I've just had my 260's 5 speed reCONNED about 10,000 k's ago, and it has just started to play up.... Earlier today, I took off from the lights, reved my triple webbered L28 to 7 grand, shifted into 2nd....no problemo.......reved her to around 7 and a half grand.....shifted in to 3rd.....all is sweet....... pressed the accelerator flat to the floor, rear wheels spin (I'm running about 170kW through a 4.625:1 diff)....wait until tacho reads about 7 grand, take my foot off the gas, press the clutch pedal flat to the floor, grab the gear knob.... attempt to shift into 4th.....BUT IT WON'T MOVE !!.... Now I'm coasting down the road with the clutch pressed to the floor and I manage (with reasonable force) to pull the lever into N. The gear lever feels like it has seized up and can only be moved with considerable force. I then find that I can still engage different gears by forcing the lever (which feels like trying to move a stick driven into the ground) but I can't actually feel the "clunk" when a gear it engaged. After a little playing around, I manage to get it into 4th and cruise down the road for a few miles. Then, approaching a round-about, I take my foot off the gas, press the clutch to the floor, and, pushing the lever forward into N with such force that I can feel it flex, it makes a dull "clunk" and pops into N, BUT NOW IT ISN'T SIEZED UP, BUT FEELS ULTRA-LOOSE!!!. I manage to drive the rest of the way home with out any hassle. Besides the "loose" feeling gear lever, all subsequent gear changes feel fine. ANY IDEAS ????????? Cheers, Glen K PS...please don't tell me to go back to the garage that reconned the box, coz it don't exist any longer!