Everything posted by bemmerguy714
Will ya miss me ????
no way? egypt!!!! Im originally from there!!!!
Zg flares
Nice 240ZG
put my eibachs on correctly this time
nice i got the same one. Those Flairs look perfect with that airdam. Im forsure gona do that. ur car is gourgous!!!!!!!
put my eibachs on correctly this time
by the way what front body kit that? Do u have a pic of the front of the car? looks great!!!
Help me find these
might want to try MSA or VB as well. they might have them.
Yet one more new guy
HELP! whats wrong with my eibach springs?
dont forget to post pics when its done!!! we want to see!!!!
This is why I speed!
what the ****?
My current garage
Original Zcar Concept Sketches
- 80% bare
- 80% bare
- minus the engine
- minus the engine
No more engine, transmission
No more engine, transmission
No more engine, transmission
60% stripped down
- wanna be 325 ha ha
- Half way stripped
- Future look
when i first got it in december of 2004
when i first got it