Everything posted by Arne
Where do these hoses go?
I had a good one, just had some surface rust on it, so I cleaned and painted mine. Wouldn't be too hard to make, if you have access to a bender for pipes that small.
a long time comming
Trust me, I know first hand how expensive Mudd is, as that is where my son is now. In his last year, thank goodness.I have been down there a time or two on business as well, spent a week working in Chino in 2003. I think I was staying in Ontario during that assignment. I've seen several nice areas in the Inland Empire.
Where do these hoses go?
Let me know if you get it. I ordered one about three weeks ago, and they told me it was a good number, but I never got it. Was told that the warehouse that was supposed to have it/them couldn't find it.
a long time comming
My son is going to school in Claremont, does that count? Even though I'm 900 miles North? (No he doesn't have a Z.)
oh my god!!!!!!!!
It is interesting that both Mike's original one and the copy on Craigslist are both in Portland. How odd...
oh my god!!!!!!!!
Not only was it a dealer option, but it was a rare one at that.
New Door Weatherstrip concerns
Gary, do a search on this site and you'll find lots of similar complaints. I don't know what the solution is as I haven't gpt to that part on my project..
smog pump seized
True, the air pump has no real effect on performance, other than a small amount of additional drag. (Assuming it's not siezed.) If it's working, no reason not to have it. But if it's bad and you don't need it to pass emissions, it doesn't hurt to remove it either.
Old school 5 slot Mags.
If that was criminally good, I don't want to know what you'd call the deal I got on my near-mint "D" hubcaps.
Electronic Distributor Upgreade
Same here on a '71.
What is the stock diameter of 240Z exhaust?
So for a 240Z, it appears to be 1 5/8". Thanks to all!
What is the stock diameter of 240Z exhaust?
OK, that helps. So when I get my new exhaust built with 2 1/4", even if I don't get mandrel bent it looks like I'll still be at least equal to stock.
Old school 5 slot Mags.
Yeah, I remember yours, and I do recall that there were a few companies that made those wheels (generally called "turbines" by those of us in the wheel business in those days) without the flat area around the hub. Can't come up with a name right now, but if I think of it later I'll let you know. I know that they WEREN'T Westerns...
What is the stock diameter of 240Z exhaust?
I did a bit of searching, and never saw this spec. Does anyone know what the diameter of the factory stock 240Z exhaust pipes were?
Old school 5 slot Mags.
I've seen a few old four-lug six-slots, not sure if they were Dragmaster or not. Didn't Victor Laury have a set?
Maybe I'm too much of a purist, but...
Oregon does allow plates to be moved from car to car, with some limitations. The red tag on a plate beginning with 'H' indicates it's registered through Aug. '07. The yellow plates were issued from very late '73 through '87. So while they are 'vintage' plates, they aren't quite vintage enough for most 240Zs. Most people in Oregon (myself included) would prefer the earlier blue plates which most 240Zs would have been issued.
Old school 5 slot Mags.
Unlike the five-slots which were made by every US wheel company and their dog as well, I'm pretty sure that only one company made the six-slots, and there may have only been one size for the Z. But while I'm pretty certain I've heard who made those, the name escapes me at present.
Old school 5 slot Mags.
When I sold wheels back in the day, you could easily get either width in many brands. (Some brands were 5.5" instead of 6".) Neither are especially rare, but 6" are a bit more common.
oil pan plug copper washer
When I bought my car, the PO had used a thick fiber (paper) washer and RTV on mine. I bought a coper washer at a local parts house, it was something like 50 cents. Take the plug with you to match it up, if you can.
Automatic Tranny RPMs?
Depending on the year and axle ratio, that's in the right ballpark. With the 3.54:1 ratio that was stock for the early automatics, the speedometer should read approximately 19 MPH per 1000 RPM. That doesn't factor in tire height, but tire height only affects true speed, not the relationship of the speedo to the tach.
Straw poll: 240Z to ZX alternator adapter
The adapters are still available, details and contact info can be found at: http://home.comcast.net/~1971.240z/alt-adapt.html
What tires size on Rears?
There are two parts to this question. One is what is the widest tire (of a semi-approriate height) that will fit on a 7" wide wheel? While this will vary a little from brand to brand, for the most part the answer is 225 mm wide. 225's will be a bit pinched on a 7" but will fit. But part two is just as important. And that is how wide (and tall) a wheel and tire combo will fit your car? And the answer there is more complex. Because it depends on both the effective offset of your wheels (including any spacers), and the particular suspension you have on the car. So the answer is - we don't have enough data to answer.
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
Yes, it is welded in both cars.
240Z orig. radio - no brackets?
Yeah, looks pretty much the same as mine, as best I can see in the picture. I'd be really surprised if that cross-brace/bracket wasn't spot-welded in place. Here's mine:
What year 240 Z
Certainly is.It is interesting to note how many of the 12xxx cars were automatics. Certainly 12403 (funz1z), 12658 (yours), and 12746 (mine, originally). Seems to me I've heard of others right in this area too. Apparently Nissan cranked out a big batch of automatics in October, 1970.