Everything posted by CanTechZ
Phantom Z designed by Mr. Matsuo Will be reveiled at Z Con 2014!
Just noticed that Motor Trend recently posted an article with some good pics of this Phantom Z Wagon. Love it or hate it, I think it's kind of cool. https://www.motortrend.com/features/nissan-datsun-240z-sport-wagon-shooting-brake-custom-build/ Not complete without Mr. Matsuo. 🙂
240 frame measurements
You're welcome.
240 frame measurements
Also here is a link to where I shared a Hi-res pdf scan from my 72 FSM,
240 frame measurements
Here is a hi-res tiff file I created a few years back. 240Z Chassis Dimensions - Source 1970 FSM Dated 15AUG70.tif
Which Trans do I have F4W71A or B
Shifter Orientation
What speedometer is this for?
Yup, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, give or take. Lol
What speedometer is this for?
FWIW, here is a comparison of 240Z speedometers as shown in the 1970 thru 1973 Owners Manual pdf scans I have collected.
Door End Rubber Seals 240Z
Hoarding Z Parts
Thanks and no rush. I definitely understand about keeping these as a pair and that shipping will not be insignificant. Feel free to PM me. I am going check mine a little closer with a borescope plus do some poking with an awl to see if it's worth repairing them instead of replacing.
Hoarding Z Parts
All I can say is "Wow". You don't see those every day. The left one would be a good add to my car. Are you serious about possibly parting with them?
Hoarding Z Parts
Nice to see parts like this. When I saw the 5'72 from date on your post it got me thinking about my 7/70 HLS30 that I am currently restoring for the second time. During the first resto back in 1982 my body man suggested I replace the original on the RH side as it was warped. He said it would be cheaper to replace that fix, at $25 for the part he was right. So I had a look at my covers and sure enough the RH is the one from 5/72 on, p/n 63201-E4102, and my LH one is still the earlier used from 4/70 to 4/72, p/n 63201-E4100. For those interested here is a picture showing the difference, The reinforcing doubler is much more robust on the later one. I find it strange that the North American parts book shows these as not interchangeable. Seems like they are.
1970 Series I 240Z Unique Parts
Hoarding Z Parts
Here is my "hoard" of part number 74932 E4100 scuff plates, that cover the rocker panel vinyl and hold down the weather stripping. There is an interesting evolution of this part. The early version had 5 holes. and later versions have 3 holes. My 7/70 car originally had the 5 holes ones but when I bought my first replacement in 1979 it was the three hole type, as were the two I purchased in 1984. Also it seems that sometime after 1984 Nissan changed to a texture painted finish instead of the original texture vinyl wrapping. I have one of the new painted ones that I purchased in 2015. Below I have included closeup pictures of both to show the difference in finish and texture. Top side: Bottom side: Close up of finish/texture of the early vinyl wrapped design: Close up of finish/texture of the later texture painted design:
Yet another mustache bar bushing thread
You probably saw this info from @kats during your search, but I just wanted to post the link for others that might find it useful. It does include most of the OEM part numbers for the early and later designs and has a lot of great pictures.
Hoarding Z Parts
You're welcome
Hoarding Z Parts
It might be @Patcon, but I believe he is looking for the roof head liner welting. I just checked and the head liner welting is about 3mm (1/8") shorter than the door seal welting. Door seal welting is 14mm channel height and the head liner welting is 11mm channel height.
Hoarding Z Parts
You are correct that in some of the replacement weather stripping this is included with the door weather strip as a one piece design. What you have would be useful if someone wanted to stay with original two part design. This material is generally referred to as welting. Here is a discussion with some more info.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The seller just posted his picture of how the car has been stored for the last 15 years. It's still only at 12K with two days to go. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1971-datsun-240z-247/
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
Here is a link to the post I made on my build thread about removal of these items. I plan to use it remind me about how to reinstall this trim, ie steps in reverse. I was lucky that mine reusable. Hopefully it might help.
Hoarding Z Parts
I just noticed that there are currently two of these on Ebay. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/304703085551?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=706-89093-2056-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=304703085551&targetid=1657494600950&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9001461&poi=&campaignid=17288881879&mkgroupid=135489415103&rlsatarget=pla-1657494600950&abcId=9300870&merchantid=589834493&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp9eE7My7_AIVMRStBh1pYQ6tEAQYASABEgJmI_D_BwE https://www.ebay.ca/itm/295176060437?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=706-89093-2056-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=295176060437&targetid=1656417413710&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9001461&poi=&campaignid=17297476241&mkgroupid=135489415143&rlsatarget=pla-1656417413710&abcId=9300870&merchantid=592332613&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp9eE7My7_AIVMRStBh1pYQ6tEAQYAiABEgKHfvD_BwE
Hoarding Z Parts
The Nissan parts book shows the metal one starting at 07/71 and the plastic one ending 06/71. @foosmanwhat is your production date? I do have a spare plastic one from a 12/70 parts car. I have no idea what they are worth but I don't need it as my 7/70 is a Canadian non-emissions car. Edit, I just noticed you have a 5/71, let me know if you are interested.
Datsun Technical Bulletins for 1969-1972 - PDF download
It can be found on this site also, I have found it both useful and interesting as well. Thanks @240260280
Hoarding Z Parts
Just for reference, In 1982 I purchased new OEM RH & LH fenders from my local Datsun Dealer and they were $380 each, Canadian. This was for the first resto on my 7/70. I bet that with inflation over 40 years, NOS fenders would be at least 3 or 4 times that today, not even considering availability. Rear quarter panels were CDN$450 back then.