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Everything posted by 2ManyZs

  1. It could have been just a lot of trapped air somewhere that caused the coolant drop. That's why it is always best to re-check your coolant level after any type of repair work where you have drained coolant out. Once you re-fill it it will trap air in the lines and it will take a while for it to make its way back to the radiator and be released. Hopefully you don't have a leaking headgasket.:tapemouth A leak down test would be one way to find out if you do or not. Heaters are usually where any trapped air will reside, since the valve prevents any coolant from circulating when you are not using the heater it can stay in there all summer until you open the heater valve and circulate coolant. Re-check your coolant level after a couple more drives and if the coolant level keeps dropping you have another problem.
  2. 2ManyZs replied to H2O-Z's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Darn, ya beat me to it Enrique. If you have too much trouble finding a set, I may have a set or two of used ones in pretty good shape. Send me a PM and we can discuss a price if you can't find any closer.
  3. 2ManyZs replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Must have been an easy one if I got it right.:cross-eye
  4. Looks like someone hasn't been taking their medication lately to put a price like that on something that looks that bad! $195.00 would be a bit more reasonable I think.:cross-eye Hopefully it was a miss-print.
  5. 2ManyZs replied to Dougherty2's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I believe they were also the only 15 inch wheels available from the factory until 84 if I remember correctly.
  6. 2ManyZs replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Me thinks it would be difficult to hold the wheel no matter which side it was on. :cross-eye Just take a little getting used to shifting with the "wrong" hand and not making the engine into a hand grenade.:stupid: :tapemouth
  7. 2ManyZs replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hmm, looks like a Z432.
  8. 2ManyZs replied to Zlishous's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Check to see how close your exhaust is to the starter, if it is close you might want to get a heat shield of some type between them or maybe even one of the starter heat barrier wraps. Sounds like a heat problem to me. See a lot of that even on cars that were V-8's to begin with, someone puts a header or changes the exhaust and it overheats the starter, sometimes it only happens when it sits still and the radiant heat off the exhaust uses the starter as a "heat sink". :cross-eye I think if you look at Summit Racings website you can find one of the starter heat resistant wraps for an affordable price. Better than push starting.:tapemouth
  9. 2ManyZs replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    A little blue smoke at start-up is usually caused by the valve seals, they are rubber and over time harden and lose their ability to seal properly. It could also be worn guides, but they usually last a lotlonger than the seals. Not a difficult job to change just the seals, but the easiest way is to remove the head, so a thorough check of all the components while the head is off would be a good idea.
  10. 2ManyZs replied to BartZ240's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Was kinda wondering how you missed this post Rick.:sleepy:
  11. 2ManyZs replied to BartZ240's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    There are a couple of "kit" cages sold. They are by Autopower and by Kirk Racing Products. The Autopower cage has the bars running down the windshield pillar and turns down to the floor behind the dash. It is a 6 point cage. You might want to give Kirk a call to see what they have available, as they do have some more custom cage kits available than does Autopower. Of course adding a few bars after the initial installation isn't too difficult if you want to add on a couple more attachment points. Only other thing is to have someone do a custom cage which will cost you in the 1500+ range, but will be done to your exact specs where the "kits" will not. Hmsports here on the site builds his own cages so you might give him a try and see if he could help you out with any other questions/info on a custom built cage.
  12. Found this site while on one of the racing sites. Might be worth a look to any of you who are looking for Mikuni carbs or parts such as jets, etc.. http://www.wolfcreekracing.com/classified.htm
  13. 2ManyZs replied to NickF's post in a topic in Interior
    I believe I have seen the covers for sale on the web. Seems like it was either Classic Datsun Motorsports or perhaps Too Intense Restorations or Motorsport Auto. Check out their sites in the web-links sections. I still have not received my new MSA catalog so I don't know if they still have them or not.
  14. 2ManyZs replied to xkeithx's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sounds like the cold start injector or the temp sensor is trying to over-enrichen the mixture. Try unhooking the injector on the front of the intake and see if it helps. Take a look at the plugs after you do it and see if they are gas fouled. If you don't have one already, I suggest getting a Factory Service Manual for your car. It is almost essential when trouble shooting the fuel injection. There are so many tests for each of the circuits it is almost impossible to diagnose a problem without one. It is expensive, but worth every penny.
  15. 2ManyZs replied to 20BS30's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The R-200 rear in the 280 should hold up to a V-8, within limits. The weakest link will probably be the axle flanges and the sub axles along with the U-joints. For more info take a look over at www.hybridz.org
  16. 2ManyZs replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Used it in 240's and 280's. I had one car that had over 100K on it and I know it never had any leaded gas put in it for more than the first couple years of its life. And I know he was not into doing preventive maintenance. Using unleaded is not going to cause significant damage to the seats in a short time. It's is over a long period of time that the damage is done. Lots of other things also will may have an impact on how long it lasts, such as valve adjustments, fuel mixtures, spark plug heat range, timing. Any things that will affect what is going on inside the combustion chamber will have an effect on how quickly the unleaded fuel will cause the seats to deteriorate. So there are variables in how long the seats will/can last.
