Everything posted by 2ManyZs
off the WHOLE subject
Must be something about dogs, they way they get into some of the oddest positions when they sleep. Hope your's don't snore as loud as mine does........
Zlish, you have my sympathies as well as an "Atta-Boy". You now have joined the ranks of those who are truly addicted.......:devious:
Help....Can not get 240Z started
First thing to check would be the fusible link and your connections at the starter and battery. The fusible link is the 10 gauge wire that connects to the positive terminal of the batter and goes to the starter solenoid. Check the connections at the solenoid and the plastic connector in the line itself. Let us know if that doesn't help.....
Fuel cell bulkhead ???
Don't see why you couldn't put a 20-24 gallon cell in a street car if you wanted. I know of some Z's that raced in enduro's that used 20 gallon or so, they normally mounted them flush with the floor and had to fabricate a bulkhead due to the cars being so low. With a street car you possibly could have enough ground clearance to run one that big, might depend on the cell manufacturer as they aren't all the same dimensions..... Don't have any digital pics of the 280 I sold, but perhaps I can take a couple of the wrecked 240 in the shop, if I can get enough "stuff" out of the way.
cam co. I have never heard of
If it is "Erson" I have, not sure if they are still in business though.Think they might have gotten bought out by one of the conglomerates, like Holley or Edelbrock. It wasn't too long ago if they have been bought out. Erson was big back in the 60's and 70's, mostly having to do with drag racing, and high performance during the factory muscle cars era....Oops, there I go showing my age again huh? :stupid: :cross-eye
Reccomended clutchs?
If you put a good Centerforce clutch in your car and do a 6K rpm and dump the clutch, you are going to have more than just clutch problems......if you plan on doing this you are better off with a stock clutch that will slip or your transmission, u-joints, ring and pinion, half-shafts, stub axles will be the next pieces on your replacement list. If you want to do burnouts like that, you are better of getting a Mustang or Camaro with a driveline that might hold up to that kind of abuse......
71 Japan GrandPrix (kenji tohira) replica
I understand about the pics Alan. Are there any Japanese web-sites with any pics that you could share with us?
does anyone have a shotgun
Just proves that there really IS a sucker born every minute.....:stupid: Got to admit it doesn't look too bad for a ZX. ROFL Some people just have more dollars than cents or is that sense?
i could use some help
EZ-E it sounds like you may have the rear carb just a bit too rich compared to the front one. By the color you describe it sounds like the front carb is just about right on judging by the plug color. Alpha, you compression sounds OK. Remember, you can't really compare one engine to another if they have different heads, perhaps different piston types, bore size(one may have been bored during a rebuild), and the head may have been shaved. If you see more than 10% difference between any tow cylinders then you are getting near time for engine work. 150-155 compression is excellent, I don't think you will get much more than 160psi without doing some engine mods...
71 Japan GrandPrix (kenji tohira) replica
I think if some of us knew where to look there would be a lot of interest in the history of the Z's that raced abroad, not only the Japanese cars but also in Europe. I know I have tried to search for info but usually end up with only the US history, which most of us already know about. Alan, do you have any links you could share?
Good Deal?
Sounds to me like he was actually going to build a race car out of it, no interior, and the springs being too stiff for the street? Sounds like the beginning of a good project if you can find no rust on the chassis and have plenty of time and resources to finish the job.
Tools of the trade
Not to mention the large tool box to arrange all the tools so you can quickly find them.... Or plenty of cabinet space or drawer space to arrange the ones that won't fit in the tool box, then there is where to put all the parts..... See? One bay of the garage is already full, so hopefully you have enough room to actually get the car inside and have room to work on it. :stupid: XYZ are you getting the idea you can never have enough tools??? BTW, one thing that wasn't mentioned yet is a small work bench mount drill press and a large assortment of drill bits.......
sad day at the crusher
We know it happens, but did ya have to tell us?
83 280ZX Clutch, cable or hydraulic?
I'm not too good with the ZX's, but I don't think there is a clutch interlock switch on yours, I believe they may not have started that till later, perhaps 84 and later.
Air Dam - Installed
If it is the urethane air dam, I believe it's the part number 50-1411 that MSA carries.
Air Dam - Installed
Ok, now ya went and done it, made me jealous......:cross-eye Great looking Z and a roadster for those days when you just have to go "topless" too. Guess I need to go back to work in the shop...
Fuel cell bulkhead ???
Yup, that's the way I did mine. Much less work if you mount the cell low enough to get everything under the floor board. Only time that would not be possible is if you were using a 16 or 18 gallon cell for enduro's. 12 gallon or less should be able to be mounted completely under the floor. BTW, the lower you mount the cell, the lower the center of gravity, and if possible, try to mount it just off center towards the passengers side. It may help to balance the car by offsetting the weight of the driver.
83 280ZX Clutch, cable or hydraulic?
All years of the Z had a hydraulic clutch. Check your master cylinder level and then if that is full check your system for leaks. You will find the master cylinder under the hood behind the windshield washer reservoir, at least I think the reservoir is in the same place that it is on earlier cars.. If the fluid is low re-fill it and then check to see if it is leaking, if no leaks, hopefully the clutch will now work OK. If not, then you either need a new master cylinder and/or slave cylinder or the clutch is shot itself....
Windshield removal -- ?
Uh well, I put a new gasket on mine since it had to be stored outside. Didn't want any chance of having a floor full of water.........:cross-eye
Factory (New) LH Rear Quarter Panel
If you can't find a new one, try contacting Andy Russell at emailus@zcarsofarizona.com He recently had a very nice used one on Ebay, perhaps he has another. Not a new one, but the one he had up for auction was almost as nice..
Windshield removal -- ?
Or if you prefer you could always get a new windshield gasket and put it back the way the original was mounted. It's sometimes a two-person job to put a windshield in with a new gasket, but it's not that difficult if you have the right tools to do the job. In fact, I think if you do a search you might find a thread all about it, seems like we gave kmack some ideas on how to put his back in after he painted his car...
'79 vs '82 rear disc calipers - opinions?
Take a look here. http://www.zdriver.com/articles/full_article.php?ID=11 You will only need the bracket that mounts the caliper to the hub. Just wish I could remember where I saw it that you could use the Maxima bracket to mount the caliper. Or maybe I'm just losing it........:cross-eye
'79 vs '82 rear disc calipers - opinions?
Someone just posted a link to I think it was the Georgia Z club that had an excellent write up on the ZX rear caliper swap. I thought I had saved it in my favorites but can't seem to find it now.:stupid: I think they recommended the later 82 calipers as well. It seems to me that it has something to do with the parking brake actuator on the later calipers that works bettr than the earlier ones with the stock 240 cable arrangement. I think you need the Maxima brackets to bolt them up to the hub, something else to look for while in the junkyard.. I'll look some more for the link and post it as soon as I find it...
Exhaust System
Look under Performance/Racing and you will find their performance systems. Part number is 15-6024 or 15-6304 for your car (page 51 in their new catalog). They have the stock systems as well. With the performance turbo exhaust system there is no center muffler, only a turbo muffler at the rear. Most aftermarket systems have no provisions for catalytic converters or the pre-muffler(resonator).
Exhaust System
Motorsport Auto has a fairly decent 2 1/2 inch system that can be used with headers or the stock manifold. They now offer it in aluminized tubing as well. I think it's about 150 for the basic system and around 200 for the aluminized. Probably a bit cheaper than a custom system at a good muffler shop, but won't fit quite like a custom system. There are others that sell them, but I've used the MSA system on a couple cars with satisfactory results.