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Everything posted by emon

  1. emon replied to gema's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    yeah I know it's a day late but what the heck. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love birthdays. mine is on the 13th of september but who the hell cares right? man rotissere that's friggin sweet should make a lot of stuff a lot easier. Evan
  2. emon replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    whenever I darn well feel like it. Muahahahhahahahahahaha
  3. man I can't get this quote thing to work nvm I got it
  4. that's what I was thinkg too unless you had quick drummer hands (like me tehee) it doesn't seem like it would work too well. you should have told him that doing it the easy way is not the way a mechanic should work, and to get a new job. man as far as sayings go I know a ton of them. peace out, Evan
  5. fill the diffy from the drain plug?! that's the stupidest thing I've heard of. yeah It's a bitch payin for stuff that you know you can do youself huh? I always do my own work I've seen some of the mechanic guys that always end up with the cars. They have dumb mottows like "one crossthread is better than ten lockwashers." "who cares if I broke it if the problem went away." you know stuff like that. I hope it wasent too dramatic for you. Peace out, Evan
  6. emon replied to emon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    haha dis the sound of the rotary engine all you want but I think they sound awsome although they get pretty high pitched at high rpms but, I have always loved the stuttering deep tone of a 20B. I thought it was kinda common too but I haveent seen much on a 20b, I've seen 13bt's and such but that's not enough for me. Who says you have to cut holes in the hood for it yeah I can see if I got big stacks like that one has but I think that if I use the stock 20b intake mani and custom piping to the turbo I could keep it lower profile but I'm not totally sure I'll let you know when I start though. peace out, EVan
  7. emon replied to emon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    oh was that a poor asumption on my part?
  8. emon commented on 240Zdragon72's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. emon replied to emon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "Tell me Evan, as you are another "Young Bloke", do you wear funny hats and have a breats .... er, ... I mean breast fetish ?????????" posted by 1Bravo6 well as far as funny hats... no I wear them straight and they usually say something important, like TRD, MAZDASPEED, NISMO stuff like that and as far as a breast fetish... what straight guy doesn't? but I keep myself under control, haha. I think the "Zed" is the best car to get for what I want to do. an old one that I don't have to smog. I heard that they handle amazingly, plus with a light engine in there... I'm sure that when I do get my Z I will get that CD as it seems like it's pretty good info. Evan BTW, Australia is CRAZY!! cool I want to visit there some day
  10. emon replied to emon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    hey thanks for the support, I'm in the Nine one six (sacramento, CA). haha I have to get a Z car first, I'm still in the process of what I'm going to do about problems that arize. I hope to get started soon though. thanks for the warm welcome. Evan
  11. emon posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Everybody newb here but My name is Evan and I love z cars My plan is to get a 73 or older z car and... being a rotary engine freak (I have a mazda rx7) I would like to put a 20b in it. I know some of you guys are ashamed of that since the original motor is pretty awsome as it is. but I hope to do this around the new year (winter time). I was an intern at toyota but the school I was going to "ROP" ended and i didn't take another semester, but I will get a job when I turn 18. I hope you guys don't throw knives and stuff at me because of my adolescent mind, haha. thanks for listening. Evan

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