Everything posted by bemmerguy714
Installing an amp, easy or hard?
What are u trying to power first of all. What kind of speakers i mean. I ask cause maybe u can just get a bigger amp and power all the speakers off of it. I personally wouldnt do it but it would work. I say i wouldnt cause it would sound "foggy" compared to if u use a single amp for a speaker. It would still hit hard thou. Let me know.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
BTW auxilary, u know what would be really cool for that engine? If you twin turbo it. Use 1 turbo for 2 cylinders and then another 1 for the other 2 cylinders. You would probobly have to fabracate another exhaust manifold. And u can just have one small turbo (to kick in at low RPMS) and then a big turbo (to kick in at high RPMS). I dont know if this would be good for drivability but it would be really cool. Here is a link to someone who is doing this. Its a BMW M20 motor (e30 325i engine inline 6) Its not quite what u would be doing but its still cool. I am still thinking of pulling off something like this for my car. THis guy is in the middle of the project and is showing updates and some ideas of how he plans to pull it off. HEs using the turbos from a z by the way. http://www.e30tech.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6526&highlight=twinturbo As you can see the new thing with old skool bimmers is turbo. Its got alot of potential and if done right can be used as a daily driver. I think ur car is gona be so so so nice. Keep me updated.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
I know just messin with ya. I just found that, that was the perfect moment to keep our on-going war of "Your benz will keep the dust off the garage, when the z is done" still going. :classic: Matt :classic:
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
u know. I dont think it really matters what in there. Its ur car and u should have whatever u want in there. I think thats the bottom line. WE have all fell in love with the look of this car. We just want to add our diffrent touches to it. Wether its FULL OEM or a little off of OEM or a full on engine swap. Basically its ur car. DO as u please. I can understand both points of veiws. For my love of euros i often want to ditch the L24 and just drop a s52, m20, or s14 engine in there and jsut call it a day. But then theres something also there for me that would make me feel alot better when i open the hood and u see that the original engine is well maintained and still running as if it was new off the line.
Classic car destruction.
Its cool dont worry bout it. I'm always reasking questions cause i usally just skim threw replies never reading them fully.
Classic car destruction.
yup panchovisa said it was a yellow 63 Stingray roadster
Save S30-0002
wait i'm really confused now. What are the diffrences between these cars? i know they last 5 numbers mean. whats the "p", "hl" and "hs" mean? S30 id the body style right? ON my car is reads "HLS30-64437". Can someone please explain these numbers to me or even better yet give me a link? *'PS30-00001' *'HLS30-00001' *'HS30-00001'
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Yup hes right. It came from the benz!!!!!!!!! MY freand who was restoring an old mercedes told me that. So Will (hls30.com), you cant hate the mercedes anymore!!!!!! You drive one!!!! ha ha!
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Does anyone know where the #1 car is?
Introduce yourself to the class?
Hi i'm matt, 17, i do Web design and i have a 240z. ITs a new hobby (z cars i mean) But its a growing love (i Think). But i love bimmers as u can probobly seen from the name. Hopefully after i'm done with the z (if ever) i want to get another bimmer. :disappoin oh well. anyway heres my work in progress. Its off to paint.
4.0 Liter inline 6.
The M5 has more power BUT the M3 has more potential do to that is a ligher engine and there are more Performace parts for it. Dont get me wrong if u drop a M5 engine ur made. But i would get a m3 engine. The S52s to be exact. S50s are good too.
OT: BMW M meet in the California Bay Area-2005
The E60 M5 has a V10 and in the are in the area of 500hp.
OT: BMW M meet in the California Bay Area-2005
Those e30 m3 are mean. They are rockets. Very Light body, but can still shed a few pounds. YOu beleive that its a 4 cylinder? Yup 4 banger. IT also has 4 individual throttle bodies. But there is no "off the line power" BMW doesnt have off the line power..... ITs all top end. Matt
Last week, on my way to work...
i was rereading the original post. You took a BMW M3? hmmm maybe off the line but from a roll? idk guess ur z is pretty fast then. THose ///Ms are quick.
4.0 Liter inline 6.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That engine hauls. Nothin like a Euro Transpant!!!!!
Seat suggestions??
U could get some nice recaros out of the e30 m3 bimmer. But those are power seats. I think they also have some in manual thou. The seats do look really nice in that car thou. Here is an idea of what they look like. Getting these seats for my z was the original idea but my dad said he wanted it to be original. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&category=33701&item=7987239732&sspagename=WDVW
Save S30-0002
Who is Mr.Harigae
Installing an amp, easy or hard?
It sounds like u ran old wires. Get new wires, U'll hear the diffrence.
Installing an amp, easy or hard?
Wiring an amp is very easy. But there are other factors u should take into consideration if the speakers dont seem to be up to what u expected. Did u run the original wires? If so change them. 16 guage do the job great. When u run better (newer wires) There is less distortion and less oxyen and mousture in the wires. You can get a roll of 16 guage wires cheap at Walmart or similar places. Also is there anypart of the actuall speaker(magnet part or naked wire) touching the body of the car (metal of the car)? if so that doesnt help at it will be very itchy at the top of its power peak. If u are considing hooking up an amp (i think u should so u are using more power to ur speaker than the power that would be given to ur speaker from the head unit) DONT USE AN AMP THAT WILL MAX OUT UR SPEAKERS!!!!!!!!!! I have learned this the hard way. For example, if ur speakers say "peak power of 220watts" or "100watts" DOnt use and amp that will power it that high. If a speaker is rated "220watts" Then use a 200 watt amp. If its rated "100" use an 80. Give ur speaker some room. SO if u do want to blast the sound one day u'll know u built a system that will take it. IF you have any questions at all feel free to ask me. I SHINE IN THIS AREA!!!!!!!!! Matt
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Yea thats what i meant. So you took those pics when the L engine was in there? How far are u in the conversion? Looks good thou. Keep up the good work.
Classic car destruction.
How did it happen anyway? The stingrays brakes gave out or what?
Classic car destruction.
If that was my car (any of them) I'd be pissed!!!! :mad: :ogre: SOme one would get they're faces kicked in.
wiring diagram
If anyone also has any diagrams for a 72 that would help me.I have alot of wires that are loose and i dont know where they go. So any color coded wiring diagrams would be great. THanks
wiring diagram
PLease send me one too! I;ll PM u and give u my email adress.
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Can u post a pic of the rotary engine fully in there?