Everything posted by CanTechZ
New guy from Vancouver, BC
Welcome to the club, nice to see another early car staying mostly stock or with only period mods. I enjoy almost all zeds from stock to heavily modifed, but as stock as possible is my main passion. Please post some before, during & after pics of your floor restore, I may do the same soon. I'm only about an hour up the valley from you and may be interested in hearing who is doing your floor work. Mike
? about license plates
Not all provinces in Canada require two license plates. Here in BC two are required but in neighboring Alberta only one plate is required. In BC we have a collector plate program (still two plates), where if a vehicle is 25 or more years old and verified to be fully stock, or restored to stock and is good condition it can qulaify for this program. The benefits are a unique set of plates, very low insurance rates, full pleasure only driving priledges, & only one set of plates/insurance is required for all qualifying collector cars in your fleet. I have had these plates since 1995, the other benefit is that collector plated cars are exempt from annual emissions testing. Mike
Early Hood Differences
My 1970, number 6521, has the #1 style hood and has a production date of July '70, it was delivered to Vancouver BC, Canada. I have owned the car since 1978 & to the best of my knowledge it is the original hood. Mike
1970 240Z Owners Manuals
My orginal owners manual from 6521 build date 7/70 has the same front & back cover as "a7dZ" but the issue date is 20 March 70. Later S/N & build date but an earlier manual issue date. Mike
Rev range? Is this right?
Here's a scan from my 1970 240Z owners manual describing tach operation. I really like the part about normal driving being "in" the yellow sector (6500 to 7000 rpm). As for driving with the tach in the red zone, what would you call "unless otherwise really necessary"???
For Interest Only (Toyota 2000GT)
Another surviving GT2000. I guess I have always been a bit of a collector. I got this one for Christmas in the late '60s when I was 8 or 9. I think the movie came out in 1967.
Other cars you own, or drive?
The only thing that my daily driver and my Z have in common is that they are both orange and Japanese, oh yea and they both get a lot of looks. I just had my '88 Suzuki Samurai painted 350Z orange a couple of weeks ago. Here are a couple of pics of both at a local show n shine last weekend.
Replacing Series 1 Ashtray
I also should have bought spares of common interior parts. My best score was buying a new set of four first year 'D' logo hubcaps for the outrageous price of $35.00 each. Definitely should have bought more. They are still in almost mint condition today.
Valve cover differences
My '70 Series I also reads: " NISSAN 2400 OHC "
Original Key Blanks
Series 1 240z's did have one key for the ignition & one for the doors & hatch. I am still looking for reasonably priced key blanks as well.
1971 240Z OEM Bridgestone 175/14 Value?
The spare in my 7/70 is what I believe to be an original OEM. It is a Bridgestone and is in similar condition with same tread as 7T1240 and it is a 175-SR14. There is small number "K7001" would that be the date code?
- 1970 240z
- 1970 240z
- 1970 240z
- 1970 240z
- 1970 240z
- 1970 240Z
1970 240Z Console Defroster Switch
Sounds good, and good luck with the repair. Regards Mike
1970 240Z Console Defroster Switch
Good idea. ddezso are you willing to give up (sell) your old switch parts if they will make mine work? if yes I will post pics showing what's wrong with mine.
1970 240Z Console Defroster Switch
I am also in need of the early unlit defroster switch for my 7'70. I was able to disassemble my switch but found that the small black pin on the underside of the rocker was broken off, so I don't thick it is fixable.
What was originally in the 1970 240Z toolbins?
My 7'70 has similar items to Doug N's '72. Passenger side: jack, two orange (non folding) tire blocks. Driver's side: black toolkit containing lug wrench and the two red bars used to operate the jack. Pics attached.