Everything posted by =Resurected280=
Starting Problem
Thanks for the pics zbane I always wondered what those black things the ZX's have on their valve covers were , now I know. So far as mr man 21's problem goes I think Enigma is right that this is a two part problem. The "running on" is one and the vapor lock is the another. I have a suggestion on the vapor lock issue though, as this is something I've wanted to try for a while but I havent done it yet. I wanted to wire up a switch to disable the starter motor on my car so that I can turn the key like I was trying to start the car and run just the fuel pump (this is easier than it sounds). My hope here is that running just the fuel pump for maybe 10 or 15 seconds would prevent the "try to start-->sputter, sputter die" symptom by getting fresh fuel from the gas tank moved through the system. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or know whether or not this could work?? Mind you that i'm not positive how vapor lock works exactly but this was just a thought that I had.
Water pump screeching?
I know this is for a different car but I had a Crown Vic that did exactly what your car is doing, but it ended up being the bearing on the tensioner pulley was going bad, and it had a new belt on it at the time. So I would vote some sort of bearing on this one. Also are you losing any antifreeze there? When the bearing on the water pump on my 280Z went there was some antifreeze leaking out of it around the bearing/fan mounting area. Good Luck =)
Starting Problem
My '78 280Z does this too, does anyone have a picture of this auxillary fan setup? My car always does this in embarassing situations, like when running errands, and i would love to find a way to fix it. One other thought, I've seen people wrap their fuel rails in what looks like header wrap before has anyone tried this or know if it works? Thanks in advance =)
Who can guess what this is?
I vote Rinspeed, they make some biiiizzzzzzzzaaaaaarrrre looking cars.
Replacing the exhaust. Info/ideas?
No too sure what your personal tastes are but IMO glasspacks sound really good on Z cars. Can get pretty loud though depending on what setup you go with. Do a search on it, theres alot of info out there on that one.
Other cars you own, or drive?
Just a quick Subaru story for you, a couple weekends ago I was sitting a red light behind a pretty loud 5.0 Mustang and Legacy wagon like astodog's. They started throwing revs at each other (the subie had a BOV and I think that was it) and when they raced they both got a good launch but that Mustang got absolutely embarassed . I laughed all the way home about this.
Nissan concept
I like the GT-R, but I think the R34's and R33's looked better IMO. I really like the Sport Concept as a car I would own/be able to afford (maybe ). I think we are getting that car here in the US but I know it doesnt look that aggressive, does anyone know if there is an SE-R version or the like coming out down the road?
Other cars you own, or drive?
Well, you can see what else I drive by my signature but I'll give a little description of each anyways. '02 Ford Focus ZX3 - This is an awsome little car, I havent had it too long yet but it rides good, its quiet and its fairly sporty handling wise although its far from being quick. And best of all it consistently gets 34-36 mpg. Good Daily Driver Car '80 Honda CB750 Custom - This is my second Honda motorcycle and I definetly impressed with it. It has an air cooled I-4 motor with almost 30K miles and I've had no major problems with yet (knock on wood ), I bought it 15K on it. I wouldn't say that I beat on it but does see alot of revs when I go backroad riding. '97 Arctic Cat 580EXT - This is by far the fastest and most dangerous vehicle I own. 110hp in a 550lb vehicle that you ride through the woods on 10-20 ft wide trails.........ummm yeah. They are alot of fun though. On lakes, 50mph fishtails, donuts and just general gettin' sideways is a cinch and if you have enough room to open it up it'll do 100mph. Good thread Astrohog, I've always wondered what kind of other vehicles the members here drive too.
Gallery: Top 100 hits
Hahahaha, now therrrrrrrrre's a good idea =) Just one suggestion on this though, the list should be reset like once a month or something so that the same pictures arent always up there.
Maybe I'm too much of a purist, but...
Overall I would have to say that I like this car, I dont see whats wrong with it. There are some little things that I dont like about like the fender mirrors (without the G-nose they look out of place), the rear window louvers and the headlight covers I'm not a fan of either. But I liked this one as a first impression, even though its not worth $12K.
Gallery: Top 100 hits
I dont know why no one has responded to this, but this something I would definitely like to see, that would be a really cool feature. It could just be a link under the recent uploads box or something like that.
