Everything posted by Arne
Tail light mods
Doesn't do it for me either. But I'd love to pull parts from that 240Z...
Poly bushing : Not worth it ?
Poly bumpstops are a no-brainer and great. If you do no other poly, the bumpstops are the ones to do -- there are no downsides to the bumpstops, no ride concerns, no noises. No reason not to use them. Other than the bumpstops, all the rest of my suspension is rubber. I've always used OE Nissan bushings, and they work fine for normal street driving. Like Dave mentioned, if you are selective in where you use poly, the ride harshness increase (and there will be some) isn't too bad. As for color - unless you just have to have something flashy, go with Energy Suspension black, not red. The black are graphite impregnated, and are MUCH less prone to squeaks and noises.
Ugly misfire
I think what Dave (Zs-ondabrain) meant was that your fuel pump might not be supplying enough fuel to feed the engine at higher RPM.
z car customs experience?
I know Brian personally, and have dealt with locally him in the past (before he opened ZCCJDM) on a couple of little things. A good guy, in my opinion, and will tell it to you like it is. He's a member here, screen name is azcarbum, and he has a nicely modded 280Z pictured below. Call him if you have questions.
71 0n ebay
The wheels are either Cromodoras, ATS or something similar. Rare and unusual, in any case.
L24 on my 260 ?
Wrong side of the block. Look near the #5 spark plug.
L24 on my 260 ?
Those are casting numbers, and both of those were used on both L24 and L26 engines. To verify what you have now, you need to look at the block serial number, not the casting number. It will be on the spark plug side of the motor, on a pair of raised bosses at the top edge of the block, near #5 plug. The rear boss will have the engine type stamped in (L24, L26 or L28), the front boss will have the sequential serial number.
Wheel Offset - How to Measure?
That's what I recalled for those older Appliance wheels. Both the Wire Mag (like yours) and the Dish Mag (slots) in 14x7 came with a relatively deep negative offset. (Not surprising, they were originally designed to fit 4-lug Mustangs and such, not import cars.) We ran into occasional rubbing issues with those on the front of 240Zs back in the day. Weren't no modern low profile tires back then to compensate.
Pantera look a like Rear Lid
Without the matching numbers motor, the value of that car (when finished) is far less than he might be thinking. Non-matching motor is a big minus on final value, it seems to me.
Wheel Offset - How to Measure?
Stephen, measure the overall width at the outer lips. (This is typically about one inch larger than the true rim width at the bead seats.) Divide this number in half and save it. Then set the wheel face down on the floor. Place a straightedge across the back of the wheel. Measure from the straightedge to the mounting flange surface, where the wheel sits against the drum. (This measurement is also known as 'backside'.) Subtract the first saved measurement from the face-down number. The result is the offset. If the numbers are equal, that's zero offset. If your end result is a negative number (your backside is smaller than half the width), that is negative offset, which gives deeper dish. If the backside is larger than half the width, it's positive offset, which tucks the wheel inside the fender farther. In the case of the 14x7 Appliance Wire Mags you have for sale, Here's what I expect you will find (approximately): Overall width === 8.00" Half of overall = 4.00" Backside ======== 3.62" Offset ========= -0.38" That'll be the same as a -10mm or -3/8" offset. Similar to a 14" Konig Rewind. Of course, I could be wrong since I'm going from 15-20 year old memory here, and I'm very interested is hearing your measured results on these wheels.
Widest Tires for my Rims
255s will fit your rims (although they'll be a bit wider than optimal, but I think you'll be pushing it as far as clearance goes.
Widest Tires for my Rims
The matching height wider size to go with your 205/70s is 235/60-14.
Widest Tires for my Rims
Assuming you want to keep the existing size on the front, and also assuming you are running the stock 195/70 there, you should go with the 225/60-14 on the rear. Any other size mentioned above will be shorter in height than what you have on the front which will make the car sit nose-high. Since 280Zs stock suspension sits taller than a 240Z, you should have no problems running the 255/60s on the rear.
stock rims
Stock steel 280Z rims are 5.0" wide. Those are definitely too narrow for a 225, and realistically too narrow for the 215s too. You might be able to squeeze 215s on them, but pinched on a narrow wheel like that they will not give any handling benefit, and might even drive worse than the stock 195s.
Are these rims datsun rims, they are cool
Find yourself a different tire shop - one that knows what they are talking about. The 240Z chassis (all S30s and S130s, actually) do not use hub-centering rims. Not even the factory rims hub-center. In fact, the hubs lack the raised centering boss that a hub-centering rim would seat upon. So for your car, the hub-centering explanation is garbage. Your shimmy is caused by something else.The most likely causes are multi-fit rims (as Stephen mentioned above), poorly balanced rim/tire assembly, or an out-of-round issue of either a tire or rim. A 240Z is very sensitive to shimmy from these causes, it takes very little to cause a slight shimmy.
The lettering on the ZX logo probably does not exist as a complete "font' as such. It was designed by Nissan for the car, is proprietary, and is undoubtedly trademarked and not available to the general public.
Low miles Z31 FS in Portland, OR
Not my cup of tea, but looks like a killer example, if you're into them. http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/976913529.html Ad text:
L26 engine rebuild kits?
Means nothing. Just because they offer all those brands doesn't mean they include them in the kits they bundle.
Need help finding for the "net" material.....
Try your local Nissan dealer. Part #11037-E3000 - NET, STEEL CRANK CASE, list price appears to be $8.55.
L24 performance upgrades.
If they don't have an exchange program, it'd be pretty simple to pick up a used E88 or whatever head to send them, while you continue to drive your car. Lot's of used heads on craigslist, at least there are here out West.
Diff Mount Insulator placement
I believe the mount does need to be reversed, but since I've never done this mod, you should wait for confirmation from someone who has. The part you pointed at is the remains of the factory exhaust hanger.
RHD Fairlady Z
IMO, not a large premium, no. There are people out there who want them (such as your friend), but not enough of them to drive the price on the RHD cars significantly higher than a US 240Z.
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
It's not lifted enough to lift it off the seal, so no exhaust gases. It's pretty much just an appearance issue.
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
Don't know, Dan. Mine s the original Nissan strut from 1971.
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
I'd be thrilled if that worked. My hatch sits nice and even with the support strut removed. But the tension from the gas pressure pushes the left edge up when the strut is in place. I've tried to adjust this both with and without the strut with no success so far.