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Everything posted by bemmerguy714

  1. bemmerguy714 replied to trwebb26's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    welcome. U might want to change ur fuel filter and fuel pump while ur at it.
  2. bemmerguy714 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    First car is was an 88 supereta 528e then i got the 300e. I still have both.
  3. one word. ugly. :sick: :sick: :sick:
  4. bemmerguy714 posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    http://www.machinegod.org/car/ thought someone might want to see this. looks cool. sorry if its a repost
  5. With all the money we put in these Zs we probobly could buy a Vette! :cheeky: I dont think i would want to thou.
  6. bemmerguy714 replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    some are gourgous. Some.....arnt. Look at this z. The g nose is cool, the color is ugly, the shaved rear bumper is cool, but what happened to the window? I want to cry. AT ONE TIME THIS WAS A Z. http://tanetane92.web.infoseek.co.jp/052801.jpg
  7. that would be funny. I actually have one pulled from a border patrol car.
  8. bemmerguy714 commented on ctomkins's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. bemmerguy714 commented on ctomkins's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. no but good observation. It was at "truck jam 2005". THere was this small corner with cars. I found this car and guess what. Its not a BMW!!!!! U beleive that. I fell for it. I really though it was a bimmer. It has the new 7 series front end and the mercedes 500 series rear end. i'll post a pic if someone wants to see it. It started out as a monte carlo!!!!
  11. I cant argue. Ur right. It was dumb for me to tease him. And i am just as guilty as the other guy. I did try to leave the confrontation thou. I when i did speed off then i slowed down because i dont want to get a ticket not because i wanted to tease him. I thought he had gotten over it. I thought wrong. But u are right. I was wrong.
  12. ok thanks. i'll try to remember that next time before i post a question.
  13. i never said i did anything to the car u guys just assumed i did. :tapemouth
  14. huh? Whats my bemmer have to do with anything?
  15. yea i hope they catch him too. Let us know if u find out anything.
  16. I'm about 445 miles south of u. Costa mesa. There are actually a few people in my area on this forum. One of them no longer has a z casue it got stolen in HB (near my school too!) I wouldnt mine coming out to a meet either. I wouldnt be able to bring my z cause its not done but i would still want to meet up with u guys.
  18. How much smaller is it? U know what works sometimes, (kinda cheezy but should work) If you boil water then stick the grommet in there using some plyers it will come out really soft so u can out it in there. Works on rubber hoses as well. Sorry if its kinda cheezy. Thats what i would do anyway....
  19. How much for an exhange? They arent to far from me.
  20. Now thats a paint job. DO IT!!!!! . Id go for the candy apple red thou. Like this.
  21. I tired to leave the confrontation when i jumped on the freeway but he wanted to run me off the road. I do agree thou, it was a dumb move for me to go back. :disappoin I've learned my lesson thou. i'll be more carefull. I just put it this way. I shouldnt have done that. What if someone did that to my z? i would have been happy. i feel bad now...
  22. Sounds good to me. :cheeky:
  23. I also voted OHC cause i also think it has more potential for power. Not because anyone convinced me. I just did me own research on this. Both engines have potential. To me the one the can acheive it easier and safely for me would have to be OHC. OLd bimmers with overhead cam that where modded out could rev up to 9,000 RPM no problem. Thats not to mention new european and jap cars. Look at the supra, The skyline, the M3, the cl500, the 3 series!!!!!! Theres even a guy here who has a z (EricB) Who has built his head so that it can be reved up 8000rpm!!!! OHC seems to be easier to build with less things blowing up as uppose to OHV. For the weight issue i think OHC would also win cause it doesn't have the added mass of a pushrod. Like i said before thou. I'm no mechanic. I've just grown on the OHC side of cars. I;m openminded thou. CONVINCE ME!!!!!! :laugh: I put some links that argue both sides. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/camshaft5.htm http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17606&highlight=8000rpm http://www.datsuns.com/Tech/ohv_vs_ohc.htm http://forums.autoweek.com/thread.jspa?forumID=9&threadID=16941&messageID=366730 http://townhall-talk.edmunds.com/direct/view/.ef61d1d/845
  24. its cool. No worries. live and learn. I picked up a nice system for my z as well. I have a 200watt head system, two 4" 200watt comonents speakers and 2 1" tweeters at the bottom of my feet, two 220watt 6x9s where the storage compartments are, 2 100 4x6s way back there for the hell of it, and 3 10"s subs each at 500watts in the back and all the subs to power that stuff. I just need to get my car back dynamat everything put the new upholstery in while running some brand new wires underneth. That system should hit hard without rattling (cause of the dynamat). Idk if i need to reinforce my windows or not though. :stupid: We'll find out. I;ll post pics when i'm putting the system in!!!! Matt
