Everything posted by 2003z
Taillight poll
oh well, I guess powdercoating is out of the option list, and they just came out with a chrome that actually looks good!
Taillight poll
I haven't taken one apart for about 10 years, is that chrome middle piece metal or plastic?
Who wants a set of Euro tail lights for under $200?
I believe its www.Klearz.comsorry, I had a redirect from another post that sad clearsz.com, but it didn't show the whole thread.
Wiring Diagram for zcar
this might help you http://www.autozone.com/servlet/UiBroker?ForwardPage=/az/cds/en_us/0900823d/80/1d/1d/80/0900823d801d1d80.jsp
Matte black trim ?'s
On my last one I used satin black spray paint after a light sanding on the chrome. It held up well for the 4 years I had it, but most of that time was spent in the garage.
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
one word, from the early 80s nissan advertising campaign, AWESOME!
White Guage Face Opinions? Ricey?
see the post above yours.
How fast does a Z really go?
My 73 with L28, dished pistons, P90 and early su carbs tops out at about 4700 rpm and 105. Don't know if its low compression or fuel starvation.
Turn signal switches 70-73, what are the diffs?
Rick, I'm sending you pics from a 73 switch. The wires should all be the same, just the length of the pigtail is different from early ones.
White Guage Face Opinions? Ricey?
I had these gauge faces on my last 240z 5 years ago. Printed them on card stock paper, but you could still tell they were printed and glued on. They did look good, and made the gauges very legible at night, but overall I didn't really care for them. Of course, printer technology has come a long way since then. I ordered these for my current one, but nothing wild, http://www.speedhut.com/15orders_el_detail.asp?auto_number=16&bhcp=1 I'm getting black faces with classic lettering, so it will look as close to stock in the day as possible, but still be bright enough at night.
engine removal
yeah, definitely remove along with the tranny. I've done it both ways and its actually easier to do this way.
Rally Clock on Ebay
probably because my brain is fried from being on the track all day, but I clicked on the 2003 link at the top! :lick:
Differences in dashes.
I love dark rum! At a minimum, the fusebox, turn signal switch and headlight switch have different harnesses. Probably nothing else though.
check out these wheels
Nicely put EScanlon.
Rally Clock on Ebay
guess it doesn't matter, the auction was cancelled.
OEM/aftermarket windsheild weights
good to know. I was gonna swap mine out just because its all pitted and hard to see out of.
Suggestions for license plate for my Z
I like mine. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let me have QUICK Z and QUICKZ when I still had the 350. Said the space inbetween the K and Z counted for one of the 7 positions, but not in the actual license. I have also seen KWIK Z in Las Vegas.
crosswind, anyone?
yeah, the buff has landing gear that crabs with the plane, but that is because it has no ailerons! It only flys with trim tabs.
crosswind, anyone?
Although these planes are landing at their maximum crosswind in the worst possible way, its not how I try to do it! (<-airline pilot), but cool to watch! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/39256/crosswinds/
Opinions on Dash Caps
why not? with vinyl paint there shouldn't be any problem.
New Wireing
It took me a good 2 weeks on my last 240 several years back to unwrap 2 molested harnesses, trace out, check continuity on and label every wire, and then rewrap. I've seen a place online that sells the blade inserts and colored wire, and have been seriously considering making my own, by replacing one wire at a time. A lot of my connections are corroded and my taillight wires are black due to a burned fusebox at one point in the cars life. I'm guessing it would take about a month of work, a few hours at a time. It wouldn't be for the faint of heart though.
Z Cars at VIR Goblins Go this weekend
Mark, you might be interested in this. In late April at Road Atlanta is the Walter Mitty Historics. Classic Motoring magazine sponsors it and this year the spotlight is on Japanese cars. They are trying to make it like the Monterey Historics for the east coast, but with more everyday cars. The goal is to get 1000 japanese cars in attendance, 500 of which will hopefully be Z's! Our club's president and Carl Beck are working on the organization, with more info later. Mark your calender now, late april.
Z Cars at VIR Goblins Go this weekend
Mark, are you going to Rockingham this weekend with the triangle Z club?
Garage floor paint Question
thanks, yea its holding up ok, better than anything else I've ever had, but nothing is indestructable!
Garage floor paint Question
that might actually be pretty neat, if you got a light tinted color. black would suck!