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Everything posted by CanTechZ

  1. I'm not sure about Surrey Nissan but I believe he has been Parts Manager at Jonker Nissan since the early 90's
  2. Here is a useful link for part numbers: http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsuns30/DatsunZIndex/Engine280Z/FuelTank/FromJul-76/tabid/1622/Default.aspx
  3. Thanks for the valuable contacts, hopefully some of their vast knowledge will be passed down to their younger co-workers. Len's last name is Marshall and he also is a long time Parts Manager, old fart (no offence Len in case you see this )
  4. And here's another one from ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-Datsun-Nissan-22162-E3001-Dana-39-3213-Distributor-Cap-Fairlady-240Z-Z-Car-/380871139691 The symbol on this Dana cap is the same as on Arne's rotor in post #16 in the thread linked by 26th-z It seems that period looking distributor caps are not hard to find, I think I will save mine if only because it has a Hitachi Logo.
  5. Thanks for this, I did do a search with various search terms but did not see this topic. Search can be hit and miss depending on the words chosen. I see on that thread that Arne posted pictures of his cap. This helps a lot.
  6. Thanks for the info Richard. I had my own suspicions about the "NPN" possibly meaning no part number, I just had not seen it used with a Nissan P/N prefix. I purchased the cap from Chilliwack Datsun. Thanks for the contact at West Coast Nissan, if I contact Glen I will definitely mention you name. It seems some Nissan dealers of today are not to helpful with our old Datsun's, the local dealership here in Chilliwack has been of no help even when I give them a good S30 part number. Do you know Len at Jonker Nissan in Surrey, I have found him to be very helpful. When doing a previous search about dated coded spark plug wires I noticed that Arne on this site has an original green-gray cap, maybe he will see this thread and chime in, if not I may PM him and report back if I learn anything. Thanks Mike
  7. Zed, thanks for your thoughts. I was slow getting out my last post (stopped mid sentence for lunch) so I had not seen this as I was typing. Yes my interest is to collect as many of this type of original period correct parts to go along with my on going restoration process. In the case of this cap I am just unsure, as it was a replacement from the early eighties. Thanks again Mike
  8. Perhaps I should have said "Is this the OEM part originally specified for Nissan part number 22612-E3001 used on a 240Z?" I would also not expect that after 40 plus years the part ordered from Courtesy to be a NOS part in the original color, likely it could be an equivalent part produced by Nissan's current OEM. Same as when you order new hoses by the old Nissan part number they are usually available but likely not braided. With new parts the fit and function will be good but they may look slightly different. FWIW Mike
  9. Thank's site, I put that cap on in about 1980 and it was purchased from my local Datsun dealer but the p/n on the invoice reads 22162-NPN so I wasn't sure if it was an OEM. It would be nice if someone could confirm if it is an OEM, or not.
  10. Nice color, hopefully I will get mine re-painted back to the original 918 in the next couple of years. Keep up the good work.
  11. I found this greenish gray distributor cap with my old original dated coded spark plug wires and would like to know if it could be an original cap. It has a Hitachi logo on it, but also has the number 4659-2700 molded into it. This cap looks like it has aluminum terminals, would that be correct or did the originals have brass? Just trying to determine if this is worth saving, any help would be appreciated.
  12. Maybe he's talking about a classic semi, where a little patina and no shiny bits works quite well,
  13. Replying to this old thread because after a search it seemed like the most appropriate place to share this find from today when I was cleaning out some old parts I've accumulated. I can't believe I almost turfed these. I took them off and replaced them about 8 years ago because I had no idea how old they were, not because they were shot. Turns out they are the original Yazaki leads my car came with, dated coded 1970. As others have said here before, "Don't throw anything away".
  14. That is correct
  15. This sounds like the typical drivability issue due to the as designed throttle linkage geometry of all 240z's. Here is a good discussion on the subject: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/47250-mechanical-throttle-linkage-whats-the-problem/
  16. No upgrade here but I just finished doing a good cleaning of my early grapefruit alternator and the surrounding area in my engine bay. Here's the before: And the after:
  17. I've been reading about using clay bars to clean auto glass and plan to try it soon when I put my car back on road, it seems they even have clay bars specifically for glass. This one even mentions cleaning the inside: http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/glass+cleaning+clay.do I have had good luck with clay bars for paint, has anyone else tried it on glass?
  18. Here is a picture showing the two gauge faces side by side This picture is from the "unique series one parts" thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/31737-1970-series-i-240z-unique-parts/page-3 I have a dash from a later series one parts car S/N HLS30 16531, it has the 90 psi gauge. I have had the dash for over 20 years but don't know the full history, I've wondered if this was a case where the 140 psi gauge was replaced. It would be interesting see the actual reading differences for both gauges with a 6 bar sending unit, this would show if interpolated readings could be used.
  19. Not a full valence but, I really like the job HaZmatt did ..... http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/49193-my-datsun-280z-rustoration/page-20 post 398
  20. I found the following data to help clarify the bolt head marking subject: This document can be found here, thanks Chas. http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/49520-bolt-sizes/
  21. Are you referring to the '73 auto discussed here, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/51483-oh-my/ and here, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/51478-bat-73-auto-goes-for-29500/ Is this the manual you are referring to, http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1972-datsun-240z-5/ And yes I agree, both are nice.
  22. Thanks Chas, this info will definitely help, and I have couple of extra lenses from a parts car to experiment with. If all goes well I may end up with a pair of decent complete front turn signals to sell as well as fix my own.
  23. The crank pulley on my '70 non emissions car looks the same as your example, out of curiosity would it likely be the same comp PN?
  24. Nice work Chas, I am just starting a similar repair to my left turn signal lens. But I don't have much experience with plastic repairs, what type of resin did you use and what is the material that you shaped as the temporary mold, also what did you use as a release agent on the screw. I was considering the exact method for repair but wasn't sure of the best material to use. Mike
  25. Thanks to Jim, Sean and site for your suggestions, I will check them out.

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