Everything posted by Arne
New To Site -- Looking for 411 on '75 280z pricing
Stuart, your profile doesn't have your location listed. If you enter that so we all know where you live perhaps we can keep our eyes out for a better car for you. For I agree with John - that one will take a lot of work to get back on the road. Better to start with an already running car if you can afford it.
Wiring harness questions - early '71 240Z (long)
Mostly just the hassles getting everything to line up, and laying on my back on the passenger side to get all the wiring reconnected. I had the thing out of the car in 30 minutes or less. Took several hours to get it back in. No big problems, just awkward and time consuming.
Wiring harness questions - early '71 240Z (long)
Update - The dash harness has been replaced!! As well as the horribly melted fusebox. I think it's all better now, we'll see if the car still draws the battery down while it's sitting. If not, I've got it licked. Man, the dash is a lot harder to put back in the car, than it was to remove it!
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Bigger alternators can be good, but lack of amps isn't the big problem with the headlights. Running all the amps that the headlights draw through a 35 year old headlight switch and fusebox is. A different alternator doesn't address that at all, but the relay harness does.
holley carbs help!!!
Maybe. But on the other hand, there are a few people out there - not many, but a few - who are quite pleased with their Holley four barrel setups. If you can get it tuned properly, it might run quite fine. I personally have no experience with them on a Z, however. I can say that the only Holley I have personally used was on a small block Chevy, where the proper jetting was not too hard to do, lots of hot rodders know what to do on a Chevy V8. It ran fine, nice and strong. Mileage was worse than the factory Rochester, though.
240z for sale in the Bay Area
Makes sense. That was pretty much what I thought as well. Didn't know what VIN the Series II started with for sure until now though. Thanks, Carl.
holley carbs help!!!
You won't find many people on this board who have experience with the Holley carb, and even fewer who like them and know how to tune them. Maybe on hybridz.org?
240z for sale in the Bay Area
I'm not surprized. You have the same whell that I have. Not sure when they changed to the wheel with holes.
240z for sale in the Bay Area
Depends on how original it is, but it looks like an early '71 to me. It is a Series 1, but might be a really late Series 1 since the steering wheel has the holes in the spokes. My '71 (10/70) has no holes in the spokes, so I'd guess that is a 12/70 or maybe 1/71 car.EDIT: Oops! I missed the VIN. Probably earlier than mine with a later steering wheel on it. Either that, or the VIN is a typo and should be 18105, not 08105.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Not ready for prime time. It's coming along, but I don't expect to actually have it on the road for several months at best. And once I get that done, it'll be time to save for rust, body and paint work.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Total fluke deal. I got no owner's manual or anything like that, but after 35 years the Service and Warranty booklet was still there! Who knows why? The first owner's name was there too - I thought about contacting him just for fun, but when I Googled him one of the first hits was his obituary. RIP.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
True, but it might be significant to note that while I have very little knowledge of my car's history, it did come with the original Service and Warranty booklet in the glovebox. So I know that it was originally sold to the first owner on January 7, 1971 in Great Falls, Montana. How does that mess with your data? Do we have any idea where redeye's was originally delivered?
Which year 280z S30 would you recommend?
Good comments in the previous replies. And if you're looking for a 5 speed, getting a '77 or '78 that came with it from the factory would be a plus. Two other things come to mind, though. You might want to look through the catalogs to see if there are any gaping holes in parts availabilitie for either the '75-76 or '77-78. It might be that some parts (trim, particularly) might be more available for one vintage than another. And my last thought you probably already know, same as for any used car purchase, especially for a daily driver - buy the best example you can find/afford. Even if it's not exactly what you think you want.
NISMO grill install in a post 7-72 240
I thought the mesh grill was normally called a "Fairlady" grill. Never heard it called Nismo before.
Rally Clock and oscillator unit For Sale
Unfortunately for bemmerguy, I have read that PayPal-only auctions consistently draw fewer bids and average lower final prices than other auctions. This is because the restriction locks out millions of eBayers who don't have PayPal accounts. Something to consider.
Trivia : How many?
More than I have rivits, I'm sure!
Heritage Certificate
Actually, the English are a bit odd in that birth search thing. Granted, it's cool. I had one for my old MGB.
Stretching my wife's patience...
1.) The "I won't bite" was referring to the "girly man" comment. Didn't figure it deserved any response.2.) Actually, I really don't think you have a problem at all. What I perceive of your outlook on life is VERY limited, being based solely on a single post here in this forum. Hardly enough to make a valid judgement. 3.) My "self-centered" remark was directed a bit at you, but it's not your fault, and I can't even say that it's wrong. It is though, a very common attitude in our culture today. Sadly so, in my opinion, but that's just me. 4.) Finally, I'm really surprized at the direction this thread has taken. I included the references to my wife's thoughts as a small counterpoint - the real topic was supposed to be the parts I picked up yesterday. Oh well... :tapemouth
Stretching my wife's patience...
Sorry, 240ZX, I won't bite on that. After 27+ years my wife is an important part of who I am. You should never assume that the compromises are one-way only. She compromises to my wants just as much as I do to hers. Like Rich, I have no complaints - always nice cars, nice motorcycles, ATV's etc. I've not suffered for lack of toys. Frankly, I don't envy you at all. You've obviously not met the right woman yet, which doesn't surprize me much as your attitude (like many people in our culture these sorry days) seems to be extremely self-centered. Enjoy your single life, dude. I wouldn't trade with you.
so i was asked...
You know, I like the C5 wheels on the early 'Vette. Any rubbing problems?
Back to KYB vs. Tokico....
Maybe Arizona Z's?http://www.arizonazcar.com/springs.html
Ebay H4 headlamps ...
Without seeing them, I'd say probably not. Dave's harness was custom designed for 240Z's. No off the shelf harness can be better, simply because it is generic.
Stretching my wife's patience...
Yup, we've got reservations for a nice dinner on Sunday. I agree, we have to treat them right. It took me a few years to figure it out, but it's lasted almost 28 years so far, I ain't about to screw it up now.
Wiring harness questions - early '71 240Z (long)
Sent you a PM.
Too much juice for my starter?
A marine battery has no way to damage your starter. Don't sweat it.