Everything posted by bemmerguy714
This is funny 260Z For Sale....
whatever it is that hes takin i need to get. :paranoid:
check out my new z car
looks really nice. could this be ur next project once ur done wih ur first z? doesnt look like u need it, but one thing leads to another and its very contagous. "oh! the shifter knob is so plain!! I'l just switch that...hmmmm. that steering wheel is no good, i think i'l find a better one....u know what, while im at let me change the plug wires and some new spark plugs wont hurt.....hmmmm and maybe........." ....hmmmm before u know it ur restoring it !!!! its contagous!!!!! :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
BMW 3.5 Z finally begins in earnest
good job man. i got alot of respect for u now. Great idea!!! keep me updated! i definatilly wanna hear all about this!!!!!!! BMWs guts in a z!!! genius!!!!! :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
i doubt it. i take them out left and right with the 300e. they're my favorite. The 300e does 130mph but i would never consider it "fast". decent but not fast. i agree...fast is 150+ :knockedou
New CBS show will feature a '70 Z
! my face hurts from laughing at this!!!!!
How fast will it really go?
i got the same ticket. 63 in a 45. thats wat he got me at. i started slowing down when i saw him. to late. i was originally doing around 80 something.
How fast will it really go?
very true!!!!!!
2003 Z Nationals Brisbane
le Mans
Z car just out the pyrolyse oven!
Where is the end...
crossing the 'river'
Free 1974 260Z to good home
wrong question to ask. more like....what didnt happen to her?
Enter the "twilight zone" of the mind
that is weird thou... :cross-eye
Enter the "twilight zone" of the mind
wow. way to much time on ur hands.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
wow. :laugh: good to know. Thats my next project. an e30. thinking of doing a s50 swap or just a turbo stoker. :devious: i want one so bad!!!!!!!
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
i know im going to be hated for explaining mine but here it goes. Bemmer is bimmer (bmw) but spelled a little weird. Those cars are my first love so thats where that comes form. then theres guy and 714 cause that use to be the area code i lived in. Here comes the hate...... :surprised
- VIDEO - A compliation of my 280Z turbo.. at the track, and goofing around
looks fun. ur signiture about ur mods is confusing thou. is it NA or is it turbod? it has to be one or the other. im confused. :cross-eye
Skyline pics
one word....ugly
Hello Forum members...
welcome from costa mesa!
366 H.P. 418Lbs Torque/2350 Pounds
The Civic To End All Civics!!!!
1.5!!!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!! rice burner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats just ****in ugly! i like the stock engine!!! Very nice. genuine rice burner!
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
i like this thread alot . Making fun of ricers. this is hilarious.