Everything posted by Arne
Registration for Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010 (Oregon) is now open.
Great weather, cars, and people, as always. If anything, the show seemed even better organized than prior years, which is not to imply that prior years were dis-organized, just that this year seemed even smoother than the last couple. I have to admit, though - both my wife and I independently felt that there were noticeably fewer cars than in the past 3-4 years, both registered in the show, and in the non-registered open area. Could the Rose Cup races in Portland have drawn off that many people? I know of several Z owners who went to the races Sunday instead of Canby. Might be worth trying to avoid the Rose Cup weekend in the future, if possible.
Mylar logo'd sunshades - Completed
Great pictures, Michael. Glad you are happy with it. I've forwarded a few of these "after" pictures on to Joe, as a final wrap-up and thanks to him for being willing to do it.
What I did today
For those of us in Oregon and Washington, one word is enough to describe what I did today - Canby. I loved the sign they parked us behind (in the second picture)!
Manual to automatic transmission swap
I had to change the pedal box on my yellow car, but only because the PO buggered it up in it's past life. As far as I know, the pedal boxes for any given year are the same for either transmission type. Going from manual to auto should be simpler than the other way, as you will only need to replace the brake pedal, and remove all the clutch stuff. You'll want to fab a sealing plate for the clutch master hole, but that'll be simple.Beandip just swapped from auto to a 5 speed in his '73 a couple of months ago, his transmission was suspect, but he may still have some of the requisite parts.
Manual to automatic transmission swap
Oops! I forgot that. On my '71 I think it was on the gas pedal.
Manual to automatic transmission swap
Most of the wiring harness differences can be ignored. You will need to splice the trigger wire for the starter solenoid into the neutral-safety switch. I can't recall anything else that should be a show-stopper.
Oil Leak ?
Can be done without pulling the radiator, but to do so you'll need to fabricate a custom puller that will fit between the pulley and the radiator. Probably simpler for most people to pull the radiator and use a normal puller.
1971 type A tranny question/problem
The bell housing gaskets were still available from Nissan last year, part number 32118-78000. The bearing shims come in several different thicknesses. Since I didn't know what I needed for certain when I rebuilt mine, I ordered one of each thickness that was still available from Nissan. I think I got 4 or 5 different shims for each bearing. (Did the same for the internal snap rings, for the same reason.) Most of the choices were still available when I did mine a couple of years ago. Still have most of the spare shims that I didn't use. If you can figure out which thickness you need (you'll want a digital micrometer for this), shoot me a PM, as I may have it.
Canby 2010
Some of us have to work for a living...
Why is the Z community so fragmented?
I too rarely visit zcar.com, too broad a group, and too hard to find anything I'm interested in. (Much the same problem as the mailing list, seems to me.) I go to hybridz now and then, if I'm looking for something in particular, but rarely post there. CZCC.com matches my needs and interests better than the others, that's all.
Registration for Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010 (Oregon) is now open.
I don't think there will be anyone at the rest stop on Saturday. That's generally a Sunday thing. At this point it doesn't look like I will be making the rest stop on Sunday this year. Got some family things to deal with, will probably be coming in the back roads instead. See you all there, though.
Time to update your R&T Subscription
I understand the sentiment, but if I took that totally to heart it might keep me from driving my car as much...
240z SU Carb Tuning?
'71 240Z never came with wheel well liners, at least not in the USA.
intake manf
I suspect it will run, just not sure that single carb is enough to allow it to run well....
Time to update your R&T Subscription
Too narrow for Ron to race on, but just right for my car to tour on, when are you going to hook me up with a set, Mike?
Time to update your R&T Subscription
Running on Panasports, Ron? No faith in those 30+ year old magnesium wheels?
Dirty fluid in clutch resivoir ?
Make certain that you are pricing like parts, not new versus rebuilt.
240z SU Carb Tuning?
Oregon is exclusively E10 for the past couple of years. I noticed no difference when that change was firmed up.
240z SU Carb Tuning?
I don't even tune mine that often. Set 'em and forget 'em. SUs are velocity-sensing carbs, so they tend to compensate for changing conditions on their own. I'm a firm believer that most SU problems are CAUSED by people re-adjusting them when it's not needed.
Registration for Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010 (Oregon) is now open.
In past years we've met by 9:30 or so, and then headed to Canby at 9:45. I'd like to get there a little earlier this year, so wasn't necessarily thinking about meeting at the rest area. But still could, depending on the time.
Car Security
I'm still holding out for the Trunk Monkey...
Who needs rubber?
Tail light seals? (Available but stupid expensive.) And what about the headlight bucket seals?
Car Security
The "Trunk Monkey Theft Retrieval System", #4 at:http://www.trunkmonkeyad.com/
Car Security
Not just the military - the same principle is used in IT. The less the hacker knows about your system and security, the harder he has to work to breach it.
Who does everyone use for insurance?
Many threads on this topic already. Search for "insurance collector classic" to see some of them. No need to re-open a new thread for an old topic.