Everything posted by =Resurected280=
Fire Extinguishers: Why we should all have them
Attention New England Z Owners
FYI to Everone in The Northeast, Next weekend is the Summer Nationals in Worcester, MA. Its still not too late to register and I was wondering if anyone from this site is going to be attending. In case you're wondering this show is open to all types of cars but is mostly muscle cars and hot-rods. There were a few Z's there last year but not many. Of the 500+ cars in the show there were only 3 Z's that I saw, one stock looking (and pretty nice I might add) V8 280Z, one hack job/drag car 240Z(?), and one original 240Z. I know this is the rust belt area of the country but there's got to be more Z's around here than that!! Here's the link to the show's web site: www.summernationals.com
??Need Turbo Help??
I dont know alot about turbo's either but I know that the Garrett T3 or T4 (I've heard they makes hybrids of these two types also) are supposed to be very good. A friend of mine has twin T3's (I think) on his 5.0 Mustang and he likes them so far, although he hasnt had his car tuned since he installed them. The car is still scary fast even without the tune though. Good luck.
Steering Wheel Sizing/Dish Question
I have though about having the original wheel redone, but the wheel on my other car (the Focus in my signature) has a much thicker rim to it and I really like that feature. Even though its not something I would do, that trick with the liquid electrical tape is pretty neat though, never woulda thought of that one. BTW I like the heavying steering in my Z, it keeps my girlfriend form driving it
Steering Wheel Sizing/Dish Question
Hi guys (and girls?), I've been shopping for a new steering wheel lately due to the deteriorated condition of mine and I had a few questions that the search funtion has been able to help me with yet. The wheel I'm currently looking at is a 13 1/2" Grant wheel with a 3 1/2" dish. I'm pretty sure I want the smaller size (I'm 6' 3" and I want a little more space for my knees and elbows) but I wondering if anyone knows if the 3 1/2" dish will bring the wheel closer to me or not. I'm trying to keep it the same distance away or bring it just a little bit closer. Thanks.
rubber bushing/urethane bushing
I have the MSA urethane bushings for my entire front end and the mustache bar in the back and I really like it. It does ride stiffer but not a lot stiffer. The steering wheel is also a more lively but it gives better road feel and I definitely wouldnt consider it annoying. Just an FYI though, make sure you put a lot of grease on the mustache bar bushing or they will squeak, they squeaked VERY loudly in my case .
Fire Extinguishers: Why we should all have them
1 bravo 6, I'm glad you appreciated the warning, that was the point I was trying to make by starting this thread. :-) I wasnt trying to start a debate about driving habits.
Fire Extinguishers: Why we should all have them
Yes I did get one approved for automotive use, I've heard of them popping in hot cars before too. So far as the lessons learned thing, I'm not trying to sound macho or anything but living is only living to me if you take risks and have fun. To put this in perspective I also ride snowmobiles and motorcycles (see my signature) both of which are MUCH, MUCH more dangerous than driving a car on the street. And besides, how many people here can honestly say they have never done a burnout or anything dangerous in a car? The reason I posted this was to warn others of a concequence of this that I experienced first hand.
Fire Extinguishers: Why we should all have them
Hey Everybody, I had a little "experience" this weekend that I think I should share with everyone here, even though it doesn't directly involve a Z car. Friday night me and my friends were out doing our usual screwing around with automobiles (muscle cars, I'm the only one with a non-american car ). Anyways we decided to set up and video tape a burnout with two cars side by side which we've done plenty of times before. The two cars that lined up for this were my friend's '86 Monte Carlo SS (383ci, it's never been dyno'd but it pulled an 11.8 in the 1/4 last time it was at the track), and my other friend's '73 Corvette (410hp 350ci, just broken in 6-speed T-56 tranny, line-lock and electric exhaust cut-outs, which are an unbelievable amount of fun:devious: ) Anyways, I was in the Monte and we did our burnout and pulled away, but my friend's Vette's tires were just spinning and stopping and spinning and stopping. As we pulled away though there was a really loud bang and a fireball shot out the bottom of the car. At this point we went off to get a truck and trailer since the Vette definitely was going anywhere, but about half way there we got the call that the Vette had a small fire going and they couldn't put it out, this was then followed by three cars screaming around town looking for a fire extinguisher at 11:30 at night. It took us about 15 minutes to find an extinguisher and get back to where the car was, but by this time it was too late to put this fire out with anything other than a fire truck and even then the car was still a total loss. In case youre wondering what caused this though, the clutch, (which was a stock '01 Camaro clutch I believe) failed to grab, spun, and then overheated and either it or the flywheel exploded. The clutch shot off the ground and then out the right fender and the pressure plate shot out the left fender (I have no idea how this didnt hurt or kill anyone). The tranny's input shaft was bent at about a 45 degree angle from this. Also when this happened fire came up through the dash vents into the cab of the car. I attached a couple picture's of where this happened, one it of the 1" deep divet the pressure plate left in the pavement. Anyways this was a big lesson learned for me because my friend poured uncountable hours and at least $20,000 into this car and he now has a melted pile of fiberglass in his backyard to show for it. We've determined to the best of our knowledge that the fire probably started behind the dash so we may not have been able to stop it anyways, but we didnt get to try either. I'm sure this has been talked about before, but believe me, this sucks dont let it happen to you. (I went out Saturday and bought a fire extinguisher for both of my cars) untitled.bmp
Knuckle arm wont separate from Ball Joint HELP
just for future reference ball joint separators (also called pickle forks) work awsome for this and any auto parts store has them :-)
This seller needs anger management!
