Everything posted by 2ManyZs
Rubber firewall clamps/grommets
You might try MSA or possibly ZCarsof Arizona. It might be possible to find them at a dealer that has some good connections with Nissan. I don't remember ever seeing them listed in any parts catalogs, but you might get lucky and find someone who has a source that may have recently surfaced.
Oops I did it again.
Congratulations. On the car and your survival instincts.:cross-eye If you guys keep it up I will have to change my username or buy more cars. Let us see some pics when you can. :classic:
Let's support 2ManyZs through this!
I'd like to thank all of you who have responded to this post and/or e-mailed me directly. Now that the shock of finding my Mom when I returned from a trip to Massachusetts has finally waned, I have had some time to think and collect my thoughts. She has made great leaps in her recovery in the last two days and is showing signs of recovering in due time. She had suffered a massive stroke but after only a couple days in the ICU has started moving her right hand and foot which has us all optimistic that she may some day regain use of her right side. She still is not able to speak, which is very frustrating for her but hopefully this is just a temporary setback. After a few more days of testing to find out if there is any underlying cause for her to have suffered the stroke, they will begin therapy to help her regain use of her limbs and speech. This is something that has turned my whole world upside down for the time being. I will try to check in on the site and help out when it is possible for me to get a few minutes. I would like to thank you all for your support and only hope I can do the same for those of you who may need my support in the future. I'm glad I picked a group of people such as you are, that I could consider my friends, even though most of us may never meet face to face. Though we now only share a common bond in our love for our cars, we also have a common bond in that our families and friends are still the first thing we should all think about during a crisis. I have been telling her that all of you have been sending your e-mails and prayers for a speedy recovery. It gave her a smile and a tear in her eye that so many people from all over the world would do that for her. For anyone who is experiencing what I am I can only say that my heart goes out to you, and that I hope you can be as lucky as I have been, and that whomever is ill will have the kind of recovery that she has surprised all of us with.
300 ZX for SALE
UH Oh, you started something there didn't you?:cross-eye Worst thing about driving a Z in the snow is all the salt that will get under the car. With a good set of snow tires a Z is as good as any other rear wheel drive car in the snow. Which means they are not as good as a front drive car and not much better than a two wheel drive pickup........ Car looks to be in too good a shape to drive in the winter in NY, even though you don't have the winters like the "old days" when I was growing up in Massena,NY........ You might want to try www.Z31.com or zdriver, as we mainly are into the earlier cars here and there seems to be very few members in your area. In fact I can only think of one right now any where near Albany........ But you never know, someone may want to help a "damsel" in distress:cheeky:
I want one of these!!!!!
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I read it...:classic: It's nice to here something form someone who has driven the cars and knows them well, instead of leaving to to the "all-knowing" magazine journalists here in the US when they get some of them over hear to evaluate. I'm just curious to see if this is going to be one of GM's "Better ideas" or if they are making another Pontiac Aztek (read BIG MISTAKE). GM lost a lot of fans when they discontinued the F-body, but after using the same chassis for about 20 years, you would think they could come up with something that is new and exciting. Nearly every F-body has had the same complaints/problems since the 80's. Terrible interior, ergonomics, cowl shake, rattles, etc,etc,etc.
New Z car owner
Give Andy Russell a call at (480) 816-8668 or email him at emailus@ZCarsofArizona.com I just bought a new washer bottle and pump from him recently and he has a supply of good used parts so he may have a hub cap. Not sure about the service manual, some of them are getting hard to find, it all depends on what year car you have, I think I may have seen one for a 73 recently but can't remember where. If he doesn't have them, try Motorsport Auto. Look around the web-links area and you will find many Z parts suppliers, so one of them will probably have what you need.
The old A008's were a good race tire many years ago. Never used one of their street tires so I can't give an opinion. Yokes are a good tire, probably as good as any on the market. They are just starting to take all their 14 inch tires off the market like everyone else, which is not good for those of us that still need/want 14 inch tires.
Pic of me & my Z!
Bet if you bought her the house in the background or one like it she would let you have any kinds of toys you want!
My Babies
Oh c'mon now, you aren't leaving us Zlish.... :devious: Have been out of town without a computer or I would have commented. Got lost in the postings when i got home..... Like them both, although personally I would used the 260 for the Chevy swap. Gotta keep those earlier cars close to original. How is it you have two running cars and I have 4 that aren't running?:stupid: :disappoin
the club needs all of our help !!!
I have already e-mailed the link to the advertising on the site to two Z parts suppliers. Maybe if more of us did the same they would take a more serious look into advertising on the site. Let them know we like their products and would like them to become part of our clubs web-site.:classic: BTW Mike, hurry up and get three more posts, it's lonely here being the only one with over 1K posts! :cross-eye
WHOA ! Mega-tokyo !
Get rid of the ugly headlights and cover the pain job with something a little less gaudy and it might not be so bad. Interior is the least of this cars problems. Worth 25K? :stupid: Not very likely........ Actually looks pretty good under the hood. Too bad the rest of the car doesn't fit in with the engine compartment....
