I also am interested in a 4 cyl. Swap but not for the same reasons. It seems to be true that not many if anyone at all wanted to reduce the HP of the Z's and hence the lack of info on the swap. Going fast is more driver than motor on a track and how fast can you go driving to work/school or anywhere in traffic if a daily driver is what you are interested in? So speed is not my interest but classic looks and a simple, reliable but efficient L16 or L20B seems just right. To me its just has to have a L series in it when the hood comes up : ) I have had a few very fast Datsun 4 bangers, some with mild L16's and even one with a Rebello NapZ 2.4 with a L top end and both had plenty of scoot. A L20B can be built to make as much HP as a stock L24 and still be very street reliable all the while using less gas/parts and being lighter : ) I don’t know....but it sounds like a good idea to me but I halve always been a bit strange