Everything posted by Arne
- New speakers
Batteries.... Battery cables.
The original size battery was of the Group 24/24F top post type. If the side post cables are in good condition, a Group 74 (side post) is the same size as the 24/24F battery and should fit fine.
Ebay Z car
VIN is probably a typo. It appears to me to be a '73, looks like you can read 10/72 on the door plate. Might have an earlier dash in the car, which could confuse the VIN issue.
Any paint questions let me know
I'm cool with all of that, Randy. Please feel free to offer your thoughts when body/paint questions are posted. Very pleased to see that my possibly over-cautious response above did not totally chase you away. Thanks for giving the site another try.
240z alternator bracket
April, there should be a cast bracket that bolts to the block. That bracket is mostly the same for all Zs and ZXs, I believe. So if you can find a 280ZX ('79-83) in the yards down there, that should work.
1971 Datsun in Toronto
No, you're right, it's not as easy to find as a dedicated part of the forum. Many forums that use the same software package as we do don't buy the separate classifieds module. But the separate module gives some specialized classified functions that aren't available otherwise.
1971 Datsun in Toronto
Any paint questions let me know
I have no problems with new members here offering help on any given topic. But there were/are several things about this one that I didn't care for. This line (and the thread title) could tend to give the impression (to new members) that the poster might be approved or sanctioned by the club. Which is, of course, not true. Doesn't mean he may not be able to offer good advice, but he should offer it freely, not ask for questions. Frankly, this doesn't inspire confidence. If you don't work there any longer, what's there to hide? This one almost sounds like a solicitation, looking for work. Probably not, but it does have that sound.In total, I felt I needed to post my comment. No way I intended to run him off, and I do regret that result, if true. If he returns and freely offers his advice where appropriate, I support that fully.
Any paint questions let me know
Just a reminder, folks. We have several current and/or retired body/paint professionals as members here, as well as many very talented and experienced amateurs. I would recommend that those with questions not address them to any one person, but simply post them here and let them all chime in as appropriate.
Most plug wires these days already have all the noise resistance you need. I use non-resistor in mine without issue.
240z rear bumper to body bolt size
I think so, yes. I can't recall that Nissan ever used 10 x 1.5, in my experience all 10mm threads are 1.25 pitch.
SSR wheels? Rare?
Not common in the US, but certainly not the only set. I see them available here and there every few months.
Canby is a good place to meet most of the Oregon CZCC group. Here's some pictures of the group caravan going in last year.
Removing Headliner residue
I'm pretty certain that he said he used 80 grit.
Removing Headliner residue
When I had the roof skin replaced on my car, the body guy just used a DA on it. Might clog a few sanding discs, but it might be easier than dealing with nasty chemicals. I used 3M number 76 adhesive. The 3M website recommended that one for foam-to-metal, and for heat resistance. It has worked great.
intake manf
Just a guess from someone who typically doesn't do a lot of hot rodding, but since the stock SUs have two 46mm throats, and that even a pair of Weber DGV's is only considered to be stock replacement, I suspect that a single Weber with two 38mm throats would not be a performance upgrade.
Saw flat-tops, glossed right over the piston part. April, can you amplify your concerns?
April, I've heard lots of different complaints about the US flat tops (which your car does have, I looked at your Gallery pictures), but I can't recall ever hearing about them catching on fire. Here in the US, they are jetted quite lean, and tend to run hot and cause vapor lock, but fire? That's new to me.
Say Hello to -91415
That's a great find, Gary, especially on the East Coast! Really nice looking car!
carburetor intake? need advice
Bear in mind that unless you use air horns inside the pod filters to smooth the air flow, you will LOSE performance and make it difficult to tune your carbs properly. The air horns inside the factory air box are very efficient and do a good job. Most any of the normal online suppliers will be happy to sell you the pod filters - MSA or Black Dragon are the two obvious choices.
This might not be good...
Definitely a remnant of some ham-fisted previous attempt to replace the seal. The woodruff key was partially out of place, and showed obvious signs of having been peened by someone in an attempt to hold it in place while they re-installed the pulley. Luckily, I had a spare pulley on the shelf (from my old 4/71 parts car), as well as a pair of new spare woodruff keys left over from my transmission rebuild (the Type A transmissions use the same keys). So the car is back together now, and all seems to be fine.
This might not be good...
Early wooden shift knob restoration
Pretty much, yes. One side may be a tad sun faded. I believe the part as pictured above is a fair representation.
Early wooden shift knob restoration
^MikeW - Yeah, I agree 100%.
Early wooden shift knob restoration
Not wear or drying. The new ones are apparently not made by the same manufacturer' date=' that's my guess. Here are the differences:[img']http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/data/3223/DSC01030.jpg