Everything posted by bemmerguy714
looking for custom lights
Heres what i need. 4.5-5" circle tail lights. Similar to the skyline C110 lights. except i dont want them to stick out in the center like the skyline lights. I want the outer two lights to be brake and yellow center for signals. Inner two will be brake and reverse in the center as well. Perferably leds. any one know a good site? i checked ebay but no luck.
HELP ME!!! only gettin fuel to 1 cylinder!
wait. now im confused. you say you could have sequential injection with a megasquirt. did some searching at hybridz and Mobys "MegaSquirt'nSpark MSS/MSnS installation guide" (heres the link) http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=88246&highlight=sequential+injection says MS does not support sequential fuel injection. maybe theres a version that supports SFI? someone want to help explain to me?
thanks for the advice guys. my freand had said i should try ebay and sent me this link. what u guys think? it says its SA2005. Also its much cheaper than the links that i looked at above. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/G-Force-Pro-Force-One-Helmet-New-Snell-sa2005-rated_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ107069QQitemZ4617722260QQrdZ1 thanks in advance.
I want to start autocrossing my car and having track days with it. I havent really looked into it thou until recently when i heard of the driving event at the msa car show. thought this might be the chance for me to get a nice feel for my z in a safer enviorment. i registered today and they told me that my helmet had to be 95 or newer. now heres my stupid question: wheres a good place around me that sells helmets and which one should i get? any help is appreciated.
interesting Z on ebay
crap. theres a z under there somewhere. i thought he had put it in the wrong catagory til i read it. :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
MSA show 2006
i live not to far from orange so im going to be there everyday. i registered for the show and the driving event today as well. i just go to find myself a helmet now... Any one else going to be in the drving event they are having? looks like fun.
This will only take 10 seconds of your life!
i voted to help u out. i dont really care haha
Passing smog with a header
i also thought about the headers on my car. It was a big factor when i was buying the car in the first place. Thats why i made sure it was a 75 or older. that makes in smog exempt in CA. I would do it man or if you do i would buy thje headers install them and when u do have to smog it take them off. kinda of a pain but if u really want to and it wont pass smog that what i would do. btw i dont think just cause u have headers u will fail the "visual" test. could be wrong thou. ill try to find some info online for u.
Ebay item 4612760871 - What were you thinking ?
its ugly bottom line...
BMW 3.5 Z finally begins in earnest
very cool. take pics! ive been thinking of doing an m20 super eta swap now cause i got the motor. totaled the 5 series so im seriusy considering it. Would be fun the turbo it as well. i dont know well see!
Wow 500 HORSE with video ebay 4614944592
the guy who owns its name is amir. thread was already stared here and on hybridz. car is getting alot of attention and rightfully so. if i had an extra $20,000 laying around id get it. link to hybridz thread about this car http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=104692 link to hybridz thread discussing this car on ebay http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108394 link to thread on classiczcars http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20493
Nice SR20DET 260Z on EBay
yea thats the one. saw the video. so nice. said it weights 2150 with 15 gallons of gas!
Rebuild a wiper motor in an hour
the motor moves pretty good right now. not looking to update to the honda one. right now. maybe later. Ill try the ziplock one. yea btw i will be at the MSA show.
Rebuild a wiper motor in an hour
i have one question about this. i just rebuilt mine and is it absolutly nessassery to cover the motor up again with that plastic thing that was on there? i ripped mine off so i would have to think of something else but im curious if i could just leave the motor with no cover. any ideas?
Car amps
i bought the explode at walmart about a year ago. paid 100 bucks for it. you could probobly find something similar cheaper on ebay. how many watts do you need? what are u powering 6x9? subs? how many?
Found Some Rust
One thing is for sure. If its not removed, rust is cancer. It will spread like crazy.
Rally Clock and oscillator unit For Sale
30 mins remaining now....
Bought another Z... yes, its turbo'd
beautiful. good find.
Car amps
ive had good experiances with them. Not very cost efficiant thou. The price of they;re amps seems unreasonable at times. I have a sony explode 500watt amp running two subs in my bimmer. Never had a problem with that amp at all.
Rally Clock and oscillator unit For Sale
heres the pics of the oscilator:
MSA 6-1 Jet-Hotted Header
Interior Side On
Blocking Street
Rear end at the Beach
Rally Clock and oscillator unit For Sale
not to sure how.