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Everything posted by Arne

  1. Arne replied to Art@NissanSport's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Also make certain the rear brakes are properly adjusted.
  2. Arne replied to Arne's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Damn! I may have to rethink my decision on that parts car... Then again, my stuff never sells on eBay as high as other folks' stuff does...
  3. Nope, that's a FWD F-10 hatchback, not a B210.
  4. Arne replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I suppose it depends a bit on how you view photography. I don't treat it as seriously as I did when I was younger, and the ability to download immediately, and also to edit digitally far out-weighs -- to me -- any possible artistic advantages that film offers. I take pictures these days for record keeping, and memories. I'm not trying to be artistic.On the other hand, I take my cars far more seriously. Older cars have far more character and personality than modern cars do. I drove my '96 328i to the coast today. Four adults in the car, and it is more comfortable, faster, handles better and is more economical than the Datsun. But it doesn't have the character or personality that the Z has. Which is why I still drive older cars. Now I'll concede that film also has some of those types of advantages over digital. But I don't value them in photography, so digital is better for me. Not everyone will agree with me, some will stick with film and that's OK too.
  5. Arne replied to Arvin_a's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My apologies to Mckrack. I quoted his post in my '73 rebuttal out of context. Mckrack was referring to the car pictured in the first post, not '73s in general. Sorry!
  6. Arne replied to Arvin_a's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I disagree. If the carbs have been swapped, a '73 makes a better driver than any of the earlier cars. The bumpers are only a little bigger, and if that bothers you they can be replaced by the earlier bumpers.The rest of the changes (those that weren't forced upon Nissan by legislation) were all improvements. The '73s have the improved differential location, many have mounts for rear sway bars, decent retractor seatbelts, and intermittent wipers. So don't dismiss the '73s if you are looking for a 240Z to drive and enjoy.
  7. Arne replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Steve, please post back with the results of your research...
  8. Arne replied to gogriz91's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I too saw that car at Canby. I think it was the TWM Weber-type throttle bodies on a Cannon manifold. Those manifolds show up no and then on eBay without carbs and should be a good match for the TWM bodies.
  9. Arne replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Looks like these? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-Floor-Plugs-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6763QQihZ012QQitemZ220125988588QQrdZ1
  10. Arne replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Time to move on, Chris. I sold my 35mm Nikon a couple of years ago. You won't miss it.
  11. Arne replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Not sure. Part number 77700-89914 is called "Plug, rubber" and it calls for a total of 9 of them on the CD. I'm not certain that those are the right ones, but that's my guess.
  12. Arne replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Hugh, when it stops, does it stop suddenly, or does it sound like it's running out of gas (stumbling and such before dying)? I can think of a couple other possibilities for temp-related things. If it dies suddenly, you could be losing ignition. Some ignition parts can be temp-sensitive if they are failing, such as coils or EI modules (if any). If it sounds like it is running out of fuel, perhaps it is. Fuel pumps (especially mechanical units) can fail when hot, but work acceptably when they are cool. If you are running the stock mechanical pump, check the float bowls for fuel next time it dies.
  13. Arne replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Please elaborate, Chris. When you say "Vintage Zs" what exactly are you referring to? Surely that must be a narrower definition than I'm thinking of. Even if you are only talking about what we here in the US call "Series 1" 240Zs, 18% is a huge batch of cars. Details (without names is fine), please??
  14. Arne replied to biker's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Sounds like too much restriction in the fuel lines between the carbs. Do you have a fuel rail? Or are you daisy-chaining them?
  15. Arne replied to New-to-240z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    But looking at those lights, you may have clearance issues inside the buckets. I don't think those city light sockets will fit in there without cutting or modifying the bucket.
  16. Arne replied to Pir0San's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Should work fine. Easy to pull, too, since they don't require a spring compressor.
  17. Arne replied to bigoak's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yup. That hose actually has fuel in it when the tank is full. It might not be the total cure, but since it is obviously not fuel-rated hose, it needs to be replaced in any case. So that makes it an obvious first step.
  18. Arne replied to bigoak's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Might not be a seam split. Looks to me as if some previous owner replaced the fuel vent hose there with red heater hose, which is not fuel-proof. I'd say it's likely that the leak is from the hose. I say this because my car looked exactly the same with its deteriorated red heater hose there. So before you kiss off the tank, run it low on fuel and replace that hose with some fresh fuel/oil rated hose.
  19. Arne replied to Grim's post in a topic in United States
    Too bad it's out in the middle of nowhere. But I guess they had to go that far East up the Gorge to find a place where the neighbors wouldn't complain. But that was probably smart. They're building right near the Boardman Bombing Range. If the neighbors don't complain about falling bombs, a bit of loud car exhaust should be fine too.
  20. Arne replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Electrical
    I'd buy that theory as a possibility for some types of failures, like bouncy needles, or needles that stick at 3500 RPM, and suchlike.But for tachs that immediately snap to the peg at 8000 when the ignition is switched on, it has to be electrical. E, let's try to make plans to get my dead one to you. Maybe use Bryan Parcel Service?
  21. White out sounds fun. (NOT!)That B210 was my wife's car that she bought right out of high school. My most exciting time in it was after I installed the Marchal H4 headlights in it, driving at 70+ MPH on Hwy 97 between Chemult and Klamath Falls when the headlight fuse blew. In those days, night time there was very little traffic on 97, I had no idea it could get that dark that fast!
  22. About 400 miles round trip is the max so far for me, but I've only had a road worth example for about 8 months. Say, does 2500 miles in a '74 B210 count? Done that!! (In 1977.)
  23. Arne replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Econ 101 - the value of a thing is what someone is willing to pay for it. So if any of you really feel either of these cars (51 or 305) are worth $10k, you can prove it with your wallet. I might watch, but I will not be buying.
  24. Arne replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Electrical
    Yup, I forgot to load it in the car prior to Canby. The dead one I have sometimes works, sometimes is intermittent, and has been known to snap all the way to 8000 when the ignition is switched on. Very warm days make it worse, it actually worked fine for several months - the cool winter months. I'll try to remember to bring it next time I come North.
  25. Arne replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    But credit where credit is due. You may have noticed that the "eBayer formerly known as ur-gellis" now has public feedback. No credit to him, all to eBay. As quoted on the Private Feedback info page: "Important: If you have a private Feedback Profile, you will not be able to sell items on eBay." http://pages.ebay.com/help/feedback/reputation-public-feedback.html

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