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  1. Is this a stupid questions:stupid: or do people not know the answer to it:ermm: cos it seems to have been dismissed hahah Josh
  2. Next questions is... Can you put the 260z rear struts into a 240z the entrie strut setup??? would this effect the ride hight or anything like that also is it a strait bolt on job.... Cheers Josh
  3. farfromparadise posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hey guys I was just wondering as i can't really get a clear answer on this.... Did any Australian 240z come with 55mm diamtre struts or were they all 51mm??? Some people say that they were all 51mm some people are saying that some of the very late models are 55mm... Is this true and if so how can you tell without removing the struts which ones you have.... Josh
  4. Yeah that was my basic understanding as well Enigma but i did a search on here regarding KYB's TOKICO and it came up with a few different topics on shocks raising ride heights.... Due to high pressure in some gas shox... which i found odd but thought it was worth asking the question... The last questions i had was is the rear struts on the 240z are different to the 260 and 280's aren't they... So therefore you would not be able to substitute gas inserts from other car models??? As someone has told me the 260z inserts are fine to use..... Is this true??? Cheers Josh
  5. I've read a few posts with people saying that the Tokico's are known to raise the car sitting height???? Has anyone had a problem with that.... A shock raising the ride hieght??? Cheers Josh
  6. Thanks for all the replys guys.... Mr cam i tried emailing that guy but haven't recieved anything back as of yet... I'm thinking i may have to go with xshox or the guy on ebay as he has cheaper prices and cheaper shipping to Australia.... In regards to the KYB's and TOKICO's is it worth the extra $80USD or $115AUD to go with the TOKICO's in people's opinions or is there minimal difference.... Thanks guys for all the replys and you're help Josh
  7. farfromparadise posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hey having a few problems trying to locate a cheap pair of shocks for the time being for my 240z.... monroe and kyb have stopped producing them and pedders were looking at around $270 just wondering if anyone else had some alternatives... At this stage i just want to get something not looking at throwing in anything expensive that will all come later... Cheers Josh
  8. Thanks alot for the replys i really appreciate the help.... From my limited understanding of the situation from all the reading that i've undergone the Australian 1973 240z carbies are the 3 screw round top hitachi version which were the 1972 style american 240z... not the flat top version you guys have on your 1973 240z or the previous owner may have already gotten rid of the flat tops and replaced the carbies with the round ones. I have hopefully sourced some parts which wasn't easy and it looks like i may have to get them shipped from overseas... Thanks again for everyone help Josh
  9. farfromparadise posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    HI Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction... I need to get some new Needles and Jets or nozzels for my original Hitachi/SU carbs off a 1973 240z... when looking for the nozzels i was told that the 240z came with hitachi carbs not SU however in the handbook i have they are labled SUs.... i was just wondering if someone could clear this up for me as i'm unsure as to what i should be looking for.... Have contacted the main carbie group up here in Brisbane and they told me to hit up the forums as they are unable to locate them.... Any help would be greatly appreciated... Cheers Josh

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