Instrument panel & other bits on eBay
Not trying to highjack this thread but I figured I should post this listing I stumbled onto on ebay the other day, check it out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1974-Nissan-SKYLINE-GT-2000-Ken-Mary_W0QQitemZ110011193545QQihZ001QQcategoryZ6392QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I dont know much about the older skylines but this seemed pretty cool to me.
25th Annual All Vehicle Show!!!
Have you been to this show before? What kind of cars get entered in it? I know it says all cars but I figured I'd ask since its being put on by a Camaro club. I've been dieing to find a show around here that would have a few Z's in it.
Surge tank
yeah I was wondering this too, what do you mean by the surge tank?
Z etiquette
I've also noticed this trend (I wave to any Z car I see too) but this happens in alot of auto sport circles. For instance its a sort of rule that when your on a motorcycle and you see another motorcycle you give a wave or a nod or some sort of recognition. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE does this with one exception, Harley riders. Now not all of them do this, if you see some old guy on an ok condition sportster or something he'll probably wave, but a young(er) person on their chromed to the gills, wicked loud mid-life crisis toy will look straight ahead, tough guy look on their face and everything, and ignore you. Unless of course your on another $40K Harley. But anyways keep it friendly out there and the people you would want to associate with will wave back. =) And besides, theyre probably just jealous of your real Z car anyways .
pics from the body shop
Ya, I thought I saw a post that said you were selling it too (not that you should or anything, that car is awsome). BTW if your car is the one with the 3.1 L Rebello motor that I'm thinking of (I think I have a sound clip of it I got from this site), that is one of the best sounding Z cars I've ever heard =). Good Luck with the project.
Hi Folks, I'll start my first post with a poll!
Its hard to say which is the "best" Z, they all have strengths and weaknesses. That and most people would probably pick the Z that they own since thats the one that they know the best. IMO this question should be re-phrased. Welcome to the site anyways though, =)
280z Tach in '72 Scarab conversion
If you have the JTR V8 conversion book it does talk about how you go about using a stock tach in a V8 Z and how to make it read correctly. I dont remember what it says exactly (I dont have the book with me right this second) but it does give instructions on this. He's the link to their site if youre interested http://www.jagsthatrun.com
Received the car I purchased off Ebay today.
Yes, thats an extremely nice car, congrats, I cant imagine that there are too many like that left out there.
Fuel tank?
One option here is to take your tank to a radiator shop and have it boiled (its like a high intensity steam cleaning) and relined. Not all shops do this but I had this done to mine and it worked out very well. The shop I brought it to only charged me $90 to do this whole operation (I took the tank out and brought it to then though) and my tank was wicked rusty, it required 3 1/2 days of boiling to get it clean, most tanks shouldnt require anywhere near that long. But, my car hesitated, sputtered and wouldnt rev past 3,000rpm before and it ran like a brand new car after. Good luck and welcome to the site =)
Look under your hood cowl - yikes
I can personally attest to the horrid amount of rust that can form under that cowl. It cost me $1300 in body work just to get that area of my Z fixed. When my car was sitting before I owned the drains in the cowl area got clogged with crap, and yeah, the results were not pretty, check out the pics to see what I mean
OK Poll For all What Type Z do you have !
ohhhhh boy, please dont start the Z vs ZX argument again....
Why the die off in value of the Z?
My opinion as to why early Z's seem to be declining in value is because (especially vs. 7-8 years ago) first of all most Z's that have been driven daily or semi-daily by a person of average automotive knowledge most likely has significant rust issues even if you cannot see them. I've been told by many body shops and people I know in the automotive industry that 1st-gen Z's had some of worst rust design EVER. Also the current muscle car fad that has been brought on by aging baby boomers does not help us here either. Either way I love Z cars because they are performance cars and they are not in any way a fad car. I'm sure theyll be very valuable someday but I dont think today is it. Remember also that when a car become's valuable/popular the parts prices go through the roof. Just my 2 cents.
seriously Big problem, please anyone help me
If I remember correctly this is determined by whether you have a 2 seater or a 2+2, when I bought mine they were able to tell which one I needed from that info.
I think I'll skip my project car and get this...
eh, judging by the condition of the car I dont think it was much of a loss though, you would have an extemely long road ahead of you if you tried to restoree the body on that car.