  17. 2ManyZs replied to xkeithx's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    When it does it again, pull a couple plugs out and see if they are wet with gas. If they are it may be in the water temp sensor, and causing it to flood, or it may have a bad cold start valve (injector), the one in the front of the intake manifold. If not that it may be in the ignition somewhere, something may be overheating due to excessive resistance. Those would be the first two things I would check.
  18. 2ManyZs replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    It would take a lot of use and a lot of miles with unleaded gas before any problems would show up if the valve seats are in good shape to start with. If they are already suspect, having the hardened steel seats installed would solve the problem entirely. I used unleaded in my Z for years with no problems with the stock seats. Not that it might have had problems right after I got rid of it though.....:cross-eye
  19. 2ManyZs replied to billcapp's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    To clean the cam lobes you could try a good aerosol lube (WD-40 or one of the other good ones on the market) with some very fine emery paper or possibly even the finest grade of Scotch Brite. Use plenty of lube while you do this to keep it from scratching the lobes. You could also try some Berkabile 2+2 Instant Gum Cutter, (I think that is how it is spelled), it is an aerosol that will get rid of a lot of different oils, greases, sometimes even paint, and may take off some of the lighter rust. When you have it cleaned you could either oil it, or use a light grease to protect it. STP oil treatment will even work. When you have coated it good, you probably ought to try to put it in a plastic garbage bag to prevent it form drying out again.
  20. Without knowing the exact rules you have to abide by there is no real answer to your questions. Every club, region, etc has different prep rules. SCCA rules would be the most difficult to get the car down to the wieght you are hoping for unless you go into EP or GT class. An Improved Touring Z can get down to close to 2000lbs within the rules, but the brakes have to remain close to stock. If you can run a lot of fiberglass body parts in the group you are running with, 2000lbs will be no problem. Depending on the engine prep rules you are looking at anywhere from 200-250hp or maybe more. Everything depends on the rules you have to run with. A good Z should be able to run with most 911's given the same prep rules, what the Z gives up in one area it will gain in another.
  21. 2ManyZs replied to xkeithx's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You didn't say what year car you had or which carbs, but another thing to check is the water control valve. You may be experiencing vapor lock if the water control valve is overheating the carbs and/or intake.
  22. 2ManyZs replied to ozlime240z's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Before you do any grinding, you should do a test fit of the caliper on the mount. You will possibly need to shim the caliper to have it centered over the rotor. This may change your relationship to the wheel if you have to shim the rotor inward to center it over the rotor. You may find that after centering the caliper over the wheel you may not have any clearance issues to deal with. I would not advise grinding on the caliper if at all possible. It may weaken the caliper as it looks to be a web support between the pistons or it may have a fluid port there to equalize the pressure between the pistons. Either way it could have disastrous results. If you need only an extra millimeter or so to get the clearance you need, I would use a very thin wheel spacer. I'm not usually a fan of wheel spacers, but if they are kept to the absolute minimum, I see no reason not to use them especially on a street car. If you do use a wheel spacer, make sure you have good studs and the lug nuts have the proper thread contact, if a stock type nut does not thread down to a point where all the threads on the nut are used, I would advise using longer studs.
  23. 2ManyZs replied to Al Squillante's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Not sure which decal you are referring to, but some of the underhood decals are available form Banzai Motorworks in MD. Check their web-site to see if they have the one you need, you can find a link to their site in the web-links.
  24. 2ManyZs replied to Fangio's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Pretty sure Motorsport Auto has them. Don't settle for the cheap one, get one of the better ones. The cheap one doesn't do a good job of keeping the moisture out and it will end up damaging the paint sooner or later. I used one on an race car I had and it did a number on the paint. It was a cheap paint job to begin with but it should have lasted a bit longer..... I think you could probably also get on from California Car Covers, not sure of their web-site address, but they have covers to fit most anything and may be less expensive.
  25. Well, it can be adjusted. It is not as easy on an R-200 as it is on the R-180 but it can be done. However, if you have as much freeplay as you say, I doubt you will be able to adjust it out, sounds like the ring and pinion have far too much wear. You might want to pull the back cover just to see for sure, but if it really has a 1/4 turn of freeplay in the pinion, you are probably going to see a lot of wear on the ring or the pinion gear. :disappoin If you find a lot of wear, you will probably be better off looking for a better diff.

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