Everything posted by bemmerguy714
Jim Carey's "Bruce Almighty" Z
ha! Its been relisted. Thats funny crap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4561645711
New upholstery
nice seats. Mine is like two or three quarters high. Is that normal? I thought it was cause i saw another one like that. Id like to have it about that size that u have there.
Anybody in, or near, Washington want some free parts?
2.49!!! Your lucky i'm lookin at 2.69 here!
not mine but....
i know i'll be hated for this but.......I WANT TO TAKE ANY OF THESE ON THE TRACK!!!!!!!!!!! I know, i know ITS NOT A NISSAN!!!!!! BUT i'm still stuck on euros! Here comes the onslaught.......
new top less pictures
Nice. How much power are u putting out?
Recent pic
What do u have done to it? Engine wise i mean
My 240Z
nice work!!!! Btw theres a little gap between the body and the airdam. Is that suppose to be like that. Its tight anyway. Is that hood carbon fiber or is it just black? Can carbon fiber be painted over. Anyway nice job! Cant wait til mines done......
New to the club
Why the Z
You can take a vette?
Why the Z
U know.... i'm asking myself the same question everyday. It looks good....in these gallerys...i cant really look at mine, and everyone says l24s are slow? So i've been wondering about doing the whole L28 stroker thing. But will that make it a "rocket". How much MORE money am i lookin at. Will it be worth it? I've alredy spent around $7000.00 and i know, i know, i;m going to be hated and everyone is gona say you put $7000 in a rust bucket and ur still wondering if you LIKE IT!?!?!?!?! I've only been doing this so me and my dad will basically have something to talk about. :disappoin HE"S THE ONE WHO LOVES THESE CARS. He used to have 3 of them in high school. He says i'm gona like it after it done. So i will still be asking myself that til its done and that will be the day i decide... Til then i'll just be here asking stupid questions so you guys will have me to laugh at. :stupid: Matt
drive shafts
You maybe be right the benz wont be around very long but it has nothing to do with the z. Its only to make more room for another BMW. :devious: I know the z will be fun thou. I know that. Like you said may not be the fastest but i can make it fast. I hope :nervous:
drive shafts
K thanks. i know he's messin. Will wont be happy til I post a pic of the for sale sign on my benz! I think i will browse the tech to learn more. Its funny that you mension how my mind is on euros right now. Your right. I can get asked about an engine or body style or something for BMW and i can come up with the code name no problem (like you guys and Zs). Hopefully i'll do my homework and reserch more on Zs. Thanks. Matt :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
My new wheels!!
ok cool. what is the offset for a 240z?
My new wheels!!
They look good. Has the ride gotten better or worse when u put the adapter? I was told not to go with 16s/17s because i would need an adapter which would make the ride very unpleasent. I dont know thou. Let me know! Btw nice mud stains looks like u did a little offroading there!
L24 or L28
I was gona say that. Thats what i'm gona do. From a 280 into a 240. But i want to do it for performance reasons. I dont think there are any gains to doing it the other way.
Hey there fellow Z fans
welcome to the site! THis site does come in handy! Like everyone said before, show us pics of ur z!
drive shafts
Thanks. You wont let that whole Z Vs. Benz thing go huh? Thats ok. I wont doubt it. You may be right (or not) :devious: who knows? THanks for awnsering my stupid question anyway. :stupid:
drive shafts
I feel pretty dumb for asking this but whats a R200? :disappoin
He, a racetrack in the mountains…..
NW Datsun / Nissan meet in Canby, Oregon
Keeping Tabs on the Z Market
I like the blue one! I want that paint!!!!!!!
Whats your most outragous kill story?
I am planning on getting an l28 block and stroking and all that stuff. Just curuis of our cars.