Everything posted by Arne
Interior light
Rear defroster also has an inline fuse, IIRC. Randy's clock is no doubt gummed up like so many are by now. I repaired the one in my yellow 240Z using the tips I found here: Clock Repair: Analog 70-78 Z (Round)
Results at Canby? Pictures...
Oh, the 260Z. I believe the owner's name is Kim, I don't think he's a member here. Bryan (nwcubsman) knows him. It's a clean car.
Seller Sadnes
Love it if you're selling, but hate it if you're buying.
Seller Sadnes
Not yet, but I'm preparing to put my D hubcaps on eBay probably this weekend. I can't see myself ever using them, but somehow I'm reluctant to sell them.
Interior/Dash Wire Harness
Yeah, BTDT. Your best bet is either eBay or a small Z specialist. Make certain you get one for your year of car, as they change a fair amount from year to year. (Early cars changed month to month.) I got mine from Bad Dog parts.
Interior light
Both of mine work, both gain a couple of minutes per week. :classic:
240z secondary fuel tank
In the USA, yes. It was required for California emissions, so Nissan installed it in all of them. Through 6/71 production it was plastic, after that it was metal. Not certain about the rest of the world.
Fresh pics of my new baby...
I vastly prefer my small bumpers, but if I had a 280Z that had bumpers that were in good condition, I'm pretty certain that I'd keep them too. Why modify if the originals are good?
What's a fair price for Libres?
Yup. The car is a total loss. The wheels are by far the best part.
Results at Canby? Pictures...
You mean Burrl? The dark blue-black 240Z with the small block under the hood? I don't think Dustin (the owner, lives in Eugene) is a member here.
Results at Canby? Pictures...
No road salt = less rust. Yes, there are still a fair number of them out here.
What's a fair price for Libres?
That is the question. I love Libres, but my wife is not that fond of them. And I really like the high polish flash of my current wheels on my red 240Z, but still think a set of Libres would be nice to have. Problem is, I'll probably have to buy the entire car to get them, and it is - without a doubt - the rustiest 240Z I have EVER seen. I'm not sure that the wheels are worth the effort to part out a very terminal car.
What's a fair price for Libres?
What's a fair price for a set of real American Racing 14x5.5 Libres, with no curb rash? I've spotted a set locally, and need to figure out how high I'm willing to go on price.
Results at Canby? Pictures...
Yeah, even though CZCC.coms owner Mike didn't make it, the club was well represented. In the group pictured below are cars belonging to myself, beandip, Zs-ondabrain, funZ1Z, Mike B, justaZcarguy and more. We'd welcome you guys from farther afield, it'd be fun to meet some of you folks.
Results at Canby? Pictures...
Oops! Forgot the link! :nervous: http://www.bleachgarage.com/images/event/canby07/
Results at Canby? Pictures...
Will, I was so busy chatting with friends that I seldom see in person that I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have, and didn't pay attention at all to the names of the car owners. So I don't have a clue what car(s) James entered. The best collection of pictures I've seen so far is at the site below. He even got my car in one of the shots. I gotta learn not to park near utility boxes....
Getting ready to paint engine bay
BMW Techno-violet, used on '96-99 M3s.
Nothing special about the 350z?
No, not special, not like the 240Z was when it was still current.The 240Z was unique - there was very little offered that was at all similar, it created its own new market niche. The 350Z is a very competent sports car. (A bit uninspiring to look at, in my opinion, but competent none the less.) But so are multitudes of other cars on the market today. There is nothing about the 350Z that stands out like the original Z did. The saving grace for the 350Z is the combination of performance for a relatively affordable price. That's all it has going for it. But personally, I'd probably buy a Mustang GT over a 350Z. At least the Mustang's looks are distinctive and everyone knows what it is...
Datsun Dealerships
In retrospect folks, my post just above may be a bit harsh sounding. I'm sorry about that, and I blame it on being worked up over some non-Datsun stuff and it bled over. Sorry, all.
Datsun Dealerships
Well..... I guess you folks who feel this kind of stuff is important can have at it. From my point of view - that of a Datsun owner who wants to drive and maintain his car(s) - these topics are flavorless at best, and sometimes divisive at their worst. The fact of the matter is that after the amount of time that has passed, the chances of coming up with the "truth" are slim and none. We don't have access to the people who were involved, and their recollections may not jive anyway. And in the end, none of this type of history stuff will matter to me or my car(s) anyway. Enjoy, all...
Interior light
No, disconnecting the buzzer won't hurt it. (The buzzer is disconnected on my yellow car - light works fine.) In my experience, the most likely issue is a lack of good ground contact for the door switches. Pop the switches out - I think you'll likely find that as you pry the switch out of the hole the light will come on. So pull the switch, clean up the hole to clean metal, clean the rust off the switch tabs, and re-insert it. That will probably do it. You may also want to clean up the pointed contacts on the switches while you have them out.
How to adjust caliper
You don't. If the caliper won't release properly either the master cylinder pushrod is improperly adjusted, or the caliper is seized and needs to be rebuilt or replaced.
Who will be at the Datsun Driving Canby Fun event?
Sorry I missed you, Austen. Or if I saw you and talked with you I wasn't aware of it. And very sorry to hear of your car's troubles. I met up with several other 240Zs at the I-5 rest area near Canby, and then we did the final ten miles as a group. Must have been six or seven of us. We got there shortly after 10:00 and parked all in a group. A few more joined us, and there ended up being quite a few Zs, in fact I think that even though the sponsoring club is heavily 510-oriented the 240Zs out-numbered the dimes. Very cool to see the cars, and to chat with people I rarely see in person.
Zs in Canby, OR on June 10, 2007
Zs in Canby, OR on June 10, 2007