Everything posted by Arne
280zx performance?
Yup. Remember that you are looking at classic, old-school turbo technology. Car makers have learned a lot about turbos in the last 30 years. And in those days, obvious lag was expected from turbos.
The Classic Zcar Club is down for some maintenance. It will be back soon. We promise.
Steve, it works for me in 8 different browsers across 3 OS (XP, OS X and Ubuntu). Try clearing your browser cache and reloading.
The Classic Zcar Club is down for some maintenance. It will be back soon. We promise.
Fixed it. Mike, I left that maintenance page in place, but added a redirect to /forums. The original maintenance note is still there, just commented out.
Bought a 1980 280zx with a few issues
Noise from the throwout bearing is the other way around. With the pedal up, no noise, depress the pedal and the noise begins.Since yours is the opposite, I'd suspect input shaft bearing in the transmission.
New Tire Recommendations--16 inch
I've run the Proxes 4 and the original T1 (predecessor to the T1-R) on other cars. The Proxes 4 were reasonably grippy, better ride and quieter than the T1-R. Much better when the temperature drops (below 40° F). Probably not as good a track tire, though.
1978 Black Pearl Stripes?
Jerry, I was thinking of the '77 ZZap stripes, Jay did commission some repros of those. My searching indicates that there may have been a batch of Black Pearl repros done some years back, but nothing recent.
1978 Black Pearl Stripes?
Jerry, I think esprist (Jay) already had repros made. I'll do a search.
Best Camera Setup for Z Cars
I've always ended up with Nikons, but there's nothing wrong with Canons. Hard to go wrong with either of those. I like those as well, except that the zoom and auto-focus on those is simply not fast enough to suit me. That's why I ditched the point-n-shoots and went DSLR.
Mystery Parts...
Not familiar to me, either.
Best Camera Setup for Z Cars
Mike, I'm shooting an old Nikon D40. Not at all state of the art anymore, but small, light and still takes great pictures. I have the kit 18-55 for general use, and a 55-200VR for longer shots. Also a very small, but bounce-able speedlite SB-400. The entire package was selected for size and light weight, so as not to weigh me down while hiking. At least 90% of my photography is outdoors, so the slower ~f4.0 lenses are fine for me. If you are going to shoot much indoors (and the space is too large for a bounce flash), you may want a faster lens. For whole car shots, I like using the longer lens from farther away, tends to segregate the subject from the background. Of course, for small detail shots you will want a different lens. Re: Nikon v. Canon - I've selected a Nikon the last two two times I went camera shopping from scratch, both 35mm and now digital. Started fresh both times, no holdover lenses, so I was open to any brand. I found that the Nikons felt better and more balanced in my hand than the Canons. So my recommendation is to find somewhere to go pick them up, touch them, hold them. Find out which brand/model fits your hands, which one feels best. Any of the major brands make good cameras, find the one that fits you best. Don't obsess over the specs, they are all overkill for average use.
Who has a set of these?
I sold Appliance wheels from about 1976 until they went bankrupt. Appliance never offered that style during that period.
flashing from the car next to me.
If pics exist, they would belong in the Boobs thread...
Looking to do a major engine/transmission switch. Need help and expertise!
One last thought - hybrids.org is the place to get this info, but bear in mind that they are not particularly noob-friendly there. Posting this question there will get a terse "search & read" reply at best, or possibly flames if people are feeling a bit grumpy today. So do plan to do a lot of reading there before asking any questions.
Did rear ebrake shoes on 2000 acura TL3.2
I gave up on Honda products years ago for largely that reason. Engineered well, but overly complex. They seem to revel in complexity for the sake of complexity.
Avoiding warped rotors
Considering that he posted this in the ZX forums, I'm not surprised that the price is good for later cars.
momo prototipo installed
I was thinking the exact same thing....
European Stage 1 springs, to cut of not to cut...
The cut Euro SS1 springs are still plenty long enough to stay tight in the spring perches. Unlike some lowering springs, they will not need to be re-positioned after jacking up the car.
Uploading Photos
Mike, I swear those Supporting member permissions must get buggered by something periodically, maybe some sort of update? Seems like we find something on that out of whack 2-3 times per year.
European Stage 1 springs, to cut of not to cut...
I totally understand. I cut mine in little snippets - took me 3 cuts over several weeks to get it down to stock height. I was terribly afraid of cutting too much.
Rating the factory 240Z fuel vent hoses
The hoses I got from Nissan in 2007 were definitely fresh, not 30+ years old. I do not know if any are still available today.
Which Magazines had a Test Drive of the 78?
Depends on what you are wanting to get out of it. General overall impression? A '75 test should be sufficient. Accurate specs and stats? you'll want a later test. There were changes all through the years. For example, I believe that the weight of the '75-76 cars was different than for the '77-78 cars. Drivability related to torque curve probably changed slightly with the various emissions and cylinder head changes.
Appliance Center Cap
If you end up having to rechrome one, PM me first. I think I still have a few that are OK to rechrome that you can have for the cost of shipping.
Video: Datsun 280ZX 'Black Gold' Commercial
I still think the dude was Freddy Mercury.... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread45006.html
240Z NOS wheels still in Nissan boxes
Carl, don't forget about the semi-mythical set of 4 that was on the R&T test car in the July 1971 issue.
New member from Norway...
No promises. And my life right now is most certainly not clean enough for me to pick up another project, Z or otherwise.But, there is a particular Series 1 I know of that's been sitting in a carport totally un-loved for AT LEAST 20 years. Sometimes as I pass by I hear it call out to me....