Everything posted by 2ManyZs
Fan Clutch Testing and Repair
Yes, you can take it apart and refill it with oil... and I'm still looking for the tech article that tells all about it. Sounds like the oil has leaked out and it isn't locking up like it should. FWIW, the tech article isn't in any of the Z mags, so I'm not sure where I saw it, I'll go back and look some more tonight... I know I just saw one recently...:stupid: :cross-eye
Looking for rims?
Well, my thinking was that after paying shipping charges, the price might be a little more than most would want to pay for a used set of wheels.... They do look good, and are one of the better looking ZX wheels IMO.....
All right you lot, let's have you.
It took me 10 minutes to get off the floor rolling with laughter on that one... ROFL ROFL James, you and I both know you've been called worse.:devious:
All right you lot, let's have you.
ZMe is worried you will be afraid of him deedee.... I'm waiting for my Just For Men to work.....darn stuff is supposed to take the "blonde" out.... ain't workin very well.
All right you lot, let's have you.
I'm waiting to see your "mugshot" first there puddin-head.......:devious: We still are missing a bunch of regulars, like EScanlon, beandip, Smokey, Daniel, the list goes on and on.....
God Bless F1
Yes, some of them have been a little too much...these weren't as revealing as some I've seen on some of the "ricers" TV shows lately.... And, as far as F1, as far as I know, the women are probably the only interesting thing in the whole series anyways.....
overheating while idle
Oh, I forgot to mention, that when the engine is cold, the fan clutch should spin quite freely. The warmer the engine gets, it should get progressively harder to spin it by hand, and when at or above optimimum temp, it should be nearly impossible to spin by hand. So, if you can't spin it without too much trouble when the engine is cold, you know you have a problem. I'm still searching for the article... I didn't find it in any of my SportZ mags, so it's either on the net, or in an old ZCar magazine...:stupid: One of these days I'm gonna be able to remember where everything is. Yeah, right.:disappoin I never trusted those Prestone kits... give you 3 more possible places for a leak... and like I said somewhere, if the heater hoses spring a leak while you are driving, you won't know it until it's probably too late as the water will go under the car and down the tunnel. I know, I cooked one head like that....:stupid:
overheating while idle
The "low-tech" way to check the fan clutch, would be to shut off the engine while it is at operating temp or above, open the hood, and try to turn the fan blades(at the base of the blades so you don't break one) by hand. If you can turn the fan by hand, then the clutch isn't locking up completely like it should. The fan clutch can be dissasembled and re-filled with oil...I think there was an article in SportZ that told what viscosity to use that works best.... have to go back and look...... I used to flush the system using an old piece of garden hose, cut off at one end, and attached to the L at the back of the head.
Looking for rims?
There is a full set of 4 on Ebay right now, but, I think his Buy It Now price is perhaps a little on the high side:ermm: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2445357612&category=43954
God Bless F1
Let's just try to remember to post a warning with pics like this in the future, some members may have children they may not want being in the room when they view a pic like this, or, for our female members who don't want to view it. You wouldn't want to be surprised when opening a pic and have it be a Chippendale's "stud muffin" after all would ya?:cross-eye
Looks like a lot of fun.... Nice family, but you'll have to talk to her about that #24 jacket.... that is, if Boris didn't already.....
heater removal
It would, but IMO you would be better off to block the lines at the source where it could be done with a more secure alternative. You don't want them to leak or blow apart, you would be surprised how fast you can dump the whole cooling system out of these small lines, and you would definately not want it inside the passengers compartment. I blew the short line off the back of the head once on a street car, and in less than a mile I had cooked the motor, warped head and all... all the coolant went under the car through the tunnel and I never saw a problem until the temp gauge was well on its way to the peg.:disappoin
All right you lot, let's have you.
Oops, I missed yours... guess I was still in shock from the look in Victor's eyes and his new "do"........ I'll post mine when I see ol' ZMeCruisers posted..... Why do you think I used to like getting trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin Carl? They've got some great lookin gals up in those woods....:classic: Only bad part was it seemed like it was always winter when they sent me to Minneapolis, St Cloud, or Rogers... no fun looking at women that are wrapped up in 3 layers of clothes....:disappoin
Gaggle of Z's
Seeing pics of all those old C/P cars makes me wonder where they are now....or if any of them survived their racing days...
All right you lot, let's have you.
Heh heh... yes, my "mug shot" is still missing... as is yours Carl and a few others.....:devious: You're right Lachlan, if Deedee colored her hair with some red highlights, she might be able to be a Julianne Moore stand in... better she's like she is though, she's one of "us" Z lovers.....:classic: I like Alan Pugh's t-shirt the best.... one of my all time favorite sayings.
It depends on whether he has an early or late 260. The early 260's had a bumper that was nearly identical to the 73 240's except for the all rubber "bumper guards", and the late 260 had bumpers the same as the 75 280's. Either way, buying new ones will be expensive, and buying used ones will require some work to restore. If you have an early 260 with the smaller bumpers, you might be further ahead to get the mounts and bumpers for the early 240. Still not cheap if you buy new, but possibly cheaper and easier to obtain than the later 280 style bumpers.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Steve, you might get into a bit of trouble with those pics.... you turned 2 known brunettes into blondes and one blonde into a brunette....Shame on you..... :cross-eye
Looky at what i gotty wooooottttt
Now all you need is the "240 like" body kit you posted the pic of and you'd have it all...
All right you lot, let's have you.
I might post a pic as soon as I can find a hat like Rick's, and sit on the floor of a car like Alan is in.... even sitting in "just" a 432R would be worth taking a pic of myself........
Timing cover crank seal
I've always had good luck with CR brand seals... don't know where they are made though....
Boy am I bummed out...terrible dyno results
I was going to say the same thing.... I don't know that it's the fault of the carb, it could be the intake manifold itself. It's difficult to get the same amount of fuel/air mix into the cylinders when all the runners of the intake are different lengths and 2 of them are at least twice the length of number 3&4.... I'd be willing to bet, with a set of decent SU's, you'd see a big difference. And, with your mods, a set from ZTherapy with larger needles would let you maximize your mods you have now.
All right you lot, let's have you.
I wanna say A...... but I think it's C with a new "do"?
All right you lot, let's have you.
Bill, when I approved that pic, the first thing I had to wonder was how the Bouvier saw anything with all the hair blowing back in his eyes..:cross-eye And people say I have spoiled my dog.....course, if I had a bike, I might think about buying her a sidecar...
Fuel tank query
I'm going off memory here since I have already installed my tank and didn't pay much attention to the pads. 3 of them are probably about 1x3in and one is about 3x3in(the one closest to the fuel lines/sending unit) and probably at one time about 3/16-1/8in thick. In fact, if you take the tank down, there ought to be an imprint on the chassis where they were that you could get the exact size measurement off from, mine had nice little imprints in the undercoating that I used to line my tank back up in the original position with.
Wanted - automatic trans for 89 300zx
You might have better luck over on www.300zxclub.com or www.zdriver.com or www.Z31.com.... Not many of us here have Z31's......