Wow, talk about being bitter, some one who drove a Z probably stole his girlfriend or something .
Parts needed for a 1978 Datsun 280Z
I'm pretty sure MSA has both these parts, call them and check, good luck! http://www.thezstore.com/store/merchant.mvc?
Good front wheel drive cars?
The only other enigne I can think of that would be a good one to use here (although I also think an SHO engine would be the best) is the 2.2L turbo engine out of a late eighties Shelby Daytona/Charger. I think the Dodge Omni and Plymouth Sundance also had this engine, not sure though.... These suprisingly are not as expensive as you'd think and you can find them. I know because I strongly considered putting one in a Plymouth Reliant (also known as a K-car, ) I used to have. Supposedly these motors car be souped up pretty good.
4x4 Trashed Z
Should we KEEP the right bar on the main page?
I voted to keep it but new polls should be put up more often, that column isnt very interesting when its the same poll for weeks and weeks.
280 running rough
I second what daddz said. I had the same problem with my 280Z and after going through almost every item in trouble shooting section of the EFI section of the FSM one of my fathers friends said I should check the gas tank because of how clean EFI systems need to be to run correctly, and sure enough there was rust in the tank, I HATE RUST!!!! . But anyways I had my tank steam cleaned and re-lined and my car ran like new. Just as a side note the rust in my tank was caused by a looonnnnngggg period of sitting (17 years) and there was quite a bit of rust in it.
Compression rod bushing arrangment
I would say go with pic 2. Thats how I installed mine, with the big radius facing outward, but mine were urethane and they didnt look the same as yours. Here's a link that might help you out. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/suspension/comprod/index.html
Do some performance mods!!! It got me motivated again, and it doesnt have to be expensive. I put on a muffler and eliminated the resonator (cost $175 at my local shop, KarCraft in Rutland, MA if youre close to there, they do very good exhaust work) and put in urethane bushings. The difference those two things made in handling and sound (no performance increase with the muffler that I could feel) got me motivated. Hang in there!!!
our beloved Z, is it becoming better or worse?
IMO it should be an inline 6 though, I LOVE those style motors and BMW has shown us they can still work in sports cars, even though I-6 engines seem to be becoming a lost art. =(
Water Pump
I've done this and its not that hard of an operation, the only problem I had was getting the fan out from inbetween the motor and the fan shroud. You may not need to take the fan out though, I only took it out to check out the fan clutch. Good Luck =)
our beloved Z, is it becoming better or worse?
In my opinion as soon as the S30 Z cars became Nissans and took on the ZX at the end of their name the real "Z" cars that we all know died. The fact that the 350Z is not called the 350ZX, to me, is an error on Nissan's part, because if you park these two next to each other no one would ever relate the two (except for maybe the center gauge pods). Park a 350Z next to a Z31 or a Z32 on the other hand and there are some similarities. If you ask me, if Nissan wanted to recreate the original Z car they should have built something like a hardtop version of the Honda S2000 or Pontiac's upcoming turbo Solstice. That would have gotten me running to the dealership and would have brought the Z back into the "true" sports car catagory where it belongs. Sorry for the little soapbox speech but thats my 2 cents =)
Very Interesting Turbo Project on Ebay
Hey All, Figured I'd post this in case you havent seen it yet, this car definitely has some amazing potential. I've never seen a twin turbo I-6 Z before!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1970-DATSUN-240Z-TURBO-Project-Car-MANY-NEW-PARTS_W0QQitemZ4641016023QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
ya, I'll second that, I think I'm actually going to try that after my body work is done. Great alternative for those on a budget or who dont care too much about having the nicest looking car in town (both apply to me ). Although it seems if it was done right, like the orange charger, it could be a very nice paint job.
Cool Turbo 510 Video
Dont know if anyone has posted this one before but I thought it was a pretty cool little video. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/C8BAF500-F834-46BB-BCD8-2C4363906C85.htm BTW the kids filming this video are kinda dumba$$es, but focus on the car :devious: .
Testarosa or 300ZX???
hey, at least it has more potential than those fiero conversions