Everything posted by Arne
Ever seen a 240Z with a backseat?
Yeah, I laugh when I think of trying to sit back there. That seat appears to be much like the rear jump seats in my Porsche. What purpose do they really serve? The rear buckets in a 911 are about 12-13" across (too narrow for any adult I know), and the head room is only sufficient for people shorter than about 4'6". I clearly remember a line from a magazine years ago about the rear seats in a 911 being good only for small children or adult cats. I suppose small dogs would count, too. Pretty accurate...
New member from Norway...
I did....
New member from Norway...
Good deal, Terje. That would have been on my list of things to do this year had I kept the car. The rear bushings were all replaced with factory parts a few years ago.
Ever seen a 240Z with a backseat?
Not that I can see at this time, but I won't rule out the possibility.
Ever seen a 240Z with a backseat?
That is unique in my experience also. I wonder who made them?
Questions For Selling My Z
Just say that it won't currently pass smog. No need to explain why, or that you've tossed the original parts. No guilt is implied that way. But someone who needs a smog-compliant car won't waste everyone's time asking questions on it.
Questions For Selling My Z
NorCal? That car is smog-exempt in most—if not all—of Oregon. Much of the rest of the nation as well. I'd start with an ad on datsunclassifieds.com, and maybe on the Medford, OR craigslist. Just note in the ad that it is not currently smog-able.
Site fundraiser
An auction would require significant volunteer time from some people, but might work. Every once in a while fundraising is mentioned, which generally seems to spawn a small flurry of donations, which is a good thing. And less often (only a couple of times that I recall) some other type of fundraising happens. For example, when I organized the group buy on the mylar sunshades a while back, I built a bit of profit into the price, and gave 100% of the profit as a site donation. That project generated several hundred dollars for the site. So there are a few ideas to consider.
How do you use the club?
Not exactly. What's New only shows new since last visit. The "getdaily" search delivers the prior 24 hours, whether you've seen it or not. The "getdaily" command is available if you get new and there is nothing new to show. See below: This command is pretty useful for people who don't visit often, too. Last 24 hours - http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/search.php?do=getdaily Last 2 days - http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/search.php?do=getdaily&days=2 Last 3 days - http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/search.php?do=getdaily&days=3 And so forth.
240Z NOS wheels still in Nissan boxes
Sort of. It tracks my time and experiences with the 240Zs. The first one was intended to be a mild rest-mod, but the focus shifted to more original after I bought the red one.
Manual Antenna
Not factory, at least not for here in North America. All North American S30's had power antennas.
240Z NOS wheels still in Nissan boxes
Also note that the seller doesn't mention the width or part number. There were 3 different widths for 240Zs - 4 1/2", 5" and 5 1/2". As I recall they used 4 1/2" through 8/71 and 5" from 9/71 through the end of the 280Z. The 5 1/2" was available as a "performance" option from Nissan Parts, but never factory installed for the North American market.
How do you use the club?
Mine is manually set to forums/search.php?do=getdaily which used to be a normal button in the old version.
240z Tail Light Shroud Color
There is a Duplicolor choice that is close in shade, but way too glossy. I used the paint from Classic Datsun Motorsports on mine. It's just about as expensive, but I'll bet Les charges less to ship. http://classicdatsun.com/
Mud guards? Yes or No?
After 5 years, I'm relatively certain the OP who asked is mo longer looking for more input. You made your point in the current thread, there was no need to revive a dead thread to say it again.
Mud guards? Yes or No?
You revived a 5 year old thread for that worthless comment?
How Many Z Drivers Also Own BMWs?
Looks factory because it was factory. All E21 323i came with duals like that. Pretty much the first thing most people noticed about the car.
How Many Z Drivers Also Own BMWs?
Which Magazines had a Test Drive of the 78?
The R&T test was a short update in '77 when the 5 speed became available. I've got that issue in my archives. Not a full test.
Henry Ford Museum
Rear sidemarkers were for North American cars only. The lack of those lights, the logo-less hubcaps and the lack of rubber strips on the bumper all tend to point to a JDM car. Looks like clear front turn signals, too.
The great BEFORE and AFTER thread
The great BEFORE and AFTER thread
240z strut cartridge recommendations
Found it. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?29956-Looking-for-info-on-old-Nissan-comp-springs&p=251099&viewfull=1#post251099
240z strut cartridge recommendations
Yeah, I did it to mine. I'll need to hunt down my prior post to be certain how much I cut. I believe I cut more than either of the two you posted. Had them out for cutting 2 or 3 times, cutting a bit at a time until I got it down to stock-ish height. Mine was about 1/4" high at the end - I figured that was close enough.
How Many Z Drivers Also Own BMWs?
Glad you like it. I personally don't care for Bangle's work at all. Too gimmick-laden for my taste. BMW's reached their modern-era peak with the E36 and pre-headlight-halo E39, all downhill since then.