Since it is affecting both the headlights and the dash lights, my first guess would be the headlight switch itself. You might be able to take it off and using a little electrical contact cleaner get it back in working order. It may be worn to the point that it is not making contact well enough in which case a new or used replacememnt might be in order.
WTB: Rear Driver Quarter Panel for 72 240Z
Doubt very much if you could ever find a new old stock one. But you may be in luck with a good used piece. I've been having good luck with Andy (The Datsun Dude) and happened to see this on his auction listing. Starting bid is only $100.00 so all I can say is, Good Luck. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1869889109 BTW, if you give him a call or e-mail him he may have more than just the one. :classic:
Front Control Arm Bushes.
Next thing to try would be heat, either from a small propane torch or a full size torch set. If you can still get enough grip on the nut after heating it, it should come loose. If you still can't get it loose with heat, you'll probably end up having to cut it off. Best thing to use would be a air powered cut-off tool and a good abrasive wheel. Try to make a cut on opposite sides of the nut and effectively split it. This might help you save the bolt. Worst case would be cutting the entire end of the bolt off with the nut, but then you will need to find a replacement bolt and nut. When working on fasteners that are either rusted or large enough to have been torqued to a high degree, using a 6 point socket is always the best way to go. Using a 12 point socket or open end wrench will nearly always end up rounding off the fastener. If there is any question in your mind, always use the 6 point socket or a 6 point box end wrench.
Handbrake Adjustment
If your rear brakes are out of adjustment the handbrake will need to be pulled further to engage the parking brake. Check your rear brake adjstment to make sure they are OK. The second place to adjust the e-brake is underneath the car where it connects to the e-brake cable. It has a threaded rod that allows you to adjust the e-brake to compensate for the cable stretching over time. You can get to the threaded rod without removing the driveshaft if you really want to work at it, however, it is easier to just unbolt the driveshaft and drop it out of the way. The rod will more than likely be quite rusted due to its location, so taking the driveshaft out will more than lkely be your easiest recourse. I'll try to attach a pic from the CD of the handbake assembly, as sson as I can find it.:cross-eye
I want one of these!!!!!
Not sure about the Commodores, but if I remember right, it is the Monaro that will be the replacement for the Camaro and fFirebird here in the US if GM does what it has said it intends to do. I personally think the Monaro is a bit better looking than the 350Z, body styling wise at least. I can just hear the flack from that statement.......
Anyone notice this??
For all the media coverage and interest in the 350Z, there sure seems to be a lot of them on Ebay. I counted over 40 listings(some possibly duplicate listings) today for Touring and Track models. Are people finding out it is over-rated or are they just trying to make a profit by selling it for more than they paid, that is if they have even taken posession of the car yet. More of the same "speculators" that drove up the price of the Miata's and S2000's when they were introduced??? Are people that desperate that they would actually want to spend more than they could get one from a dealer? I have already heard of one "horror story" of a dealer charging 100 bucks to test drive one? Wonder how many other dealers are doing the same thing? Can some people really be that :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: Perhaps I just answered my own question huh???
Gasoline residue on injector
Only a couple ways gas could get on the outside of the injector. It's either leaking at the fuel rail connection or the crimped connection on the bottom of the hose where it connects to the injector body. Be hard for it to be a bad o-ring at the bottom or you would find the gas near the mounting plate on the intake. Check your hoses carefully and replace the clamps on the fuel rail to be sure. I think you can still get replacement hoses from MSA for the injectors if it is the crimped end that is leaking. Not sure how they connect though.
240Z Newbie here
If you go to www.hybridz.org you will find info on nearly every engine swap that has been done. They cover it all. Small block Chevies, Fords, Mopars, Toyota Supra Turbo L-6's, probably even find a couple Mazda rotary swaps in there too.
I want one of these!!!!!
Hmm, I thought I read that they were going to use the LS1 or LT1 from the F-bodies? Not that I would buy anything built by even a subsidiary of GM in the first place. Doesn't matter, if I were going to spend in excess of 30K for any car, this would be my choice. Might be a little tougher to get parts and service though:stupid: 350 NadaZ eat your heart out! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1869637592
I want one of these!!!!!
Uh, isn't this supposed to be the replacement for the Firebird and Camaro? Seems like GM announced that this was going to be their "new" GTO in a year or so. If they do, then you won't have too long to see them in the US after all. Guess they have been catching a lot of flack for cancelling the F-body, and decided they better have a more "sporting" model than the Monte Carlo. So instead of building a totally new car, they had decided to bring this one over as a replacement. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
More for the trivia buffs
Guess that was a little too easy to huh? Saw that on Ebay yesterday and thought it might be a little tougher. It's a 63 Nissan Patrol. Here's the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1867474375 Not sure if it worth his asking price, but it sure is looks pretty good for being almost as old as Spudz and I.:tapemouth
More for the trivia buffs
I want one of these!!!!!
Sell lots and lots of wine???
What goes where
It's odd that you are discussing the footrest, I just saw one on Ebay last week and it had me curious as there were never any in US cars. Unfortunately it is no longer up for bid. It looked like it was almost new. It was the first time I had ever seen one advertised (aftermarket or otherwise) and was curious if it was offered somewhere else as an option or if it were dealer installed. Wish I had saved the auction now. :stupid: