1973 240Z Turbo L28 - Melbourne Australia
Hey there Dave, Couple of questions, why on earth would you want to go to 4.4 ratio? Have one in my 70 Zed and it drives me nuts, I only get to drive it on weekends so I don't know how you will go as a daily d. Great for circuit work though, brilliant at Lakeside, back in it's day. You will have a real short relationship with first, so you will want to groove your syncro's in first and second if you want real quick changes form the box. Mine ran a 13.1 @ 109mph with this diff and with 165kW @tw, should be quicker with the weight of these cars. Currently changing it to a 3.7 or 3.9 from an 83 280ZX, as these came with an R200 and CV shaft rear and disc brakes and I dont need to go on. Second Question, how do you find the cam profile in relation to boost? The 280 also has a turbo/inj 2.8 so I'm looking at transplanting that into my 240. Lightening the flywheel for a bit more fun. Was a nat asp version so if anyone can give me a hint on cr for these would be appreciated. And it certainly looks like you are having a bunch of fun. Any pics on the 510? Drew.
Whats a 5/71 Body Shell Worth?
Like I have posted previous, would like to come and have a geezer, can get me here or at drew@imctech.com.au would really like to have a look. How else do I get hold of you?
Whats a 5/71 Body Shell Worth?
I would really like to come and have a geezer at it, see if we could work something out, I have a shed with a Zed shaped hole that needs filling. Would look pretty next to my red one.
Check out this Z
In The Land of Oz, its known as a 120Y, A12 motor etc. We often ask why when we see them on the road. However they do go rather fast with a nice 13B under bonnet. Just try not to expect too much in the way of cornering unless you want to spend dollars!!!
Euro/Aussie front spoiler photo's?
you can buy Qld(Aust) plates in the black on white theme(classic), mine are PET-240, hence my tag, but you have limited choice on combinations. Look up www.ppq.gov.qld.au I think or run google and look up personalised plates queensland. There are several choices you can get your hands on, and once you buy them you own them, I also have PET-510 for the future. You can get slimline front plates and if required I can look at getting them for you if the gov seems a little apprehensive. Have a look, see what you can come up with, look also at the prestige section. Cheers.
my steering goes wierd....
My bet would be the rack, the 240 rack had a little plastic type ball in each end, if these wear and they do, can provide some strange responses in feedback. would doubt on ball joints and tie rods as these clunk substantially when severely worn(experience in a 510 and apprentice wages), you as yet haven't mentioned any clunking. Look at going to a 260 rack as according a Zed guru in Brisbane to provide a stronger solution to the problem. You may also find that the rubber bushes in the rack are persished due to oil, rack may be twisting in the mounts and bringing in geometry issues. Do not fear going to a poly-urethane type bushing here as it gives better feel and doesnt deteriorate at anywhere near the same rate. Good luck with it.