I have white face plates installed on my 71' 240. Here are some tips: You will probably want to change your bulbs while you are at it. I replaced my bulbs with RED color bulbs (found on the internet somewhere) You must remove the green plastic bulb covers from the gauge housings so the colored light will shine through While you have the housing apart and the face plate removed, paint the inside of the housing bright white. (rattle can is ok) This will help reflect the light and you will get better illumination You wil also want to paint the needles on the guages. I used RED, most people use flouresent orange Remember to sand inside the mounting hole of the clock needles before trying to put them back on. My clock worked like a champ before I started. I didn't realize the paint build up was hendering my putting them back on the clock. I forced them on, and now the clock doesn't work. make sure you keep your hands clean and wait till all paint is dry before touching your white face plates. I have a small red smudge on one face plate that no one else will notice, but it drives me nuts because I know if I had been a little more patient, it wouldn't be there at all. By the way, I love the way my white gauges look. I'm sure you will like them as well Mark