Everything posted by theianmonster
Protocal for wet sand and polishing?
Just take some really fine paper 600+, put it on a block, and with some water sand the orange peel in circles. You might have to spray a little more paint but it should work.
Hello everyone!
Awesome, another Washingtonian. Welcome to the club. Check out http://seattle.craigslist.org/car - search for 240Z, there's a few up there. One for $14,500, but don't buy that one, not worth it, haha.
Best option for a Lower Z
Eibach Pro Spring kit.
Autocross Fuel Cell Install
I don't know about cute, but it looks good, haha.
How is The Project going?
I just painted the inside of my hatch and stuff. I'm finishing up body work and spraying her soon (hopefully). I keep saying that, then something bad happens, oh well. It'll get done sooooon.
What is your car's nickname?
nope, sorry. i'll take some next time i go painting. i mainly do characters, and they've been dubbed "ugly fairies", haha.
What is your car's nickname?
Project MNSTR - My dad nick named me "The Ian Monster", and I started doing graffiti about a year ago (legally) and I went by MNSTR, so it fit. Monster without vowels, good stuff.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
I remember you talking about a carbon fiber dash, I want to see it when you get it done. You're going to have one gorgeous Z. MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE.
Tell us about your Z!
<i>It has wheels,and the horn works-when you put the battery to it!</i> Pretty much sums it up. I've got a 1972 240Z that I bought two years ago for $750. So many problems arose, but after researching Z's within those years, I should've expected it. It's almost ready for paint now though, so that's good.
Four doors aren't cool.
Psht, the four doors are tight. Besides: Four doors = stronger car.
busy painting
Post some pictures!
New from Missouri
Disconnect the battery, <b>kidding</b>. Welcome to the club! Haha.
240 z rally
Damn, looks good just from your avatar, welcome to ClassicZCars.com!
240k restoration
I'm slowly falling in love with 240K's, post some photos!
Proud owner of 75 280 Z
Welcome to the club, can't wait to see some photos of your car.
Newbie from Knoxville, TN
Welcome to the club, hopefully you'll become an active member.
ebay item number 4630016167
Haha, I got my car for $750 with a spray paint job and a wrecked door and looked better than that! Haha.
New and need some advice
Welcome to the club, glad to see another Washingtonian.
Someone ran into my car.
you can buy rear marker lights from black dragon auto for $7.
Orange problemo
How about orange with white stripes, then pinstripe the white black.
Off to Paint!!!
Congrats my friend! I'll be starting paint soon myself, but in my garage. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Banzai Motorworks
I'm pretty sure he got the link the first time, haha.
black mesh rims
New Black Metallic paint job finally done! (with pic)
Yeah, better get on that wetsanding. I can see some orange peel in the first picture.
Car Valuation...jusut curious
You got a very good deal. I got my 1972 240 for $750 BUT, it had just been in an accident, the whole passenger side was pushed in, the drivers door hinges were bad, the door itself was, the rear hatch deck was rusted out, along with the bottoms of the fenders, battery tray. The hatch had been bondoed and it was cracking, the rear quarter panel was smashed, same with the door jam. I've put about $2500 back into it so far. Sounds like you got a really good deal for a non-cancerous car. Great find.