  25. I had some scary $^!# happen to me too. I was coming home from school in huntington beach. I'm going on edinger flyin in the 300e doing like 70 in the #2 lane. Theres only two lanes and i'm on the farthest the the left. I'm Just crusin not lookin for trouble or nothin (but then again i'm a dark skin kid in a nice benz what do u expect?). THis dumb arse in a white accord with a bike rack on the roof wants to come out of a neighberhood on the other side of the road. He thinks its the perfect time to go when i'm comin down flyin. I cant stop that quick. pulling in front of me is stupid. So i move to the right lane at the last second(BTW the benz handles great at last second moves at these speeds). He punches the Accord in the lane i was just in and dosnt want to let me in again. So we are both even doing like 90. I downshift to third and the benz flys by him. I pull in front of him barely. He is now furous. We get to a stop light (a #3 lane is now available) and he pulls next to me (almost running the car coming off the road) He starts cussing callin me some "very bad things". I also exchanged some "freandly words" with him and told him to keep his arse in his cheap $200 peice of $^!# accord before i knock his arse out. He looks to be as if he had been drinking. The light turns green and he punches it, moves two lanes to the right and comes within inches of the front end of my car.......I was signalling right so i can get on the freeway. I'm pissed now. Hes now almost damaged my car. :mad: I'm going to have to teach him a little lesson. The entrance of this free way starts on the right side of this road (edinger and beach if u know this area), It starts as one lane turns into two then back to one as it merges back to the 405south. He is in front on me when the lane is one (this is seconds before he cut me off) I decide to make my own lane. I squeeze my benz in between his peice of $^!# and the side of the road. I maybe had 2 inchs (my drivers side mirror to his passanger side mirror). I'm now in fonr of him and a little way later the lane turns into two. He trys to get in front of me but i wont let him I decide to end this now and downshift once more on the 405 and kiss him good bye. I dodge traffic for a while then nail 122mph. After looking in my rear veiw mirror (after about two miles) he is nowhere in sight. I'm glad the ordeal is over. I decide to slow down. So i put it in cruise control at about 60mph and cruise for a while. About three miles down the road i see a car comin fast on me right behind me. HES BACK. And very mad. Hes now on the phone tailgating me. He tries to get even with me a few times a dont let him. He tryies to run me off the road. We are both very mad right now. I now know i'm in danger. This guy has stopped whatever hes doing, where ever he is going and is determined to destroy my car. This has now been going on about 7miles. I decide not to go home. The last thing i want is him knowing where i live. I gun the car again. THis time inbetween traffic. 122 mph (its computer limited the car wont go faster with the Ecu programming) I lose him for a while but i always got some car infront of me trapping me. He would always get me again. Huggin the rear of my car. I exit next to the south costa plaza. I come to a light and he is right behind me. Still on the phone, still too close to me, still mad. He waves at me (not in a freandly manner) i wave back and smile. Hes about to see me drive a benz like i stole it. :devious: THe light turns green i slam the gas as hard as i can making a left (again the car handles great and i lose him on the straight away (harbor blvd in costa mesa if ur still following me). IN and out of traffic. Hes now followed me 17miles. I decide to do something stupid. there are 5 lanes on harbor blvd. Two make a left turn two must go straight and one makes a left. I'm in lane #2 hes in lane #3 (both must go staright...well thats what the law says anyway). Theres a bus in the far right lane (#1) getting readdy to make a right. There are a few cars in front of me and hes about 4 cars behind me in the left lane to me. I wave at him as the lane turns green.....right before i make a right from the #2 lane next to the city bus. I laugh as he he is forced to go straight into a ghetto area he is not fimiliar with. I waste no time. I gun it home (about 5 blocks away). As i was aproacing my house i slow down....right as i turn in my drive way a cop rolls by. IF he was around while i was doing this stuff man...i'd be in trouble. I realize now...i was in serious danger. I drive more carefull now. I cant affored to be doing this stuff. Especailly when my z is done. I later remembered the neighborhood he came out of him. Me and my freands later paid him a visit in my freands impala. Lets just say his accord will be off the road for a while. It now looks uglier than it was when he was messin with me. PLEASE DO US ALL A FAVOR!!!!!! DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO ENDANGER UR LIFE FINE!!!! JUST DONT TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!! I HAVE MY Z TO FINISH FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!! :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: sorry its so long. kinda got caught up with it again. Matt

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