Brake lights won't turn off
You guys were spot on - did the little bolt trick (and added grease). Thanks so much!!!
Brake lights won't turn off
Encountering a situation where my rear brake lights will not turn off... have attempted to pump the brakes (that are functional otherwise) in an attempt to loosen any pressure switch that may be stuck - brake lights are still on. Suggestions from the peanut gallery where I might continue working the issue? Would prefer not to break the brake line circuit if I don't need to. Thanks much folks & Happy Turkey Day!! Steve
Konig Rewinds
I have a '77... flattened my grease caps "gently" with a hammer, and the caps then fit. Have heard of others with earlier 1st-gens that were unable to get the caps to fit.
What are your favorite Quotes?
At the risk of sounding sexist (I'm not).... "No matter how good looking she is, there's somebody, somewhere that is sick of her sh!t". "Work hard, play hard, but don't let either one kill you".
HELP ME!!! only gettin fuel to 1 cylinder!
ZMan, Check your fusible links... there is one within the fusible links block for EFI... there is also one that is part of the battery cable. Check both. I had some "finnicky" fusible links that would provide continuity one second, then none the next. I would check these... they could render your whole EFI system inoperable if the fusible link is not connected. Good luck!!!
clutch wont bleed properly
Good deal... it's a good feeling getting the Z on the road for the first time in a while.
clutch wont bleed properly
ZMan... You mention oil coming out of the slave... I assume you mean brake fluid? Oil will not give you the proper pressure needed to move the slave's piston. Might want to verify that the slave's rubber hose/line is not expanding/leaking with each attempt to press the clutch. If the hose is bad, it will absorb all of the pressure vice the slave's piston.
Carl the Bambi-Killer...
Carl the Bambi-Killer is one of the more entertaining members... his legacy is one of extensive expertise and knowledge, coupled with direct & "matter of fact" style. He's disagreed with me on more than one occasion, but I find his input nonetheless entertaining and credible.
yay! my new 280z!
ZMan... Post some pics as soon as you get the opportunity. Congrats... Pea
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Graphite 15X7 Konigs
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