Everything posted by Arne
pedal box difference
According to the parts CD, the clutch pedal itself is different for the '73. The early pedal is 46540-E4601 and was used through 6/72. The '73-only pedal was 46540-N3300 and was used from 7/72 through 7/73. All later cars (8/73 on) used a third pedal. My guess is that the clutch pedal and the pedal box must match.
Bumper Guards?
Yes and yes. The two guards are definitely different from side to side, and the '73 guards are much larger, and mount closer to the center of the car on the front, but farther apart on the rear.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Actually, while they look fine in the pictures, the rims (along with the carpet) are the weakest parts of the car, visually. Some of the wheels are rather badly pitted, the result of trying to machine polish a set of wheels with non-uniform alloy. Lots of small soft spots that machine polishing turned into mottled pits and uneven surface. After my wallet recovers I'll deal with the carpet. And I will need to start watching for a different set of vintage rims that I like. No hurry on the rims, the current set look OK from 10 feet or more, and are quite functional.
Early rubber mats
You mean the passenger mat, don't you?
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
No, I have a great wife. She supports and tolerates my obsessions very well. She's seen me go through this before, and acknowledges that I'll probably do it again in the future. Maybe. But I'm a pretty mellow driver for the most part. And I don't think it's any worse than beandip's "Arrest me" yellow, so as long as he's leading the pack... I've got both the stock headliner from the yellow donor car and a new headliner/pillar padding kit from MSA. Turns out that the pillar padding was not damaged in the process, so all I need is the headliner. I'm going to try to re-use the original since the MSA liner lacks the little perforations in the vinyl. That job is still a ways down the priority list.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Well, as you have probably figured out, the car WILL be reassembled in time for Canby, so I will drive it. The only exception is that it is possible that I won't have a headliner in it by then, but that's about it. So any of you who will be at Canby will be able to see it in person than.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Yeah, the red front spoiler is definitely a hit with me, I love it! I put the spook on first thing, before I had done any cleaning, because it seemed to me that the safest place for it to not get scuffed was on the car. Cleaning has been done now. Maybe, but its work I like doing. I figure if it's cured enough to color sand, it can stand me (carefully) putting it together. I've considered that, but not sure yet.The exterior is now done. Haven't tackled the interior yet, lots of dust to clean up in there before I can start putting it all back together. Yes, I've found a few (very small) flaws, but on the whole, I'm very pleased. It was a good looking car when I tore it apart 5 weeks ago. Now, the roof is right, the color is far less 'orangy' and is uniform from top to bottom, and it is not covered with door dings and rock chips. In short, it is an even better looking car now.
Car back from Maaco....Pictures attached
Here: http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30588
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
All the glass is in, as is all the door hardware, and the hatch parts. Front lights and side markers first tomorrow, then the grill, maybe the bumpers and emblems. Lots more cleanup to be done inside and under the hood.
Interior trim piece needed...
Mike, my 7/71 car has the one with a longer side, and is original. I can no longer say for certain (since the car is gone), but I think the 10/70 car had the equal length part.
Car back from Maaco....Pictures attached
An interesting comparison, since I just got mine back yesterday. I did pay a lot more than you did, but my local area Maaco isn't interested in this type of work. So mine was done at a shop that does both normal work as well as custom and rod work. I'd seen a hybrid Z that he'd done in the past, so I had some idea of the kind of work he'd do. For the type of job I wanted, I feel the price I paid was fair. Yours was a bargain.
Datsun Driving CANBY Fun June 14 & 15
Since my car is back home and reassembly has begun (see my car refresh thread), I don't see any problems with me making it to Canby, we'll plan to meet at the rest area also, just like last year. Might have a tag-along, the husband of a woman who works in the same agency as I do recently bought a '77 280Z (Sunburst yellow, former Zzap car, now without decals) and they want to come up for the day as well.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
It's home, and it's good. Reassembly has begun. I've called it a night for now, don't want to work on it if I'm not fresh. The results look to be just what I wanted, not a showroom or concours job, but a very sharp refresh of an original survivor. It's going to look great with all the trim and lights back on it. Doors are going to be hard to close for a while, damn weatherstripping...
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Just got off the phone with the shop, it's done!! He's cleaning it now, I go to pick it up as soon as I can sneak away from work!
Sad day in the world of comedy
Blazing Saddles was OK, but many of the skits on the Carol Burnett Show with Harvey, Carol, Tim and Vikki are true timeless comedy. I could watch those over and over. Harvey (and the others) was not just a comedian, he was a true showman. He will be missed.
A new pic of the 73
Why, yes. Yes it is.
harmonic damper from MSA
The stock two groove pulleys on my '71 L24s have all had a big, thick washer on the bolt. You probably need that washer, and maybe the matching bolt.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Yeah, I'm actually very impressed with both shops I used. I began this whole deal on April 26 when I pulled a few parts off and took the car North for the roof skin. I'll have it back today, May 30, and I suspect I'll have it assembled enough to drive by the end of this weekend, and probably complete in another week. We're talking 6 weeks total. That's way faster than I would have guessed.
Datsun Driving CANBY Fun June 14 & 15
Registration was only necessary to enter the car in the trophy hunt. Not needed to just show up for the day. If you are thinking of only one day, Sunday is the day when the cars are all on display. Saturday is not as interesting if you aren't a member of the sponsor club.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Checked in again today, but no new pictures, as to the camera it looks much the same as the last one. But in person, it looks great! I can't wait to bring it back home tomorrow afternoon.
Datsun Driving CANBY Fun June 14 & 15
Interesting, although I doubt I'll make any dyno runs with my bone stocker. But it does add a fun element to the day. I'm definitely going to be there on Sunday, even if my car isn't ready.
Centerforce II new install slipping!
Do you have any free play at the pedal or the slave-to-fork interface? Which slave did you use, early or late? Does the slave match the fork?
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Naw, I think I'll wait until the weekend. Tell me about it. The plan is to pick it up late Friday afternoon. Even if I don't work on it at all evenings after work (what are the chances of THAT?), I have two full weekends, plus the Saturday of Canby weekend, since I only plan on attending on Sunday. That's 5 full days. I've been cleaning parts over the past two weeks in my spare time, so in many cases it'll be pick it up and bolt it on. The cleaning is what takes the time. So I figure at the very worst it'll be weather-tight and drivable, even if it's not completely assembled.And if it's drivable, I'll bring it.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
Turns out that getting rid of the sunroof was not that hard or expensive. So the mere presence of a sunroof need not keep you from buying an otherwise good car.
Exterior refresh of my red 240Z
No longer gray/pink. Not sure I had the white balance right for inside the booth. Daylight pictures will have to wait a day or two. I'm scheduled to pick it up Friday afternoon.