Everything posted by theianmonster
Green ST springs??
From that tiny picture, they look green on the box as well. About the rubber spacer; I'm pretty sure you don't need one unless you're just trying to improve your suspension and not actually lower the car, but I'd ask one of the pros around here.
Black Dragon Auto has the front bumper bar, not sure about the corners though. I don't think there are any US style rear bumper replacements.
New to 240z
Once you go Datsun, everything else sucks, haha.
What would you like to add to your S30?
A carbon fiber hatch.
cherry blossom's survive
Oh My God! I've Wanted These Foreverrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Senior Project.
Alright, thanks zack.
Senior Project.
I wish. *drool*.
Senior Project.
I'm a senior in high school this year and I have to do a project to graduate. I was going to buy some beater and do body work, but they said it has to be something new, and I already did the bodywork on my 240. So, I was looking at the possibility rebuilding a motor. How "easy" is it to rebuild and upgrade an L-series? Or do you guys have any other suggestions for a car-related project. Thanks, Ian.
240Z Parts
The lenses are super nice. They just need to be cleaned up.
240Z Parts
I sent you a PM Ed. Also, I have a set of Eurolite Turn Signals/Fog lights that were for the MSA Type III air dam. I'm selling them for $75 firm. They've never been used.
hi everyone
Welcome to the club, now give me your car! Kidding...kind of, haha.
240Z prices are dropping.
They seem to be going up in the states.
240Z Parts
I've got some spare parts I'd like to get rid of. Make an offer on them or maybe a trade or something. I'll take pictures either tonight or tomorrow. - Turn signal switch assembly - '73 - Tail lights - '73 - Chrome center is worn, no gaskets - Tail light surrounds - '73 - One has no chrome ring - Horn pad - '73 I think that's it. Let me know, thanks guys.
Gas door question...?
Yeah, they started using the "finger indent" as you put it in '72. Mine has the same thing. I thought about getting one of the locking ones, but it looks cleaner without it.
Teaching the young ones to restore!
You have one gnarly kid, haha.
What is the worst part of this club
This club is the only reason my Z is sitting in my garage painted and kind of running. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. I'm serious when I say its like a family here. Thanks everybody, Ian.
Installing Tail Light Surrounds?
Thanks for all the help! Its bolted on!
Installing Tail Light Surrounds?
I'm having trouble putting the tail light surrounds back in, the three piece assembly. I have to drill holes for the left and right parts, but I can't figure out how the middle piece fits in. Can somebody explain it to me or post pictures? Thank you. THIS IS ACTUALLY PRETTY URGENT.
My name is Brian and I am a Zzzholic
Welcome to the club. Your Z looks awful high.
Gas Cap For '72!?
Anybody know where I can get a gas cap for a '72 for cheaaaaaaappppppp!??!?!?!?! I have to be able to drive my car next week and I don't have a gas cap and this CAN'T hold me up. :dead:
240K GT for sale, Adelaide, South Australia
That's it, I HAVE to move to Australia so I can get one of these.
JDM mesh grill
I don't hate them for it, they're one of the best parts sources out there, I LOVE MSA, haha.
JDM mesh grill
MSA overcharges everything.
Welcome to the club! Its awesome to see Z builders from across the water!
240Z Paint Feedback
You shouldn't wax paint for three months. It kills your paint job.