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Everything posted by bemmerguy714

  1. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=138042#post138042 Here is the thread over the debate on overhead cams over pushrod design. That link is where is has been moved!
  2. This subject was brought up under another thread. This is a debate wether the z v8 transplant is worth the trouble? With engine style is better? Which engine revs higher? Which one is older? BAsically which do u prefer and why do u prefer it?
  3. i have two layers that i know of. The original and a cheap paint job on top. I even see some red that they used under that paint.
  4. 45 watts? That kinda weak. Maybe thats why then. 45 watts isnt enough power man. You said they were 100watts. Maybe u should beef up the headunit a bit. 45 isnt gona do much. I was using 200watt headunit and that was a beuity. Powered all those speakers i mentioned before. Probobly not to the speakers full potential but the speakrers hit hard. Maybe instead of getting an amp just get a better head unit. less trouble and less wires. If u still want to go with the amp thou i'm ready to help! Matt
  5. bemmerguy714 replied to theianmonster's post in a topic in Introductions
    glad to have u here. 140 damn thats good. My 240zs current top speed 0mph (never drove it yet), 300e top speed 122mph (computer limited), 528e top speed of 130 (also computer limited). I cant wait to drive the 240. That should be fun. Great to have u on this forum. Thats good that there are people of the "new generation" intrested in zs. Glad to see it. Matt
  6. My engine is really dull. I want to chrome everything!!!!! A freand showed me a method but i want to know what people with zs have done to get everything shiny. Like ur valve cover, brackets, all that little stuff too. I dont really want to take it to a place to chrome i would rather do it myself. I'm prepared to take the engine apart. And chrome everything. 1-What tools do i need? I can get whatever toold i need. 2-What procedures did u use? 3-Did u sand? wet or dry? a little of both? 4-what polishs are best? 5-after everything is pretty....how do u keep it that way? PLEASE LET ME KNOW! MY ENGINE IS UGLY!!!!! I want to make it look like these (these are of members of this forum btw)
  7. As some of u know my car WAS off to paint shop. After some incidents with the paint guy i decided i'd prep the car my self for being sent to paint. There is rust but i have a freand who is good at welding. My question is this: What process(es) Have you guys did to get ur zs original paint off. What send paper? Wet or dry? How long did it take. I need every deatail please. I really no nothing of body and paint, so this will be my first time. PLease tell me how to strip me cars paint!!!! My goals: Have the cars body (no paint at all) showing. Rust will be delt eith also but any advice on how to deal with rust is good too. I was thinking of cutting the rust out and welding another peice in. I have searched before i posted this message and i didnt find a "best way". I need to know the downsides (if any) to ur procedures as well. Any body advice someone might have would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Matt
  8. I like that description. Sounds like a tank.
  9. Yeah i know what u mean. U know what i really hate? THe old vw bugs. I underestimate those ugly things everytime. They are hidious then u find out hes pretty much made that VW engine a Porasche. And u get killed by this bucket full of rust. DAmn i hate that.
  10. First of all i want to say i'm know mechanic. I'm just hear trying to learn. Acordding to this website it says that "These long rods add mass to the system, which increases the load on the valve springs. This can limit the speed of pushrod engines; the overhead camshaft, which eliminates the pushrod from the system, is one of the engine technologies that made higher engine speeds possible." http://auto.howstuffworks.com/camshaft5.htm It basically says that higher speeds (which is the goal of this v8 conversion) can be acieved more easily with over head camsshafts.
  11. bemmerguy714 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in RACING
    Whats an AMX?
  12. that is true. If i had a really nice car like that i would want to show it but not so much that people want to start copying u know. I know thats true cause i'm gona steal that same headlight look.
  13. I think he hit it right on.that sounds right. Thats kinda weird thou cause in my 528e i had 2 6x9s rated at 220 each then two 4x6 100watt kickers and two small 1 inch tweeters. All the speakers still use to hit hard. It is a possibility thou. try switching it with another head set.
  14. bemmerguy714 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in RACING
    Idk what kind of car that is. Kind of looks like a z to me. That would suck if it was.
  15. bemmerguy714 commented on auxilary's comment on a gallery image in 03 Zs by the Bay - CA
  16. bemmerguy714 commented on auxilary's comment on a gallery image in Member Mugshots
  17. bemmerguy714 commented on auxilary's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  18. Thats true its been seen and talked about alot but u have to admit, He went about building the car the right way. And did a very good job. But i see ur point i've seen this car alot now. Still looks good to me thou. Matt
  19. Thats funny. Yeah ricers are my favorite. I can take them in my stock 300e. THey must have been just stupid to even approach the bike.
  20. Whats the power rating on them? how many watts are they?
  21. hmmm. Damn, do u know of anyone else who makes a kit?
  22. bemmerguy714 replied to blackjack's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    I can respect other peoples opinions. I have just been around euros and have grown to love them. Anyway u have to remember that the L series originated from the Mercedes OHC design of the 1960s.
  23. thats make sence. Sorry. Forgot it was a rotary engine. I should have read it better. But u got to say it could be a good power source for the L24 engine. Might work.

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