is causing the problem. Just as a caveat, I bought my first 240 back in the early 80's, the girl who owned it had trouble with it and traded it in. After I bought it and talked to a couple mechanics it turned out it was just the water control valve on the intake that was causing the problem. I blocked off the line with a blind rivet I got at work and it ran great for years after words. It cost me nothing but a little time to figure out the problem. I met the girl not long after I bought the car and fixed it, and believe me she was PO'd that it was something that simple! She wanted to buy the car back on the spot, but since I had waited to find one for so long, I didn't sell, and kept the car for about 7 years. Finding out what is the problem will give you a good idea of whether or not it is time to sell..... you might regret it later if it turns out to be something simple.
Quick HELP on Suspension Question
I agree with Carl, before you put it back together be sure to check to see if they gave you the right springs. It almost sounds like they may have given you springs for a 240 which would be shorter than 280 springs to begin with, as the stock springs are shorter on a 240 than a 280. I have seen some springs that had perhaps an inch of free play when assembled with no load on the spring, any more than that just doesn't sound right.
Rear end woes
OK, that clear it up a little but you won't like my response.....:disappoin It sounds like the rear may be the culprit. It may be the ring and pinion or the bearings. On decelleration you are hearing a grinding because the ring and pinion clearance is changing and possibly the pinion gear is gouging the ring gear. Either that or it is one of the side bearings that is shot or a spider gear. It could also be the front bearing also, and the pinion shaft is moving back and forth and causing the problems with the ring gear. Either way, the best thing to do now would be to pull the diff cover and see if there are any deep gouges on the ring gear, or if the spider gears look to be damaged. Any way you look at it, pulling the cover is going to tell the whole story. If you see any gauling on the gears, it still could be a something fairly simple like bearing, but it will depend on what you find on the gears. But then again, it could still be something as simple as a u-joint or a loose flange. Check you u-joints and seals for leaks, a leak might pint you in the direction of your problem. Pop the cover and check the u-joints and let's here the rest of the story....
best plugs for nitrous
Your best bet for getting an informed answer to that question would be over on www.hybridz.org Not sure if there are too many members here that have tried nitrous...yet that is.
Rear end woes
Does it only make the noise while under braking? Could it be the rear shoes? I'm wondering if they are getting low enough, and with some heat checking on the drum that it could be shuddering, and causing the noise to be amplified a bit.... Or is it while shifting? Which would lead me to suspect the throwout bearing and/or pressure plate. As far as the heat of the rear diff, they do get very hot if used hard. BTW, the more wear on the bearing and ring and pinion there is, the more heat that will build up. Have you tried a different gear lube? If you can, try some of the Redline synthetic lube in the rear and see if that helps. Hard to tell if there is a big difference without a temp sensor on the rear, but every little bit will help.
U-Joint problem????
Well, I doubt if it is a u-joint problem if it affects the handling like you describe. I would say it is a bushing in the suspension, or something is loose in the suspension. I would have it checked out ASAP. Could be a control arm mount is broken or the bushing is so bad that the control arm is moving and causing the loss of control. It could the quite a few things that could be causing the problem, and none of them would be safe to drive the car. It could be the mounting bolts on the strut are loose or missing. Not sure what the PO may have done with the suspension, but it sounds like you need to have it checked before it causes and accident. I would have it checked out immediately, just to be on the safe side...
1971 240Z excellent condition
Of all the members I would have expected you to be one of the last to get rid of your Z. After all you went through to get it, what made you decide to get rid of it so soon. Or is the yellow "blinding" you? :cross-eye
I'll second that post, do I hear a third?
Smog Canister
The way that is written I would say you only need a smog pump to get the 72 to pass. All Z's had a smog pump, so there is no getting around that:ermm:
DOM Tubing supply?
I don't have the answer, but you should be able to get it from most any good steel supplier. Take a walk thru the yellow pages and more than likely you will find it fairly easily. It should be easier to find where you live, than out here in the "boonies".:cross-eye
Installing Flares
Since you usually use either rivets or sheet metal screw to mount the flares while the epoxy is curing, you can either remove them all or leave a couple in to prevent any cracks in the epoxy and body filler you might use to blend away the lines where the flare meets the body. I'd be tempted to leave a couple to be sure....
Smog Canister
Since I'm not sure of your smog laws (if any) in Texas, here's the only thing I can think of that they may be referring to. You have an L-28 from a later 280, and the only canister I can think of would be the charcoal canister. It mounted on the passengers side near radiator support. If you have to abide by the year of the engine, you may have to dig one up out of the junkyard or something.....
no heat
Check this thread and see if you are having the same problem. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=4520
Help....Can not get 240Z started
Oops, sorry for the confusion, sometimes my fingers type faster than my brain can keep up with. Should have proof read my post a little better......:stupid:
off the WHOLE subject
She likes to show off for the camera too.... Nuttin' wrong with showing off your dogs, two things I would never get rid of, my 71 and my dog....